WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 9, 2021 (Ferial)
So my heavenly Father will not forgive you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart. (Matthew 23.1-12) LETTER FROM THE BISHOP Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Healthcare professionals need our prayers and support. The federal government is about to expand assisted suicide across Canada.
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Year of St. Joseph Novenas
In connection with the Year of St. Joseph, please find attached two suggested novenas to St. Joseph, one in English and the other in French. These can be used March 10-18 (before the Solemnity of St. Joseph), or April 22-30 (before the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker), or at
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 2, 2021 (Ferial)
The scribes and Pharisees do not practice what they teach. (Matthew 23.1-12) FROM THE DIOCESE Share Love, Share Lent & Relaunch of the Development and Peace Diocesan Council Join us and Bishop Guy Desrochers to explore the Share Love, Share Lent Campaign and relaunch the Development & Peace Pembroke Diocesan
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 23, 2021 (Ferial)
Pray in this way. (Matthew 6. 7-15) FROM THE DIOCESE Share Love, Share Lent & Relaunch of the Development and Peace Diocesan Council Join us and Bishop Guy Desrochers to explore the Share Love, Share Lent Campaign and relaunch the Development & Peace Pembroke Diocesan Council on Saturday, February 27th,
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 16, 2021 (Ferial)
Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. (Mark 8. 14-21) FROM THE DIOCESE Pastoral Appointments Bishop Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., announces the following pastoral appointments: John Burchat is appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Anglophones of the diocese. Réal Ouellette is appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Francophones of the diocese. These
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 9, 2021 (Ferial)
You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition. (Luke 2. 22-40) FROM THE DIOCESE Chronicle from Bishop Guy Desrochers Click here to read Bishop Guy’s chronicles. His latest chronicle: Pope Francis creates a new ecclesial entity called CHARIS. MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP XXIX World Day of the
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 2, 2021 (The Presentation of the Lord)
My eyes have seen your salvation. (Luke 2. 22-40) FROM THE DIOCESE Diocesan Offices Closed In keeping with the stay-at-home order issued by Premier Doug Ford, the chancery office is closed until further notice. The chancery staff will work from home, and can generally be reached by email. NEW! Chronicle
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 26, 2021 (St. Timothy and St. Titus, Bishops)
Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. (Mark 3. 31.35) FROM THE DIOCESE Diocesan Offices Closed In keeping with the stay-at-home order issued by Premier Doug Ford, the chancery offices have been officially closed since Thursday, January 14th. The chancery staff will work from
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Pope Francis creates a new ecclesial entity called CHARIS
ICCRS, FCCCA, CHARIS, does that mean anything to you? Probably not! And yet, it is worth being well informed about it, because a new entity created by Pope Francis has seen the light of day a few years ago and proposes to vivify and stimulate in depth the spiritual and
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 19, 2021 (Ferial)
The sabbath was made for people, and not people for the sabbath. (Mark 2. 23-28) FROM THE DIOCESE Diocesan Offices Closed In keeping with the stay-at-home order issued by Premier Doug Ford, the chancery offices have been officially closed since Thursday, January 14th. The chancery staff will work from home,
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End Coercive Foreign Aid Now!
Most Canadians would never suspect what Campaign Life Coalition’s new video exposé has just revealed, that Canada’s foreign aid program is coercive at its very core. “Obsessed: Canada’s Coercive Diplomacy” is an eye-opening discussion of a scandalous government policy. Please watch it and share with your friends and family. In this special video
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Lockdowns in Ontario and Quebec
Parishes are coping with the lockdowns differently, depending on local circumstances. For more information, please contact your parish.
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 12, 2021 (St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, Virgin)
His was a new teaching with authority. (Mark 1. 21-28) MESSAGES FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, The liturgical time of Christmas has already ended this past Sunday with the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus, to make way for so-called “Ordinary Time”. This feast reminds us
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Witnessing the dignity of Life – Feast day of the Baptism of the Lord
Chancery Office, Pembroke Feast day of the Baptism of the Lord. Sunday, January 10, 2021. “Stay Awake!” (Mt 24:42) During Advent, we have heard the voice of St John the Baptist calling the Church to repentance, conversion and the spiritual challenge of making a straight way for the coming of
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 5, 2021 (Ferial)
In the feeding of the crowd, Jesus reveals himself as a prophet. (Mark 6. 34-44) MESSAGES FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, We have just celebrated the great feast of the Epiphany. From now on, God’s salvation becomes universal, for He is no longer reserved only for the people
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 22, 2020 (Ferial)
The Mighty One has done great things for me. (Luke 1.46-56) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, Today a Saviour is born to you! Who would have believed or even imagined that one day the Creator of the universe would choose to stoop down to become a tiny
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 15, 2020 (Ferial)
John the Baptist came and the sinners believed him. (Matthew 21.28-32) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, Today, I would like to draw your attention to the decree that Pope Francis issued last week dedicating a “special year of St. Joseph”. This year will take place from December
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 8, 2020 (The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you. (Luke 1.26-38) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, Today, the Catholic Church has reason to rejoice, for she celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary! A few centuries after the death and resurrection of
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 1, 2020 (Ferial)
[save_as_pdf_pdfcrowd page_size=’letter’ button_background_color=’red’] Jesus exults in the Holy Spirit. (Luke 10.21-24) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, The time of Advent (from the Latin “adventus” meaning “coming, dawn“) has just begun. For the next four weeks, we have a golden opportunity to prepare ourselves inwardly for the Saviour’s
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 24, 2020 (St. Andrew Dũng-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs)
The days will come when not one stone will be left upon another. (Luke 21.5-11) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, We have just celebrated the feast of Christ, King of the Universe this weekend. This great feast comes to close the whole cycle of the current liturgical
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 17, 2020 (St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious)
The Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost. (Luke 19.1-10) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear faithful and clergy, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in “Red Wednesday in Canada” on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. This is an initiative offered
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