Office of Faith Formation


The Office of Faith Formation and Leadership Development is committed to nurturing the people of God and helping them in their faith journey as they actively encounter Christ in His Word and in His Sacraments, and share their gifts in joyful service, witnessing and evangelizing by bringing Christ to our world today.

We are always here to help you.

We assist pastors, clergy, pastoral assistants, religious, lay leaders, and lay faithful by sharing resources and providing ongoing faith formation days and spiritual retreats within our diocese.

We also collaborate with other dioceses, religious orders, religious educational organizations, lay movements, and agencies through the sharing of information, events, and initiatives.

If you have any questions or wish to know more about our office, please contact our office.


Sacramental Preparation

Learn more about the sacraments: outward signs instituted by Christ to give grace. There are seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.

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Becoming Catholic – RCIA

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey where adults come to learn about and experience the Christian life, specifically our Catholic beliefs and traditions, and become initiated into the life of our Church.

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Adult Faith Formation

We want to help you to grow as a disciple of Christ. We offer opportunities for spiritual development, by providing information and educational resources and training, and spiritual retreats. We are here to encourage and support you on your journey.

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