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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – April 17, 2024 (St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin)

    This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life.

    (John 6.35-40)


    Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration

    At Paroisse Ste-Thérèse, 67 rue Boucher, Témiscaming, on Wednesday, May 8th from 7-8:15 p.m. Guest speaker: Father Réal Ouellette. All are welcome!

    Ordination to the Priesthood

    Reverend Mr. Lukas Časta will receive Sacred Ordination to the Priesthood on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Saturday, June 29, 2024, at the Cathedral of St. Columbkille at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend.

    Message for Easter 2024

    Please watch the Diocese of Pembroke Happy Easter 2024 YouTube message given by Father Michael Smith, pastor of Fort-Coulonge, Otter Lake, Vinton and Waltham.

    Prayer for the Future Bishop of our Diocese

    Heavenly Father, we ask in the name of your Son, that you bless our future bishop. Provide him with the gifts he will need to carry on the ministry of Jesus in our diocese. Grant him the heart of your Son, the heart of the Good Shepherd. Bestow upon him the zeal of St. Paul in preaching the Good News; the humility of St. John Vianney in ministering the sacraments; the compassion of St. Vincent-de-Paul in serving those most in need; the wisdom of St. Augustine in teaching the doctrine of our Church; and the missionary fervour of St. Columbkille, our patron. Through Christ our Lord.    Amen


    53rd International Eucharistic Congress – Pilgrimage

    Archbishop Dunn and Bishop Rodembourg, spirituals guides of the pilgrimage, invite you to join 2024 Eucharistic Congress to be held in Quito, Ecuador, from September 8th to 15th. As such, the pilgrimage, organised in collaboration with Spiritours, will commence on September 6th with a return on September 16th (without the extension) or on September 20th (with the extension). Kindly note that the number of participants is limited and the deadline to register is June 6, 2024. Should you have any questions, please communicate directly with Archbishop Dunn (bdunn@halifaxyarmouth.org), Bishop Rodembourg (seceveque@ecdsh.org), or Audrey Marebe from Spiritours (514 374‑7965, ext. 200, or audrey.marebe@spiritours.com).

    Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg in Glendale of the Catholic Armenians in the United States and Canada – Monday, April 08 2024

    April 8, 2024, Ottawa – The Holy Father has appointed the Revered Fr. Parsegh Baghdassarian, currently rector of Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral in Los Angeles, United States of America, as Auxiliary Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg in Glendale of the Catholic Armenians in the United States and Canada , attributing to him the titular see of Comana Armeniae. (Read more…)

    2024 Easter message from Bishop William T. McGrattan, President of the CCCB

    Join us as we reflect on the Scriptures for Easter Sunday 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-TQ5RSP-Lw.

    Three Canadian priests to participate in Synod’s International Meeting of Priests in Rome

    March 27, 2024, Ottawa – The Holy See announced a worldwide meeting of priests as part of the Synod on Synodality to be held this spring in Rome. Three hundred priests, sent by the Bishops’ Conferences and the Oriental Catholic Churches, will participate in a global meeting of listening, prayer and discernment, entitled: “Parish Priests for the Synod: An International Meeting,” to be held on April 28-May 2. (Read more…)


    Indigenous Speaker Series

    Please join us April-May 2024 for an Indigenous Speaker Series. Next event: Monday, April 29th from 6-8 p.m., featuring Carolynne Crawley, who will share experiences from the land that guide a sense of responsible and reciprocal relations with the lands, waters, and all beings. Hosted by OCSB Indigenous Education. Click here to register for this event. For more information, or questions or concerns, please contact Kellie Hisko at kellie.hisko@rccdsb.ca. Everyone welcome!

    Quote from Professor James Anaya, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, August 2010 report to the UN General Assembly

    “Implementation of the Declaration should be regarded as a political, moral and legal imperative without qualification.”


    “Church Revitalization and Growth”

    We are delighted to announce a five-part series on “Church Revitalization and Growth,” starting May 7. Led by our Director of Pastoral Work, Pierre-Alain Giffard, this online program aims to equip parishes with the knowledge and practical skills to revitalize and grow Christian communities. Over five consecutive Tuesdays, participants will explore the Church’s core mission, study thriving churches, and learn about church growth principles. We extend a warm invitation to you. We encourage you to forward this announcement to your parish team and other members of the parish. Please RSVP by May 2 to pag@pembrokediocese.com.

    Prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit

    By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

    Heavenly Father, I come before with an open heart and a sincere desire to be baptized in your Holy Spirit. I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of Your grace and mercy, and I ask for Your forgiveness for all my transgressions. I believe that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross has redeemed me from my sins. Cover me with His blood and hide me in His Sacred Heart. I ask you to immerse me in your Spirit, filling me to overflowing. Infuse my life with your love and power, equipping me to bless others, be of service to them and glorify you. Where gifts are needed to advance your Kingdom – gifts of healing, prophecy, discernment or any others – I ask you to provide them freely. May your fruits of joy and peace also grow in my life. My God, all that I am, I surrender to you without reservation, for this life and eternity. I yield myself fully to your purpose. Thank you for your Word which promises that if I ask, I will receive. So I come with confidence, asking, seeking and knocking. I believe in you; I have faith in You. Amen.

