WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 3, 2020 (Ferial)

Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled.

(Luke 14.15-24)


Dear faithful and clergy,

Since my official arrival on July 3rd, I have had to spend a lot of time studying, consulting, and understanding the reality of our diocese and beginning to meet with several priests, deacons, committees and stakeholders from various organizations. In the midst of all this activity, I had to move quickly to make new pastoral appointments at the end of July, since in the past, pastoral duties in parishes usually took effect in early September. After a short vacation in August, pastoral and administrative life resumed with renewed vigor. Towards the end of September, the Zoom meetings multiplied: Canadian bishops for a full week; Quebec bishops the following week; Ontario bishops the week after that; not to mention several meetings with different committees from which I received tasks and responsibilities as a representative of some of these bishops’ conferences.

I confess that all these administrative occupations (which fall within my mission of governing the diocese) have led me to question the other two essential dimensions of my work as bishop, namely, my duty to work and devote more time to the evangelization and sanctification of the clergy and faithful of the diocese. To ease my conscience, I have often repeated to myself that the period from the end of September to the end of October of each year will likely be similar because of these meetings with the various bishops’ conferences and with the various committees of which I am now a member. Before my episcopal ordination, I spent much more time evangelizing than administering or governing. I believe that this is part of the cross that all bishops must bear.

But know that I do not despair in any way, for since my arrival I have been considering forming a small team responsible for the pastoral leadership of our diocese. This team will work to create and structure a network-communion that will allow each of the pastoral regions to reflect, evaluate, and plan together for the future of the different Christian communities that are part of their pastoral region. Based on the long-term pastoral and financial vision that will result from this process of sharing and reflection (which could perhaps last two or three years), each region will not only be able to take a lucid look at its present reality, but will also be able, throughout this process, to better plan the pastoral and financial projects necessary for the vitality of its churches and its faithful, and will even be able to propose to the bishop the restructuring that is needed in their respective areas. To be continued…, in spite of COVID!

+ Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Bishop of Pembroke

Bill C-7

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I wish to underscore the urgency and effectiveness of emailing our federal MPs, urging them to vote against Bill C-7, which would expand access to euthanasia. In the links below, you will find tools that will help you in this endeavor:

Sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Bishop of Pembroke



The October 2020 issue of the Diocesan newsletter, Ecclesia, is now available in parishes. It is also available here on the Diocesan website.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Faye Neville, sister-in-law of Fr. Grant Neville., who passed away peacefully at home on Friday, October 30th in her 77th year. Please keep Mrs. Neville and her family in your prayers.


Letter of Condolences to the Bishop of Nice Following the Recent Tragedy in France – Friday, October 30, 2020

The Most Reverend Richard Gagnon, Archbishop of Winnipeg and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), addressed a letter to His Excellency the Most Reverend André Marceau, Bishop of Nice, conveying the sympathies and prayers of the Bishops of Canada following the tragedy that occurred yesterday, Thursday 29 October, in Nice. (Read more here…)

Life and Family Suggestions for Homilies and Prayers of the Faithful During November 2020 – Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Even during a time of social isolation because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Sunday liturgy continues to offer nourishment for prayer and reflection during the whole week – whether we are meditating on the readings, or participating in a television broadcast of the Mass and making a spiritual Communion. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops continues to post… Read more.


Global Catholic Climate Movement – Petition for a Just Transition

Join GCCM Canada in mobilizing behind the Pope’s prayer intention in support of a just response to the COVID pandemic and the climate emergency. This is an online petition where Catholics worldwide are called to pray with Pope Francis and to call on governments and companies worldwide to make a just transition to a healthy renewable energy economy. Further info: https://standwithpopefrancis.org/?utm_source=newsletter.


Catechists Formation Day

A Catechists formation day open to all will be held on Saturday, November 7th at the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 284 Trafalgar Road, Pembroke. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. Formation will continue from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. This will be a great day with a visit from Bishop Guy Desrochers. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please inform us you have any food allergies. There is no registration fee, but registration is necessary. To register, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206 by Thursday, November 5th.

Journée de formation

Une journée de formation pour les catéchètes des paroisses francophones ou bilingues du diocèse, samedi le 21 novembre de 9h à 13h à la salle Ste-Croix, 500 rue Isabella, Pembroke. Dîner et rafraîchissements sont inclus. Le conférencier de la journée sera Mgr Guy Desrochers. Cette journée s’adresse aux catéchètes, aux personnes qui désirent le devenir, aux curés, aux diacres, et autres personnes intéressées. Veuillez contacter diacre Adrien Chaput au 613 732-7933 poste 206 avant le 19 novembre 2020.


Diocesan Young Adult Ministry

Next gathering is Thursday, November 19th at St. Columbkille Cathedral for session #2 of NO GREATER LOVE – A biblical walk through Christ’s Passion. Holy Hour from 6-7 p.m. (optional). Session from 7-8:30 p.m.in the parish hall.  Come join us and bring a friend.

Carlo Acutis

A 15 year old Italian boy who died of leukemia in 2006 is on the road to Sainthood. On October 10th this amazing teenager was beatified at a ceremony in the town of Assisi and moved one step closer to sainthood. Check out this amazing project he created of all the reported Eucharistic Miracles around the world. He has already been dubbed “the patron saint of the internet.” This work is amazing for a 15 year old. http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/en/Liste/list.html.


Holy Mass – Extraordinary Form

Holy Mass in the extraordinary form is offered at St Columbkille Cathedral on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. These Latin Masses are in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Mass are provided. Next Mass – November 7th.


Gigantic Worldwide Catholic Mom’s Virtual Summit November 13-15!

Sign up for a huge November 13-15, 2020 CATHOLIC MOM’S VIRTUAL SUMMIT (a percentage of your entrance fee goes to Daughters of St. Paul). Choose “all access pass” where you can access all the talks even after November 15 before the price goes up at https://www.cardinalstudios.org/moms-summit-home?ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cardinalstudios.org%2Fa%2F34145%2FGoeb5nXt. Please share with the amazing women in your life!

Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation – Leadership Program

Are you called to join other Canadian Catholic women learning how your leadership has the power to transform where you work, volunteer, and live? Applications are now available for the 2021-2022 Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation Program. The in-person and online program, facilitated by the Providence School of Transformational Leadership and Spirituality at Saint Paul University (Ottawa) runs from April/21 to May/22. Visit www.cwlfcanada.ca. Application deadline November 20, 2020. If you have any questions about the Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation or our program, please contact Neysa Finnie at info@cwlfcanada.ca or 604 813-1612.


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