BULLETIN HEBDOMADAIRE – le 2 mars 2021 (Férie)

Priez ainsi.

(Matthieu 6, 7-15)


Événements importants se déroulant dans les deux prochaines semaines!

Chers frères et sœurs dans le Christ,

Les prochaines semaines s’avèrent passablement occupées pour moi étant donné que ma participation est requise à deux plénières annuelles successives : la première, celle des évêques du Québec, aura lieu du 2 au 5 mars prochain; la deuxième, celle des évêques de l’Ontario, aura lieu du 8 au 10 mars inclusivement. J’ai la chance ou l’inconvénient si on peut dire, de faire partie à la fois des deux conférences épiscopales puisque notre diocèse s’étend géographiquement dans les deux provinces. Je vous saurais gré de bien vouloir prier pour ces deux rencontres successives qui ont lieu deux fois par année et qui permettent aux évêques des deux provinces de travailler et de réfléchir ensemble sur toutes sortes de sujets importants et reliés à la vitalité de notre diocèse et des deux provinces auxquelles nous faisons partie, et en lien avec notre Église universelle, bien sûr.

Sincèrement vôtres en Jésus notre Rédempteur,

+ Guy Desrochers, c.ss.r.

Évêque de Pembroke


La Conference des évêques catholiques du Canada et l’Organisation catholique canadienne pour le Développement et la Paix

Caritas Canada terminent l’examen commun des partenaires de l’OCCDP – jeudi le 25 février 2021 : Montréal et Ottawa – La Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC) et l’Organisation catholique canadienne pour le Développement et la Paix – Caritas Canada (OCCDP) ont finalisé l’examen des partenaires internationaux qui reçoivent des subventions de l’OCCDP. Sur les 205 partenaires de l’organisation, 52 ont d’abord été étudiés avant d’en ajouter 11 autres, pour un total de 63. Aucune organisation affiliée à Caritas internationalis ou intégrée à une structure ou à une œuvre diocésaine n’a été examinée. Après un certain nombre de rapports intermédiaires, un rapport final a été soumis à l’Assemblée plénière de la CECC et au Conseil national de l’OCCDP, que ces deux instances ont approuvé respectivement en septembre et en novembre 2020. (Lire la suite…)

Message du pape François pour le Carême 2021 

Le message du pape François pour le Carême 2021 est intitulé « Voici que nous montons à Jérusalem… » (Mt 20, 18), Le Carême : un temps pour renouveler notre foi, notre espérance et notre charité. Dans son message, le Saint-Père écrit « En parcourant le chemin du Carême, qui nous conduit vers les célébrations pascales, nous faisons mémoire de Celui qui nous a aimés ‘devenant obéissant jusqu’à la mort et la mort de la croix’ (Ph 2,8). Dans ce temps de conversion, nous renouvelons notre foi, nous puisons ‘l’eau vive’ de l’espérance et nous recevons le cœur ouvert l’amour de Dieu qui fait de nous des frères et des sœurs dans le Christ. » Lien au Message

Cheminer ensemble durant le temps du Carême 2021 

À partir du mercredi des Cendres, le 17 février, Cheminer ensemble durant le temps du Carême propose une introduction à la saison et des réflexions sur les lectures de l’Évangile de chaque dimanche de Carême : Cheminer ensemble durant le temps du Carême – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca).


Intention de prière du Saint Père – mars 2021 

Intention d’évangélisation – Le sacrement de la réconciliation. Prions pour vivre le sacrement de la réconciliation avec une profondeur renouvelée, afin de goûter l’infinie miséricorde de Dieu.


Marriage Enrichment

IMET (Inter-Marriage Enrichment Team) is a group of dedicated couples from eight very lively parishes in the Joliet diocese who have been putting on marriage enrichment events for over a decade. On March 20, they hold their first online event, “How to Be Married and Stay Engaged: Back to Back, Face to Face, and Shoulder to Shoulder,” presented by Jim Healey. To register for the event go to https://www.imetevents.org/.


Catholic young adults Grade 12 and up to age 30 are invited to one of the upcoming “Do Something Amazing” Retreats! These are virtual retreats where you will learn what it means to become a NET missionary! Saturday, February 27th 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, and Saturday, March 20th 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.

To attend, simply fill out a NET Application! netcanada.ca/apply. Once you send it in, you will be registered and receive further details! Share this link with Catholic young adults in Grade 12 up to age 30 who you think would benefit from discerning if God is calling them to serve with NET next year! For more information call or text: 613 292-9991.

By my Side Ottawa – A Program of Spiritual Friendship and Healing for Separated and Divorced Catholics

This 6 week online women-only and 6 week online men’s-only program starts on March 27, 2021. By My Side is a non-profit structured support group for separated and divorced Catholics. All classes are hosted virtually. Christ holds those who suffer close to his heart and desires to bring about healing. This program helps participants find their way to reconciliation, peace and hope through Christ and the Church. We ask participants for a $40 payment to help cover resources and promotion. Any leftover funds are donated directly to charity. Our program (previously known has Journey of Hope Ottawa) began 6 years ago and has had over 100 class participants. Included are resources, 2 follow-up classes, and monthly Facebook posts offering Spiritual Food for Thought. To find out more and to register go to www.bymyside.ca.