    About the baptism in the Holy Spirit: https://www.charis.international/en/baptism-holy-spirit/.


    1st Thursday Holy Hours to Pray for Vocations

    May 2nd from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Paul the Hermit Parish, Sheenboro. The Holy Hour will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Music, a reflection by Fr. Murray, a Rosary for vocations, and time for silent prayer. These Holy Hours are open to everyone, not just those considering a priestly vocation. For more information and details please visit Pembroke Vocations.


    Diocesan Youth Night

    The Diocese of Pembroke’s Office of Family Life and Youth Ministry is starting a new event for youth in grade 7 to 12 at St. James the Less Parish, Eganville. Upcoming date: June 7th from 7 – 9 p.m. The events will offer fun games (outdoor whenever possible), social time to build friendships, Eucharistic adoration, music, confession, and talks from a team of clergy and others to encourage spiritual growth and personal reflection. Please bring indoor shoes! The waiver form and information can be found here! A dedicated room will be available for parents who wish to stay for the duration of the event. Any questions? Contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com. All are invited and welcome!

    Image of God Monthly Men & Women Sessions at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Petawawa

    Next session: Wednesday, May 8th, from 7-8:30 p.m. in the parish centre. Topic: Home Grown Spiritual Directors: We’re all walking a long and difficult journey – it’s time to talk about who we have invited to walk with us. Speaker Patrick Sullivan, Lay Evangelist. Upcoming date is June 12th. Questions? Contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.

    Theology on Tap – PEMBROKE

    Monday April 22nd from 7-8:30 p.m. at Cathedral Parish Hall. Guest speaker: Patrick Sullivan, Lay Evangelist. Topic: “Angels…and demons” (Talk will begin at approx. 7:10 p.m.). This event is geared for those age 19 – 49(ish). Different guest speakers will be invited each month to give a talk on a variety of different topics related to the Catholic Faith. There will be time for questions, discussion, and socializing. To receive an e-mail each month with date, speaker and location please contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com to be added to a group e-mail list.


    Prayers for healing (bilingual celebration)

    At St-Pierre Church, Fort-Coulonge, Friday, May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. All welcome, whatever your religious background! Format: songs of praise, brief meditation on the Word of God, procession with the Blessed Sacrament inside the church for healing, followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There will be two or three people to pray with you individually for healing if you wish.


    Retreat/Potluck at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, Pembroke, on Saturday, April 20th from 1:30-6:30 p.m. Guest speakers: Peggy & Keith Doucette, from the John Paul II Centre for Divine Mercy. The afternoon will consist of praise & worship, prayer, fellowship, testimony, veneration of relics, and dinner. There is no cost! Dinner will be around 4:30 p.m. We encourage people to bring something for the potluck. Please RSVP to Anna or John Paul at 613 587-4145. Everyone is welcome!


    FSO Free Parenting Workshop

    First Step Options presents a free parenting workshop at Wesley Community Church Hall, 210 Renfrew St., Pembroke on Thursday, May 2nd from 7-8:30 p.m. Learn 3 achievable strategies for addressing challenging behaviors, featuring Kelsey Parker, Registered Psychotherapist. Pre-register today at 613 635-7440 or fsocentre@gmail.com, or visit https://www.firststepoptions.com/ for more information.

    National March for Life – Parliament Hill

    All are invited to participate in this important event to show support for life at all ages and stages. The march through downtown Ottawa begins on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. Masses and prayer services begin in the morning, a rally on the Hill at 12:30 p.m., and testimonies after the march.

    Renfrew County Right to Life has chartered a coach that leaves Moncion Metro in Pembroke at 8 a.m. and stops in Cobden and Renfrew. To reserve a seat please contact Barb at 613 735-6265 or email RCRTLife@gmail.com. For more details see marchforlife.ca and www.facebook.com/RCRTL.

    Living in Colour

    Are you hurting from an abortion experience, even years later? You are not alone! First Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre is offering a post-abortion recovery healing program called “Living in Colour.” Contact FSO at 613 635-7440 or visit https://www.firststepoptions.com/ for more information.

    First Step Options Trivia Night

    Come join FSO for a fun-filled trivia night at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, 280 Lourdesview Dr., Pembroke, on Saturday, May 25th at 7 p.m. Theme: “Books vs. Movies.” Cost: $10/person (4-6 players/team). Costumes are encouraged for bonus points! Cash canteen and silent auction available. Register by Tuesday, May 21st at 613 635-7440 or email fsocentre@gmail.com.


    Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care

    Do you have questions about how our Catholic faith helps us navigate end-of-life questions? Our team of volunteers and Fr. Moses of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, in Deep River, invites everyone to join us in our Parish Hall on Wednesdays, from May 1-29, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., to discover this “toolkit”. Developed by our Bishops, it brings together theological and medical expertise to answer your questions! Our volunteers have professional, volunteer, and/or personal experience with palliative care. Plus, we offer a 5th session focused on the availability of palliative care locally and getting your papers in order. Free! Please pre-register by calling our Parish Office at 613 584-2711, leaving your name, phone number and email address. Learn more: visit www.cccb.ca, searching Horizons of Hope. Or visit OLGC Parish website, https://ourladygoodcounsel.ca/.

