ARTICLE – Loving Our Enemies and Reconciling with Others

Jesus goes as far as to ask us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. This is a radical and transformative teaching, one that invites us to transcend anger and bitterness and to respond to hurtful acts with kindness and forgiveness. 

The same forgiveness that God has extended to us should also be extended to others. When we forgive, we release the grip of resentment, and we open ourselves up to inner freedom and healing. 

Jesus himself taught us through his life to love our enemies. He forgave those who tortured him and prayed for those who persecuted him. Reconciliation also involves trying to repair relationships with people whom we have wronged by putting aside our pride and seeking to set things right and making amends. 

Reconciling with others can be a challenging process, but it is also essential to living our faith and witnessing to Christ.  Here are some practical tips:

  • Assuming responsibility for our actions and being honest about our mistakes.
  • Actively listening: Don’t interrupt the other person as they express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Apologizing: Offer a sincere apology without making excuses or justifying our actions.
  • Making restitution: If possible, make things right by fixing the harm we caused or offering compensation.
  • Forgiving: Forgiveness is a crucial part of reconciliation. It allows both parties to move forward and heal from past hurts.
  • Being patient: Reconciliation takes time. Be patient and allow the other person to work through their own emotions and thoughts.
  • Seeking outside help: If necessary, consider seeking the help of a neutral third party, such as a counsellor or mediator, to facilitate the reconciliation process.

+ Let’s pray

Heavenly Father,

We come to you today with a humble heart, seeking Your guidance and wisdom as we strive to live out your teachings of love and reconciliation.

We keep in mind your divine instructions to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us, a call that invites us to transcend anger and bitterness and to respond to hurtful acts with kindness and forgiveness.

We ask for your strength and grace as we seek to forgive those who have wronged us, and as we strive to reconcile with others. Help us to assume responsibility for our actions, to listen actively, to offer sincere apologies, to make restitution where possible, and to be patient in the reconciliation process.

Thank you for the gift of forgiveness and for the promise of inner freedom and healing that comes with it. May we always seek to love others as you have loved us, and may our hearts be filled with your peace and compassion as we strive to live out our faith.


Pierre-Alain Giffard
Director of Pastoral Work

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