WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 8, 2022 (Ferial)

We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done!

(Luke 17.7-10)


Appeal Letter – Evangelization Collection

Please read Bishop Desrochers’ appeal letter from the Office of the Bishop here.

The War in Ukraine – A Call to Prayer, Fasting, and Action

The war in Ukraine rages on with no end in sight, claiming the lives of thousands of innocent children, men and women. In light of the recent intensified attacks, The Ukrainian Rite Catholic Bishops of Canada invite and seek your attention to the plight of the people of Ukraine in an effort to continue to “Stand with Ukraine.” You are all invited to show your solidarity by praying and fasting, according to your condition or personal possibilities, from Thursday 24 November and ending on Saturday 26 November. You can also contribute financially by choosing one of the following organizations:

Kindly donate through your local parish, Catholic Near East Welfare Association – Canada (CNEWA), Development and Peace – Caritas Canada, Aid to the Church in Need – Canada, Canadian Jesuit International, or the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.

Please read Pastoral letter from the Ukrainian Rite Catholic Bishops of Canada.



The November 2022 issue of the Diocesan newsletter, Ecclesia, will be available in parishes this week. It is also available the Diocesan website here.

News from the Synod

In preparation for the next stage of the Synod, the Vatican released a working document on October 27. The purpose of this document is to present a global view of what faithful from around the world believe needs to be done for the Church.

The document, titled “Enlarge the Space of your Tent,” is in fact a summary of reports from national bishops’ conferences, who compiled the reports based on contributions from individual dioceses.

It will serve for the next continental stage of the synod, in which episcopal conferences on all seven continents will hold assemblies to reflect on and discuss the contents of the document. These assemblies will then submit a new report based on these discussions, which will be used to draft the working document for the final, universal phase in Rome.

This universal phase was set to conclude the Synod during next year’s October 4-29 gathering in Rome, but Pope Francis recently extended the phase for a year, meaning the final universal stage will conclude in 2024.

Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23

Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 are presently available for purchase at the Chancery Office for only $20/copy on a first-come, first-served basis. If interested, please contact Donna Biggs at 613 732-7933 ext. 203 or donnabiggs@pembrokediocese.com


FAQ document regarding the North American Continental Stage of the Synod – Thursday, November 3, 2022

The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document provides simple and clear answers to common questions regarding the method adopted for the Continental Stage in North America of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality.



The Diocesan Action Circle committee would like to familiarize everyone with certain terminologies:

Treaty settlement land: The area of land that is part of a treaty and is therefore owned and managed by the first Nation that negotiated the treaty.


Characteristics of missionary parishes

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Missionary parishes exists for the purpose of evangelization and have 4 main characteristics:(Read more…)


Pope’s Prayer Intention for November 2022

For children who suffer – We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.


Got Life Questions? R.C.I.A. might just be for you!

R.C.I.A stands for the Rite of Christian initiation of Adults. It is a journey for anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic and growing in the life as a Christian. It is for someone who has never been baptized, or maybe you have been baptized in another Christian faith and wish to know more about the Catholic faith. Maybe you have been baptized and have not received the other Sacraments for your life’s mission. If any of the above apply to you, we would love to help in your spiritual journey. Want to know more about your Catholic faith? All are welcome to join us in exploring this new quest at St Columbkille Cathedral. For more information, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206 or dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com.


NEW! IMAGE OF GOD evening sessions for Men and Women in Renfrew

Come check out the new IMAGE OF GOD monthly evening sessions for Men and Women from 7-9 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Renfrew – in the small Hall. (Men 7-8 p.m., Women 8-9 p.m.). This is a new initiative from the Office Family Life, Youth and Young Adult Ministry in the Renfrew deanery, but open to all, to reach adults who wish to grow in their faith, marriage and family life. Hosted by Patrick Sullivan, Lay Evangelist, and Yvette Bourque. Each evening has a different topic and will include lots of discussion and time for questions. Next session: Wednesday, November 16th. See upcoming dates and topics here.


Development and Peace Fall Campaign Workshop

From Honduras and Peru to Madagascar and Cambodia, our partners are resisting injustice and creating alternatives in their communities. Join us as we discuss how to support and amplify their efforts with the continuation of our People and Planet First campaign this fall!

We’ll discuss the current state and future of our work for a corporate due diligence law in Canada, how we’ll be recruiting new members, and what we can do to celebrate our 55th anniversary this year! Whether you’re a new member or have been with D&P for decades, this workshop will unite us in a common vision through December. Invite a friend or share the link with anyone who is committed to global justice!

The workshop will take place November 17th 2022 at 7 p.m., and will be held on Zoom.

Register in advance for this meeting:


Ukraine and D&P Campaign Updates

Over one third of Ukraine’s electric power plants have been destroyed in the past month by Russian air strikes. As a result, around 4.5 million Ukrainians have been left without power. Development and Peace — Caritas Canada is supporting this pastoral letter, in which the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of Canada are appealing to Canadians’ renewed generosity so that the people of Ukraine have basic necessities such as heat for their homes this winter. Please share this message widely and encourage the people in your dioceses and networks to make a donation.

