WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 25, 2025 (Ferial)

Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.

(Mark 9.30-37)


Rite of Election and Acceptance of Those to be Received into the Faith at St. Columbkille Cathedral

Bishop Michael Brehl will celebrate Mass at St. Columbkille Cathedral on the 1st Sunday of Lent, March 9, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. The Mass the Rite of Election are for those to be baptized this Easter Vigil as well as the Acceptance of Candidates who will be confirmed and received into the Faith. Everyone preparing for baptism and reception into the Church throughout the Diocese are invited to participate with our Bishop at this Mass. If you do plan to attend, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com.


Three Years of War in Ukraine: A Call for Prayer and Peace

24 February, 2025, Ottawa – On the third anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the 2024 Canadian Pastoral Letter on Ukraine, Canada, and the Church remains an important resource for guidance and reflection. It highlights the role of faith communities in promoting peace and justice, and encourages them to continue their support for those affected by the war.

We remember in a special way the lives lost, those countless people who have been displaced, and those suffering in Ukraine and beyond. During this time of reflection, we encourage everyone to pray for an end to violence and for the restoration of peace and dignity for all people.

May our prayers provide strength and hope to everyone affected by conflict in our communities and around the world.

Message by the Most Rev. William T. McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary and CCCB President, praying for the health and recovery of Pope Francis

As President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), I wish to assure the faithful of Canada that I am united with my brother Bishops in praying for the full recovery of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he continues to lead the Church with courage and a generosity of spirit. (Read more…)


Pope’s Prayer Intention for March 2025

For families in crisis – Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.


Jubilee 2025 Calendar of Major Events

Jubilee 2025 – Diocese of Pembroke


Women’s Circles

Time to connect with other women, supporting one another on our healing journey. Bringing together culture and community. Next Drumming: February 27th.  Visit the Mashkiwizii Manido Foundation website at www.mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com, call 613 281-7969, or email at info@mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com.

Men’s Circles

Time to connect with other men, supporting one another on our healing journey. Bringing together culture and community. Confidential and trauma informed. Next Drumming: March 3rd.  Visit the Mashkiwizii Manido Foundation website at www.mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com, call 613 281-7969, or email info@mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com.

Acudetox Acupuncture

Encouraging community wellness for behavioural health including addictions, mental health, emotional trauma, PTSD, and anxiety. 6 weekly sessions on Mondays from 9-10 a.m. (except holidays), February 24th – March 31st, 2025. To register or for more information, please email info@mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com.

Wisdom to Wellness

This program is designed to immerse participants into Indigenous cultural teachings and protocols. Through a series of enlightening sessions, individuals will engage with a variety of teachings deeply rooted in Indigenous wisdom and traditions. The program focuses on fostering a profound understanding of cultural values, reciprocity to the land, and the significance of Indigenous protocols in various ceremonies and gatherings. These teachings will be integrated into other programs held at Mashkiwizii Manido Foundation. Email us at info@mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com or visit the website at www.mashkiwiziimanidofoundation.com for more information. Next date: Wednesday, February 26th.


Café evangelization at the University of Mary Washington

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Father Richard A. Miserendino, the chaplain of Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Mary Washington, faced a challenge when he realized that students were not visiting him during the day. To address this, he took the initiative to meet students where they are by setting up a presence at a campus coffee shop. He spends about two hours there a few days a week, displaying a sign on his laptop inviting students to chat with him. The sign reads, “I’m a Catholic priest. Feel free to ask me a question or say hello or chat if you’d like! Have a great day!” (Read more…)


Adult Faith Lenten Retreat – “Mercy of Christ”

The Diocesan Office of Faith Formation Office and Leadership Development invites you to an Adult Faith Lenten Retreat on Saturday, April 5th at St. James the Less Parish, Eganville from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Registration at 9:30 a.m. Celebration of the Holy Mass with Bishop Brehl at 10:00 a.m. Cost: $15.00 per person (lunch and refreshments provided). This retreat is open to all the faithful. Guest speaker: Bishop Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R. To register or for more information, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206 or email dcadriendchaput@pembrokediocese.com . Registration deadline: Thursday, April 3rd.

Save the date!

Mark your calendars for Divine Mercy Sunday with Bishop Brehl on April 27,2025. More information to follow as we approach this date. Stay tuned!



NEXT event: Tuesday, February 25th at 7 p.m. at St-Jean Baptiste Parish Hall, Pembroke. Guest speaker: Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director for Pastoral Work, Diocese of Pembroke. Topic: How to become a missionary disciple (Talk will begin at approx. 7:10 p.m.) This event is geared for those age 19 – 49(ish). There will be time for questions, discussion, and socializing. Please contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com to be added to a group e-mail list. All are welcome!

Carlo’s Crew Youth Night (A diocesan event)

This is a free event for youth grade 7 to 12 and ALL are welcome. The upcoming dates are Fridays  March 21st and May 2nd from 7 – 9 p.m. at St. James the Less parish, Eganville. There will be games, social time, Eucharistic adoration, music, confession, and talks from a team of clergy and others. The four evenings will focus on Virtues and Vices. The waiver form must be signed either online here or hard copies will be available at the event. One waiver will cover all 4 nights. Questions? Contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com. Come join us and bring a friend!

