BULLETIN HEBDOMADAIRE – le 24 novembre 2020 (St André Dung-Lac, prêtre, et ses compagnons, martyrs)

Des jours viendront où il n’en restera pas pierre sur pierre.

(Luc 21, 5-11)


Chers membres du clergé et fidèles,

Nous venons tout juste de célébrer la fête du Christ, Roi de l’univers en fin de semaine. Cette grande fête vient clôturer tout le cycle de l’année liturgique en cours. À la fin de chaque année dite profane, nous avons l’habitude de faire un bilan des choses qui ont marqué notre société ou notre planète. Pour chacun de nous, il s’agit d’un moment privilégié pour prendre conscience des bons et mauvais coups que nous avons vécus au cours de l’année, des réalisations ou des échecs encourus et de prendre ensuite de nouvelles résolutions en début de la nouvelle année.

Alors pourquoi ne pas profiter de cette fin de l’année liturgique pour entreprendre le même exercice? Mettons nos lunettes « catholiques » pour examiner si nous avons été oui ou non fidèles durant cette année liturgique à notre vocation chrétienne? Demandons-nous si nous avons vraiment recherché à faire la volonté de Dieu en tout ou si nous avons souvent préféré faire notre propre volonté au détriment de la sienne? Avons-nous été attentifs aux besoins des plus pauvres, de ceux qui étaient nus, en prison ou malades? De l’appel d’aide que mon voisin m’a manifesté à certains moments? De celui qui avait besoin d’un peu d’argent par nécessité? De la belle-mère qui avait besoin de mon aide pour se déplacer? Du parent âgé ou de l’ami(e) qui avait besoin de réconfort et d’écoute en temps de pandémie?

Finalement, après ce court examen de conscience, le début de la nouvelle année liturgique devrait nous inciter à prendre de sérieuses résolutions pour nous rapprocher du Christ et de notre prochain: un peu plus de prière quotidienne peut-être; une méditation régulière des Saintes Écritures; un petit sacrifice quotidien fait avec amour pour le salut de mes enfants ou amis ou pour un mourant; une décision d’aller aider dorénavant la Saint-Vincent de Paul une fois par semaine pour distribuer ou préparer les repas aux plus démunis; et la liste pourrait s’allonger indéfiniment. Place aux idées, aux projets et aux résolutions qui me permettront de mieux préparer la naissance du Sauveur dans la mangeoire de mon cœur à Noël! Ne serait-ce pas une belle façon d’entreprendre la nouvelle année liturgique?

+ Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Évêque de Pembroke



For the repose of the soul of Mrs. Beatrice Grahl, mother-in-law of Cathy Grahl, Marriage Tribunal for the Diocese of Pembroke, who passed away peacefully on November 24th at the age of 99. We surround Cathy and her family with our sympathy, and pray for Mrs. Grahl’s eternal repose after such a long and well-lived life.


For the repose of the soul of Mme Rosanna Okebanama, mother of Rev. Cyril Okebanama, s.m.m.m., who passed away in Nigeria on November 19th. Please also pray for the consolation of Father Okebanama and the members of his family.


Journey through Advent: Video Series for Advent 2020

Since social media are an increasingly important platform for formation and evangelization at all levels, CCCB has produced a series of videos entitled Journey through Advent, which includes an introduction to the liturgical Season and reflections on the Gospel readings of each Sunday in Advent. It is the result of a joint project between the CCCB’s Office national de liturgie, the National Liturgy Office, and the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis. This short video series will be posted on the CCCB website and can be accessed through the rolling banner image at the top of the homepage entitled Journey through Advent: Video Series for Advent 2020. The links to the videos, in French and English, will be available on the CCCB website. Each Monday, the link for the upcoming Sunday celebration will be released.

Click here to access the video series in English.

Click here to access the video series in French.

Interreligious Dialogue

The Holy See and the World Council of Churches have published jointly a document entitled, “Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity: A Christian Call to Reflection and Action during COVID-19 and Beyond.” To view the document, please go to the following link: https://www.pcinterreligious.org/christian-call-reflection-action-during-covid-19-and-beyond.

