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  • Truth And Reconciliation

    The news of the discovered unmarked graves this spring at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia has jarred our Catholic conscience into grappling with a Canadian reality and a matter of fact concerning our Church’s history. This issue was experienced in a variety of ways throughout our Diocese.

    Bishop Desrochers has sought the input of a few of the many people who have a vested interest in the concerns of Indigenous Peoples. Representatives of our local English and French school boards as well as people from the local mental health community have come together. We are exploring how the Diocese of Pembroke can advance a positive future that addresses a painful and regretful past.

    Our first discussion concluded that whatever we do going forward we do together and not on our own. Having First Nations People at the table with us is essential to any response of the matter before us.

    And so, two objectives became our priority:

    The invitation, and hopefully soon the welcome, of persons who will bring to our table the valuable lived experience of Native culture and spirituality.

    Secondly, we are exploring ways to educate ourselves and one another as to the depth and breadth of our history and its implications for First Nations persons and for ourselves.

    The Bishop has invited us to keep you informed through the Diocesan Weekly Bulletin, and, we invite you to communicate with us through the chancery office staff or Fr. Peter Proulx by email.

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