Marriage Preparation Program

The Spring Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program is coming up on Saturday, March 29th and Saturday, April 12th at the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Annex, Pembroke. Deadline to register: March 24th. Register online at https://www.jotform.com/yvettebourque/marriageprep. E-transfers of $100/couple can be made to donnabiggs@pembrokediocese.com, or mail cheques to Diocese of Pembroke, 284 Trafalgar Road, Pembroke, ON K8A 5A8. For inquiries, please 7contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com or call 613 585-6301.

Separated and Divorced Ministry – VIRTUAL CLASSES (approved by the Archdiocese of Ottawa)

Classes begin March 29 2025, 2 hours/week for ladies this year, and runs for 6 weeks. This is a non-profit ministry. The cost is $40, which covers reimbursement of expenses only and no fees go to the facilitator. Any extra money goes directly to charity. All class details, dates, times and registration form can be found at www.bymyside.ca. Please share with anyone you know who may be interested. Mary Jane Manley, By My Side Program Facilitator. Email: mj@bymyside.ca. Cell: 613 294-1308.


1st Thursday Holy Hours to Pray for Vocations

March 6th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew Parish, Killaloe. The Holy Hour will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Music, a reflection by Fr. Murray, a Rosary for vocations, and time for silent prayer. These Holy Hours are open to everyone, not just those considering a priestly vocation. For more information and details please visit Pembroke Vocations.


World Day of Prayer Ecumenical Service

World Day of Prayer Ecumenical Service will take place on Friday, March 7th at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Pembroke. Written by the women of Cook Islands and adapted for use in Canada by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada. Guest speaker: Father Ryan Holly. Everyone welcome!

March 7 – Prayers for healing (bilingual celebration)

At St-Pierre Church, Fort-Coulonge, at 7:00 p.m. All welcome, whatever your religious background! Format: songs of praise, brief meditation on the Word of God, procession with the Blessed Sacrament inside the church for healing, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There will be two or three people to pray with you individually for healing, if you wish.


FSO – Paint with a Purpose CANCELLED

Please note that First Step Options’ Paint with a Purpose scheduled for Saturday, March 1st has been POSTPONED until a later date (to be confirmed). Stay tuned for more details!

Become a Monthly Donor!

The month of February is a great time to become a monthly donor for First Step Options! Become a monthly donor and help FSO repaint the canvas of someone’s life with hope. Simply go to www.firststepoptions.com and click on the “DONATE” tab to sign up today! For more information, please call FSO at 613 635-7440, or visit the website at https://www.firststepoptions.com/.


Online Deliverance Prayer Session

Monsignor Rossetti, exorcist, will lead the next livestreamed deliverance session on Monday, March 3rd from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Rosary starts at: 6:30 p.m. Visit the website to register: https://www.catholicexorcism.org/.

Busy Mothers Spiritual Retreat

A St. Clement Parish event led by Fr. Stephen Helferty at St. Peter Celestine, Pakenham, on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. All women welcome! Suggested donation of $15. For more information, or to register, please contact Emilie Maunder at emiliebruno@gmail.com.

CCRSO Annual Spring Conference 2025

“Come. Throw Open the Doors of Your Heart. Hope Does not Disappoint.” The annual CCRSO (Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of Ontario) conference, will be held at St. Theresa Parish, 100 Tenth St., Toronto on March 14th and 15th, with Bishop Scott McCaig and Michelle Moran (UK). Tickets: $20. For more information, or to register, visit https://www.ccrso.net/.

Lift Jesus Higher Rally

The annual Toronto Lift Jesus Higher Rally – “Power from On High” will be Saturday, March 29th, 2025 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Adult Rally $49Youth Rally $25. Information and registration: https://www.ljhr.ca/.


Drama Production and Dinner

Queen of the Angels Co-op presents a Pancake Dinner followed by a performance of The Real Princess – A Princess and the Pea Story, at St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Killaloe on Saturday, March 1st starting at 6 p.m. Cost: $20 for adults – $5 for children/students. For more information, or to reserve your tickets, please email coopdrama@proton.me.

Women’s Retreats Combermere

We warmly invite all women to a weekend women’s retreat….

The Eucharist: Christ our Hope” – two retreats offered:

  1. March 14-16 at the Elim Lodge 696 Elim Lodge Road, Lakehurst, ON, led by Christina Milan and Fr. Brian Christie, Madonna House – Register Here.
  2. April 4-6 at the Graphite Bible Camp, 702 Graphite Road, Maynooth, ON, led by Christina Milan and Fr. David Linder, Madonna House – Register here.

For questions or more information please call Astrid (Elim Retreat) at 905 377-0688 or Kristan (Graphite Retreat) at 613 585-0579.

Pilgrimage of Peace to Medjugorje

Departure from Pearson International Airport from May 7th to May 18th. Price: $3,150.00 (includes all taxes, air fares, room & board, side trips and gratuities). Non-refundable deposit of $400.00 required on booking. To register, or for more information contact Jack or Patricia Duggan at 613 756-2655, or email blackfishbay@bell.net or dugganpatricia@bell.net.

Print your tickets