The Holy Father has accepted the invitation to visit the Church in Canada

It is my honour to inform you that the Holy Father has accepted the invitation of the Bishops of Canada to visit the Church in Canada in the context of a pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation with our Indigenous sisters and brothers. The Holy Father has released a statement which you can view online here:

This announcement builds on three years of constructive dialogue between the Canadian Bishops, the Holy See, and Indigenous Peoples who have generously shared their experiences and stories about the suffering and challenges that continue to this day. The Holy Father’s announcement is in response to the expectations expressed by the Bishops during the last meeting of the Plenary Assembly. 

As you may know, most recently, President Bishop Poisson and Archbishop Gagnon had the opportunity to meet with the Secretary of State of the Holy See, to discuss next steps in the reconciliation journey.

The Holy Father was moved by the profound desire of the Bishops of Canada and the Indigenous Peoples that he come to Canada on a pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation. As you know, this is a process already underway, thanks to a joint delegation to Rome that will take place 17-20 December 2021, where Pope Francis will hear directly from Indigenous Peoples on the historical and ongoing legacy of residential schools, as well as their hopes and desires for his visit to Canada.

 More information regarding the upcoming delegation and the upcoming papal visit to Canada will follow shortly.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Father Jean Vézina
General Secretary
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

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