WEEKLY BULLETIN – August 23, 2022 (Ferial)

You ought to have practised justice and mercy, without neglecting the others.

(Matthew 23.23-26)


Saint Anne’s Triduum in Cormac: Part III of III – The History of the Devotion to Saint Anne + Homily for Sunday, July 31, 2022 

The history of the devotion to Saint Anne at St. Anne-de-Beaupré

 How did the cult of Saint Anne travel as far as New France, Canada? We have to go back to the construction of a famous church in the north-west of France to understand it.  A chapel was built very early in the first centuries of Christendom in honour of Saint Anne, but this chapel was destroyed towards the end of the 7th century. Miraculously, at the beginning of the 17th century, the flame of devotion to Saint Anne rekindled! (Read more…)



Please pray for our Permanent Deacons of the Diocese and their wives on retreat at the Galilee Centre in Arnprior from Monday, August 22nd to Wednesday, August 24th.

Pope Francis Canada 2022

Bishop Guy Desrochers and Deacon Adrien Chaput recently had the opportunity to see and hear His Holiness Pope Francis. Click here to see and to learn more about the Pope’s visit to Canada.

Pastoral Appointments

The Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., announces the following pastoral appointments to take effect September 1, 2022, unless otherwise noted: (Read here).

Summer Office Hours

The Diocesan Offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and will close at noon every Friday from July 4th to September 2nd inclusively.


The Catholic Register – Papal Visit Magazine

As the latest in its series of highly successful commemorative magazines, The Catholic Register will produce a full colour magazine to coincide with National Indigenous reconciliation Day and mark Pope Francis’ historic penitential pilgrimage to Canada. The Catholic Register is now accepting orders. If interested, please contact Stephanie Williams at 416 934.3410 ext. 404, or toll-free at 1.855 441.4077 ext. 404.


The Diocesan Action Circle committee would like to familiarize everyone with certain terminologies:

Non-status Indian: A legal term referring to any individual who for whatever reason is not registered with the federal government, or is not registered to a band which signed a treaty with the Crown.


The Church’s Mission

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

As defined by Church documents the mission of the Church is to evangelize, “that is she must proclaim the good news of salvation to all, generate new creatures in Christ through Baptism, and train them to live knowingly as children of God.”[1] The mission of the Church is to make the Kingdom of God present in our world [2], guiding people to friendship with Christ, to the communion of love with the Lord who is the true light in our lives [3]. (Read more…)


Renfrew County Right to Life Meeting

RCRTL meets quarterly to discuss current pro-life issues and how we can make a change in our community and society. Anyone who shares our pro-life views and goals is welcome to participate in our meetings. At our Wednesday August 31st meeting, we’ll be finalizing plans for Life Chain and our Fall banquet, as well as prepping our Fall newsletter distribution. Come and lend a hand! The meeting is at 7 p.m. downstairs at Holy Name Church, 284 Trafalgar Rd, Pembroke. Use the entrance to the left of the main church doors. Check us out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RCRTL.

First Step Options – Free Community Workshop “Preparing for Postpartum”

On Thursday, September 29th, 2022 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Wesley Community Church, 201 Renfrew Street, Pembroke. Special guest speaker: Christine Raddatz from Renfrew County Doulas. Free registration: fsocentre@gmail.com.


Madonna House is celebrating 75 Years in Combermere

Join us for an open house & picnic on Sunday, September 4th from 1-9 p.m.

1-3:00 p.m.        Main House/Training Centre tours: Take time to pray at Our Lady of Combermere and The Island Chapel & Catherine’s cabin. MH Gift Shop, Book Shop & Pioneer Museum will be open. See St. Raphael’s Handicraft Center and Outdoor Kiln.

3-9:00 p.m.        St. Mary’s (2768 Dafoe Road): Tea Time/Activities for families.

6:00 p.m.            Picnic Supper: Every family should bring a picnic supper and their own lawn chairs (no grilling). Madonna House is providing dessert.

6-9:00 p.m.        Bonfire/Music/Visiting.

Another way you can join in our celebration is to watch for photos and videos posted at: www.madonnahouse.org/75th.

Divine Renovation + Alpha Connect Canada

Join us in-person on Friday, September 23, 2022 from 5:45-7:15 p.m. EST at St. Luke’s Parish, 39 Green Lane, Thornhill, Ontario. Doors open at 5 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Go to https://divinerenovation.tfaforms.net/f/DR-Alpha-Connect-Sep23 for more information.


The Top 4 Questions Teens Ask Before Confirmation (And How to Respond!)

Click here to read this article from Catholic Link. Special thanks to Fr. O’Malley for suggesting this item!

The Tom Edwards Evangelistic Assoc., Inc.

Check out Tom and Jean Marie’s website for their latest missions, such as the Tanzania Report from July 2022 at Parish Mission, Catholic Evangelism, Conference, Retreats (homestead.com). Keep an eye out for their next missions in Ireland in September and Slovakia in October. Go to HOME | parishmission (goyetomedwards.wixsite.com) for more information.


Diocese of Timmins – Bishop’s Secretary

The Diocese of Timmins currently seeking a bilingual (French-English) secretary to the Bishop. Start date: November 2022. Any interested person with the required qualifications is invited to submit their curriculum vitae before October 1, 2022. Please call 705 267-6224 or email econome@dioctims.ca for more information.

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