Our Lady of Good Counsel – CWL Auctions

The CWL at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Deep River is holding online auctions using Facebook to fundraise. We support local charitable organizations in the Deep River, Pembroke and Petawawa areas. Our next auction is a beautiful original painting by Bev Levasseur titled “Fox Looking for Lunch”. Go to Facebook and search for @CWLAuctionDeepRiver or use the link below. Details regarding bidding and delivery or pickup can be found on the CWL auction Facebook page. We can also be reached at cwlauctiondeepRiver@gmail.com. Keep checking back for future auctions. https://www.facebook.com/CWLAuctionDeepRiver.

 Holy Mass – Extraordinary Form

Holy Masses in the extraordinary form are offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. beginning in March. An additional Latin Mass will be held on Saturday, February 27th since Masses were cancelled in January and February. These Latin Masses are in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Mass are provided.


Expansion of MAID Poses Danger to the Disabled and Mentally Ill

The Senate has amended Bill C-7. If these amendments pass the House of Commons, it will make it much easier for vulnerable Canadians to access assisted suicide and euthanasia putting them at increased risk. The amendments are: 1. Allowing people to write advance directives that require euthanasia to be administered if they are sick or disabled and lose the ability to make their own medical decisions. 2. Removing the restriction on euthanasia for people whose primary diagnosis is mental illness. This change will automatically take place 18 months after the Bill is passed. The Senate’s amendments will soon be sent back to the House of Commons for approval. Please register your concern to your Member of Parliament by using the following link from the Coalition for Healthcare and Conscience: canadiansforconscience.ca.

Campaign Life Coalition (CLC)

CLC has Virtual Pro-Life Clubs that are thriving! They have been a fantastic means of keeping pro-life youth from coast-to-coast connected and informed. They just started an in-depth breakdown of pro-life apologetics, starting with the science of our position before moving to philosophical discussions of personhood and bodily autonomy. It’s never too late to join: www.campaignlifecoalition.com/virtual-prolife-club.

First Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre presents BrightCourse

BrightCourse – free livestream video lessons and support! Practical, real, and applicable topics and lessons you can use today. Supporting both men and women from pregnancy to parenting and beyond! For more information call 613 635-7440 or email bevwfso@gmail.com.


New EWTN Lent 2021 Webpage

We invite you to log onto the new Lent 2021 webpage at www.ewtn.com/lent . On this site you will find a variety of resources including a comprehensive look at the Church’s teaching about Lent, daily readings and reflections, special Lenten programming, popular devotions, video-on-demand and much more!

Free eBook With 2021 Lenten Meditations

Lent is a new opportunity to be reenergized in our faith. However, Lent can sometimes pass us by without us growing closer to the Lord. This is why one of our Franciscan Friars, Fr. Joseph has prepared a series of Lenten reflections in the form of an eBook to guide us during this solemn season. Included within the new Lent 2021 webpage is a form to fill out to receive this free eBook which will bring recipients deeper into the Mass readings with insights that are both simple and profound.

Life in the Spirit Virtual Seminar

The Life in the Spirit (LSS) is an inspiring and practical series aimed at assisting people to deepen their experience with the Holy Spirit. It provides teaching, guidance, prayer as well as times for small group discussion every Tuesday night beginning April 6th to May 18th. Registration opening soon! Go to https://www.ccrso.net/ to register or for more information.

Calling All Men! The God Squad – 24th Annual Conference

St. Joseph Sanctifier of the Hidden Life” on March 20th from 12-3 p.m. EST. All men are invited to a FREE online men’s day conference put on by the God Squad men’s ministry in Calgary, AB. Hosted by Fr. Christino Bouvette, Calgary, AB, with guest speakers Bishop Scott McCaig, Bishop of the Military Ordinate, Andre Regnier, Ottawa and Jake Klym, Abbotsford, B.C. Recording some sessions from St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montréal! To register or for more information please go to 2021 Conference – God Squad Canada and invite friends and family!

Bootcamp for the Laity –  » The Role of Laity in the Church »

A virtual conference presented by Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of Ontario (C.C.R.S.O.) with Bishop Scott McCaig and Fr. Ben St. Croix on Friday, May 21st and Saturday, May 22nd. To register or for more information go to https://www.ccrso.net/copy-of-conference-rsvp.


St. Joseph Greeting Cards

To commemorate the Year of St. Joseph, Madonna House Publications is offering greeting cards with icon prints of St. Joseph, by Madonna House iconographers. A set of 10 cards (blank inside) with envelopes are $12.95 + tax. Visit www.madonnahouse.org/publications and click on Store to view and order. Or call 613 756-3728 (toll free 1 888 703-7110).

Broughton’s Church Supplies, Religious Books and Gifts

I know times are different these days, but there has been some excitement around these books. There is a new book that we are taking preorder on, titled: Consecration to St. Joseph – The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father: https://www.bbroughton.com/product/ST/9781596144316/CONSECRATION-TO-ST.-JOSEPH-THE-WONDERS-OF-OUR-SPIRITUAL-FATHER, and Finding Christ in the Crisis: https://www.bbroughton.com/product/ST/9781681927732/FINDING-CHRIST-IN-THE-CRISIS. For more information, please contact Kelly Broughton, Sales Representative, at 1-800 268-4449 or 416 690-4777, email at salesrep2@bbroughton­.com, or visit the website at www.bbroughton.com.

Galilee Centre Presents – Ron Rolheiser Retreat

Featuring Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, April 16-18, 2021. For details, please follow this link: Ron Rolheiser Retreat – Galilee Centre.

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