New Policy for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Abuse of Minors and Adults

May 6, 2021

Today, I have promulgated in the Diocese of Pembroke The Policy and Procedures for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Abuse of Minors and Adults who in Law are the Equivalent of Minors. This document replaces the Protocol for Sexual Abuse Cases Involving Minors that has been in force since 2007. This revision has taken place in accordance with the obligation and desire of the Bishops of Canada to embody the Catholic Church’s teachings, laws and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ 2018 document Protecting Minors from Sexual Abuse. This revised protocol is the fruit of this commitment. Pastors are to review with, and document that, all parish employees and volunteers have read this revised document, which may be accessed on the diocesan website

In conjunction with our revised diocesan policy, I wish to apprise you that today, the CCCB unveiled the ClearView Reporting System, which is a centralized third-party mechanism to report allegations of abuse or the cover-up of abuse by bishops in Canada. The centralized ClearView Reporting System will ensure that allegations of abuse or the potential cover-up of abuse are conveyed to the proper ecclesiastical authority, as outlined in Pope Francis’  2019     motu proprio Vos estis lux mundi. This ClearView Reporting System may be accessed via or the link from our own diocesan website.

In Vos estis lux mundi, our Holy Father states “it is good that procedures be universally adopted to prevent and combat these crimes that betray the trust of the faithful’. Let us always pray for the healing of those who have suffered abuse and for the healing of their families. Let us work for the protection and well-being of all God’s holy people.

May God bless you in these times of rejoicing and festivities as we celebrate the birth of our Savior,

+ Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.
Bishop of Pembroke

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