Development and Peace also invites you to share this news:


Engage with FSO

First Step Options is pleased to present an “Engage with FSO” information session at 337 Murray Street, Pembroke, on Wednesday, November 23rd from 6:30-8 p.m. If you have ever struggled with how to approach the topic of abortion as a Christian, wanted to learn about what FSO does, wondered how to respond with compassion to those facing difficult pregnancy situations, or considered volunteering, please visit the website at www.firststepoptions.com or contact FSO at 613 635-7440.


Divine Renovation – Becoming a Church of Closeness: The Challenges and Opportunities of Synodality

Catholics want to respond to Pope Francis’ vision of becoming a “Church of closeness.” But what does it mean to live out synodality practically in the parish?

Divine Renovation and Alpha invite you to an online event happening Friday, November 18th: Becoming a Church of Closeness: The Challenges & Opportunities of Synodality. Join Fr. James Mallon, Sr. Nathalie Becquart and Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce in a conversation where they explore what it means to live synodality at a parish level. Register today at divinerenovation.org/synod!

Priestly Vocations Prayer & Dinner with Bishop Desrochers

On Wednesday, November 30th at St. Andrew’s Parish, Killaloe. For teens and men who would like to know more about the priestly vocation, meet and pray with Bishop Desrochers, and enjoy an excellent meal! The evening begins at 5:45 p.m. in the church with vespers, followed by dinner in the parish hall and a talk by Bishop Desrochers. The evening will conclude with Benediction at 7:15pm. Adoration will be taking place in the church all evening for parishioners and parents to pray for vocations. There is no cost to attend, but you must RSVP by November 20th, so that the caterer can prepare the correct amount of food. To RSVP, or if you have questions, please contact Fr. Scott Murray (s.josephmurray@protonmail.com).

Recollection for Women

There will be a recollection for women at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Pembroke on Thursday, November 17th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Recollections are like mini-retreats that help you take a break from your busy schedule to think about your life, your relationship with God and gain a fresh outlook. Includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, guided prayer, examination of conscience, confession, benediction and a talk. Bring your lunch for a get together afterward.

This spiritual activity, inspired by the writings of St. Josemaria Escriva, is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Roman Catholic Church. For more information on the Prelature of Opus Dei go to https://opusdei.org/en-ca/. Should you have any questions, please contact Nadia at nadia.bagshaw@sympatico.ca or 613 584-9388.

14th Annual Men’s Retreat – 2023

Retreat will be given by Fr. Paul Burchat and Scott Eagen from the Madonna House Community in Combermere, from Friday, January 13th to Sunday, January 15th, 2023 at the Graphite Bible Camp (Between Maynooth and Bancroft). This year’s theme: “God the Father: Our Hope and Salvation (“You are With Me” Jn 15:31). Cost: $175.00 for the weekend (includes retreat, room and great meals). For more information, questions, special requests, dietary or financial concerns, please call Pierre-Paul Filion at 613 602-6580 or email ppfilion@yahoo.ca. Reserve now; deposit and registration due by December 20th, 2022.


Coldest Night of the Year

The Grind Pembroke will be hosting a CNOY event on February 25, 2023. The funds at this walking fundraiser event go towards the work The Grind Pembroke does to help those in need in the community, which is ever increasing. The Best Western will be launching this year’s fundraising campaign with a spaghetti dinner at the Best Western Pembroke on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Cost: Adults $10 – Children $3. For tickets please contact The Grind Pembroke at 613 732-9423 or The Best Western Pembroke at 613 735-0131.

World Day of the Poor

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) in Canada is using November 13, 2022, which Pope Francis declared “The World Day of the Poor” as a day in which we are encouraged to consider those less fortunate than ourselves and to give generously what we can. If you are interested in donating to the SSVP Soup Kitchen, donations can be mailed to: The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP), St. Columbkille Conference, P.O. Box 7, 188 Renfrew Street, Pembroke, ON K8A 6X1, Telephone: 613 732-9058. You may also drop an envelope in your church collection basket addressed to SSVP. Your donation helps to continue the good works of the SSVP Soup Kitchen.

Dr. Keith Cassidy Annual Lecture

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College invites you to the Dr. Keith Cassidy Annual Lecture on Thursday, November 17th at 7:30 p.m., at St. Hedwig’s Church Hall in Barry’s Bay. The Very Reverend Fr. Paul Pearson, the Superior of the Toronto Oratory, and Rector and Dean of St. Philip’s Seminary, will speak on Dante: Hope for the Unheroic.” Fr. Pearson has published a series of three books on Spiritual Direction from Dante; his topic for this lecture will focus on the Paradiso and how not all those who succeed in getting to Heaven were necessarily always heroically virtuous. All are welcome. The lecture will also be viewable online for those unable to attend in person, and who register at seatofwisdom.ca/cassidylecturefall2022.

Print your tickets