Beatification of Carlo Acutis

Nowadays, is it possible to be declared a saint?

On October 10, a 15-year-old Italian boy, Carlo Acutis, was declared Blessed. It was the Archdiocese of Milan that had made the request to Pope Francis. He died of a devastating leukemia and was declared Blessed for the acts of Christian virtue performed during his short life. The miracle required for his beatification was confirmed by the healing of a Brazilian child who suffered from a severe deformity of the pancreas.

Blessed Carlo Acutis will be celebrated annually on October 12 in the Diocese of Milan, and the faithful everywhere will be able to give thanks to God for his witness and commitment as a baptized person.

If you want to know more about Carlo Acutis, visit the following website.

One of the great achievements of this teenager is the collection of information, photographs and descriptions of 136 Eucharistic miracles recognized by the churches. It was an exhibition that was presented worldwide. Here is the internet link that will inform you about this project.

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