La CECC et le Caucus rabbinique canadien et tiennent leur rencontre de dialogue semestrielle par vidéoconférence – lundi le 23 novembre 2020

Du 16 au 17 novembre 2020, le dialogue bilatéral national de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC) et du Caucus rabbinique canadien a tenu sa réunion semestrielle par vidéoconférence à cause des problèmes que continue de poser la pandémie de COVID-19. Du 16 au 17 novembre 2020, le dialogue bilatéral national de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC) et du Caucus rabbinique canadien a tenu sa réunion semestrielle par vidéoconférence à cause des problèmes que continue de poser la pandémie de COVID-19. (Lire la suite…)

Nomination d’un évêque auxiliaire pour le diocèse de Hamilton – samedi le 21 novembre 2020

Sa Sainteté le pape François a nommé l’abbé Wayne Lawrence Lobsinger évêque auxiliaire du diocèse de Hamilton. Lors de sa nomination, l’évêque élu Lobsinger était vicaire épiscopal pour la vie consacrée du diocèse de Hamilton… (Lire ici)

La CECC présente un mémoire sur le projet de loi C-7 au Comité sénatorial permanent Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles – jeudi le 19 novembre 2020

Le 18 novembre 2020, en prévision des réunions du Comité sénatorial permanent des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles pour étudier le projet de loi C-7, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (aide médicale à mourir), la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC) a présenté un mémoire soulignant de sérieuses inquiétudes concernant le projet de loi C-7 et l’opposition constante des évêques catholiques du Canada à l’euthanasie et au suicide assisté au Canada et à leur expansion au Canada. Mémoire présenté au Comité sénatorial permanent des Affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles par la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada au sujet du projet de loi C-7

Bureau de l’éducation de la foi


Consider two options for online Confirmation preparation. Simple and cost effective. Both are excellent programs to help young people prepare and be strengthened for their mission in the Catholic Church. Please visit https://www.catholiconline.school/pages/confirmation or https://www.hopestone.ca/confirmation. For more information contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206.

Bureau du mariage, de la famille, de la jeunesse, et des jeunes adultes

Looking for ways for your child to get more out of Mass on Sundays?

For ages 5-12, here is a simple option that takes no prep time! Sign up for Holy Heroes Mass Prep and receive an e-mail right in your inbox! Preparation contains all readings for Sunday Mass, colouring page, short video explaining the gospel by other children and a Mass Prep Quiz (with answers) to challenge your child’s comprehension of the readings and liturgical colours worn by the priest each Sunday. Check it all out at https://www.holyheroes.com/MassPrep-s/57.htm . (Watch last week’s Mass Prep and then scroll down and input your e-mail address to start receiving it each week). Questions? Please contact Yvette Bourque at 613 732-7933 ext. 208.

Looking for ways to bring Advent alive for your children this year?

Go to https://www.holyheroes.com/Holy-Heroes-Advent-Adventure-s/48.htm and sign up for Holy Heroes ADVENT ADVENTURE. You will be glad you did! Questions? Please contact Yvette Bourque at 613 732-7933 ext. 208.

Best Advent Ever 2020!

We’re excited to announce that sign-ups for Best Advent Ever 2020 are now open! This year, Matthew Kelly will be giving powerful daily video reflections on the Gospel readings all through Advent. And we’re calling it Let Your Soul Shine—because that’s what the world needs from you now more than ever! Do you want to have an incredible 2021? It starts right now—with you signing up for BEST ADVENT EVER.


Laudato Si’ Circles during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Laudato Si’ Circles are small groups that meet regularly to deepen their relationship with God as Creator and with all of creation through prayer, reflection and action. Given the current COVID pandemic, small groups can be initiated and maintained through video-conferencing tools, such as Zoom and Skype. The Laudato Si’ Circles Program offers a wealth of online resources in support of care for God’s Creation. Further info: https://catholicclimatemovement.global/circles/.


Holy Mass – Extraordinary Form

Holy Mass in the extraordinary form is offered at St Columbkille Cathedral on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. These Latin Masses are in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Mass are provided. Next Mass – December 5th.


52nd International Eucharistic Congress

The 52nd International Eucharistic Congress will take place in Budapest from 5 to 12 September 2021 (originally scheduled for September 2020). Check out the website at iec2020.hu.

Christmas Concert Invitation: COVID can’t stop Christmas.

This year, the Daughters of St Paul choir’s Christmas Concert is finally making it to Canada… virtually! The Daughters of St Paul are an international congregation of religious sisters who evangelize through the media. The sisters of the USA & Canada province have long wished to bring their Christmas Concert tour north, but international rights and customs made it impossible. But this year has offered the sisters the unique opportunity to launch their first ever virtual concert, “Home for Christmas,” with choir members joining in from their homes to sing to you in yours! So join us, the Daughters of St Paul Choir, for our first concert for Canada! “Home for Christmas” is a free YouTube live-streamed event where you can expect to meet our choir members, listen to some concert favourites, learn some dance moves, hear some inspirational stories, and have the opportunity to support our mission of evangelization. We hope to see you there, December 3rd at 8 p.m. EST! Check out the YouTube invitation here. For more information visit http://www.pauline.org/virtualconcert.