    Annual May 1st Men’s Pilgrimage to St. Joseph’s Oratory

    Every year for the past 40 years, we bundle up all our cares and the needs of our families, sling them across our shoulders as fathers and as young men (13+), and take them to the feet of St. Joseph patron of father’s and workers. Along the way we stop to visit St. Kateri’s shrine in Kahnawake. Our itinerary is posted at https://tinyurl.com/stj-pilgrimage.  Please contact Anton Casta at arc3@stmaxmedia.com or 613 756-6410 to register.

    Pilgrimage to Quebec Shrines

    St. James the Less Parish in Eganville is organizing a pilgrimage accompanied by Father Réal Ouellette, from Monday, June 10, 2024, to Wednesday, June 12, 2024, with departures and returns in Pembroke and Renfrew. Shrines to be visited are St. Kateri’s Shrine, Divine Mercy Shrine, Our Lady of the Cap Shrine, Ste-Anne de Beaupré Shrine, and Oratory St. Joseph. We need a minimum of 40 pilgrims by May 9th to make this pilgrimage viable. For more information, please visit https://stjameseganville.com/ or call Fr. Réal during office hours at 613 628-2020, or by email at padrereal2002@yahoo.ca.

    150th Annual Pilgrimage – Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré and Our Lady of the Cape from August 10-11, 2024

    A bus will depart on August 10, 2024, at 4 a.m. This may be the last pilgrimage due to the Rector and organizer health issues. For departure locations, cost and other information, please contact Mike Budge at 613 224-8110 or mike.budge@bell.net.


    Cana Colony – Madonna House, Combermere, Ontario

    Looking for 4 Activities Coordinators for children and youth at a family camp that runs from June 28 – Aug. 4, 2024.  Must be 18+. For more information, please contact Christina Milan, Cana Registrar mhcanacolony@gmail.com or 613 756-3713.

    Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception – Pembroke, Ontario

    The Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception is seeking people to fill the following positions:

    • Spiritual Care Coordinator (.5FTE)
    • Health Care Navigator (RN/RPN – .5FTE)

    For more information, please contact Ian Welton, Executive Director at iweltoncga@greysisters.ca or 613 735-4111 Ext. 2208.


    Pembroke Community Choir – Spring Concert

    The Pembroke Community Choir invites you to their spring concert of the beautiful and moving Brahms’ Requiem (sung in English). One performance only on Sunday, April 21st at 7 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 357 Miller Street, (corner of Miller and Doran), Pembroke. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door; students 13 and under are free. They may be purchased until Thursday, April 18th from choir members, at the Pembroke Mall’s Customer Care Centre, and at Fleurish Floral Designs in Petawawa. For more information, visit the choir’s website at www.pembrokecommunitychoir.org.

    Walking the Path of Adult Faith – April 19-21, 2024

    This retreat is an invitation to prayerful reflection opening to God who comes alongside to walk with us, leading into the learning/growing spaces of adult faith. Facilitator, Dr. Carol Kuzmochka’s (Saint Paul University) approach to the Emmaus story offers a way into the wide, rich, real, and relational journey of integral faith that can prepare us to be vitally a part of the Synodal Church. Single $395, Double $345, Commuter $245. Call Galilee Centre 613 623-4242 ext. 21 or visit www.galileecentre.com to register.

    Spirituality of the Paschal Mystery – April 27, 2024

    The liturgy of the Church, the celebration of the sacraments, and the seasons of Lent and Easter are particular times when we pay attention to what Jesus has done for us through his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension. Yet these are not the only times when we experience the Paschal Mystery. It is a part of our everyday life. It is the undercurrent of all that we do and all that we are. Let us be united and move forward with hope as a pilgrim People of God. Day Retreat facilitated by Monique deBaets, based on the teachings of Sr. Rosemary O’Toole, CSJ. $95 per person. Call Galilee Centre 613 623-4242 ext. 21 or visit www.galileecentre.com to register.

    9th Annual Bluegrass Sunday

    At the Knights of Columbus Hall, 170 Ellis Street, Pembroke, on Sunday, April 28th from 1:30-4:30 p.m. All proceeds go to Perry Medico (formerly Friends for Life International). Cost: $20.00 at the door only. For more information, contact Ron at 819 689-5440, or visit the website at https://perrymedico.ca/.

    Welcome to the Madawaska United Soccer League

    A 7v7 Co-Ed Summer League on Thursdays from May 2nd to the end of August. Summer registration for players 18+ is $60 until April 25th and $70 afterwards. Youth 13-17 are $50 but must tryout May 2nd/9th and be chosen by a team captain. This is a clean league that promotes Christian values and teamwork. Visiting players are welcome for a $10 fee per game. All games are held at MVDHS. Join us! https://madawaskaunited.com/.

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