“Advent Promises: A Women’s Morning of Reflection”

Presented by the Women’s Fall Retreat Planning Team, « Advent Promises: A Women’s Morning of Reflection » will be held via Zoom on Saturday, December 5th, from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Laura O’Reilly, mother and faithful Catholic speaker, will give two inspirational talks reflecting on “Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her (Luke 1:45). “ All registrants will be invited to participate in a Liturgy of the Word, singing and small group discussions. Registration is $20. All women 16 years of age and over can register using this link. Registration deadline: Wednesday, December 2nd.


Project Manager – Diocese of Pembroke

The Diocese of Pembroke is currently advertising for a full time Project Manager. To view the ad please visit: ca.indeed.com.

Archdiocese of Ottawa – Administrative Assistant – Moderator of the Curia

Please find below the link to the Administrative Assistant – Moderator of the Curia position, now available.  Info: https://www.catholicottawa.ca/employment-opportunities.


A clinical trial for COVID-19 is open for participants who have been recently diagnosed


My name is Dr. Nazanin Hosseinkhah, a Vielight research scientist managing the COVIDLight clinical trial. This study is completely remote and virtual and uses a light therapy device on recently tested COVID-19 positive individuals. Eligible participants will receive up to $500 for participation in the trial. We are trying to reach out to communities and people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. We would appreciate if you could spread the word in your community. (Read more here…)

This email provides important information about this unique clinical trial and an opportunity for those who have been recently diagnosed with COVID-19 to participate in it. We are asking for your help in reaching those who may benefit. More information about this trial is available at https://www.covidlightstudy.com/.

About the trial device and the light therapy:

This completely remote and virtual clinical trial is investigating a non-invasive light therapy device, which utilizes red and near infrared light to alleviate symptoms of COVID-19. The device has a simple and compact design and is suitable for personal at-home use. Eligible participants will receive up to $500 for participation in the trial.

Called “Vielight RX-Plus”, the trial device is based on a similar Vielight device, which has been on the market for nearly two years, as a general wellness device, in accordance with the FDA guidelines. Over this period no adverse effects from this device have been reported. We believe the trial device to be safe, as supported by the current data and by required safety tests.

The Vielight RX-Plus is intended to bring a holistic approach to COVID-19 patients. Stimulation of the thymus gland, creation of nitric oxide, increase in the number of natural killer cells, all are expected to provide beneficial systemic effects, acting as an anti-inflammatory therapy and increasing cellular energy.

By conducting this study, we hypothesise that the Vielight RX-Plus will accelerate the time to recovery, while reducing the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. In addition to the benefits to the individuals recovering from COVID-19, we believe that the use of the device would result in less viral spread in the communities, and less burden to the Healthcare System.

About the design of this clinical trial:

The clinical trial has been designed to be completely remote and virtual. This unique design has been authorized by Health Canada and by the USA ethics committee. The trial is intended to accommodate 280 COVID-19 patients in the USA and in the province of Ontario, Canada. Half of the participants will receive light therapy treatment and the other half will receive standard therapy.

As we noted above, eligible participants will receive up to $500 for participation in the trial. Also, friends and family could be eligible to receive a referral fee of $50 for every enrolled participant who they refer. This fee will be paid if the referred individual meets the study eligibility criteria and is enrolled in the trial.

More about this trial:

Recently, Toronto’s CityTV featured this clinical trial in their news segment which provides more information about the study. Here is a link to this segment: https://www.citytv.com/video/6203700804001/

Additional information about this clinical trial can be found at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04418505

Right now, with 19 participants already enrolled in the study, we see early encouraging results. Sadly, the recruitment rate is slow. We believe that our trial can be of benefit to those suffering from COVID-19, and we are reaching out to you for help in spreading the word.

We are open to your suggestions and help that you may offer in reaching your local community and people who could benefit from our trial.

If you think that you can be of help, please let us know. We’ll be happy to setup a brief Zoom meeting or a call, at your convenience, if needed.

Many thanks for you kind consideration,

Nazanin Hosseinkhah Ph.D., P.Phys. | Research Scientist and Physicist | VieLight Inc.


346A Jarvis St, Toronto, Ontario  M4Y 2G6  Canada  |  www.vielight.com
North America: 1-877-355-8012

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