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Jesus exults in the Holy Spirit.
(Luke 10.21-24)
Dear clergy and faithful,
The time of Advent (from the Latin “adventus” meaning “coming, dawn“) has just begun. For the next four weeks, we have a golden opportunity to prepare ourselves inwardly for the Saviour’s first coming at Christmas. To do this, through the Bible readings of each Sunday in Advent, the Church will propose to us to do penance, to be converted by flattening the mountains of our pride, to undertake a deep inner cleansing in order to invite the Divine Child into our hearts and to rest in the depths of our souls. By doing penance, praying more and doing acts of charity, our poor hearts will then become true mangers where the Newborn can rest peacefully. By preparing ourselves in this way, we will send a clear signal to God that we long to unite ourselves with the Spirit of the One who has humbled himself, to the point of taking our poor human condition and to accept eventually to die on the Cross, in order to save us from our sins and evil inclinations.
The purple liturgical vestments that members of the clergy wear when they celebrate the liturgy during Advent, as well as the colour of the tablecloths and other accessories, symbolize precisely this essential dimension of joyful penance that we must adopt if we are to enter into the mystery of love and communion that God proposes to us.
Without this spirit of penance and loving conversion to God, without this spirit of sincere contrition for our sins (accompanied by the desire to please Him in everything), we risk missing the great mystery of Christmas! Christmas will then be reduced to a secular holiday where there are certainly moments of excitement and emotion linked to the shopping frenzy and the preparation of family gatherings during the holiday season. But Christ will certainly not come into our hearts under these conditions alone. For this to happen, we need to pray more; we need to desire him more, because desire always precedes love, all love. This is the signal that God expects from us before coming down from heaven to dwell and reign in our hearts. By doing so, he will be able to free us from the fears, anxieties, guilt and insecurities that so often invade us. Let us pray together, dear faithful, so that all may take advantage of this time of Advent to prepare inwardly for the coming of Emmanuel in the cradle of our hearts.
+ Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Bishop of Pembroke
Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2020-21
Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2020-21 are presently available for purchase at the Chancery Office for only $20/copy on a first-come, first-served basis. If interested, please contact Donna Biggs at 613 732-7933 ext. 203.
CCCB President Signs Joint Statement in Support of Artsakh – Monday, November 30, 2020
he Most Reverend Richard Gagnon, Archbishop of Winnipeg and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), has signed a Joint Statement with the Most Reverend Mikael Mouradian, Eparchial Bishop for the Catholic Armenians in Canada and the United States and the Most Reverend Abgar Hovakimyan, Primate of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese regarding the violence in Artsakh, also known as Nagorno-Karabakh, the ancestral land of the local Armenian population.
Link to the Joint Statement (English)
Link to the Joint Statement (Armenian)
Episcopal Resignation and Appointment of Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Hearst-Moosonee – Monday, November 30, 2020
On 29 November 2020, His Holiness Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the Most Reverend Robert Bourgon from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Hearst-Moosonee and appointed the Most Reverend Terrence Prendergast, S.J., Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall, as Apostolic Administrator of Hearst-Moosonee. (Read more…)
New Auxiliary Bishop Appointed for the Archdiocese of Toronto – Monday, November 30, 2020
On 28 November 2020, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Father Ivan Camilleri Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto. At the time of his appointment, Bishop-elect Camilleri was serving as Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs, Vicar General, and Moderator of the Curia of the Archdiocese of Toronto. (Read more…)
New Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth – Friday, November 27, 2020
His Holiness Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the Most Reverend Anthony Mancini after 13 years as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, with the Most Reverend Brian Dunn thereby succeeding him as the Archbishop. Archbishop Dunn has been Coadjutor Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth since April 2019. Archbishop Mancini submitted his resignation to the Holy Father upon reaching the age of 75, as required by the Code of Canon Law. (Read more…)
Life and Family Suggestions for Homilies and Prayers of the Faithful During December 2020 – Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Even during a time of social isolation because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Sunday liturgy continues to offer nourishment for prayer and reflection during the whole week – whether we are meditating on the readings, or participating in a television broadcast of the Mass and making a spiritual Communion. (Read more…)
Journey Through Advent – A Video Series to Introduce and Reflect on the Season – Monday, November 23, 2020
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) announced a new online weekly video series created to help Canadian Catholic faithful to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Entitled Journey through Advent, the series is a joint project involving the CCCB’s Office national de liturgie, the National Liturgy Office, and the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis. The initiative was developed as a way, through the modern method of video messaging, to offer a resource that enriches faith formation during a time of joyful anticipation for the coming of the Lord and Saviour into the world. (Read more…)
2020 Message to mark the Sikh celebration of Guru Nanak Prakash Diwas –Friday, November 20, 2020
The Most Reverend Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, MCCJ, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, has issued a message to mark the birthday of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. The text is entitled “Christians and Sikhs: Nurturing a Culture of Hope in Pandemic Times”. This year’s celebration was held November 30th. Link to the Message.
Consider two options for online Confirmation preparation. Simple and cost effective. Both are excellent programs to help young people prepare and be strengthened for their mission in the Catholic Church. Please visit https://www.catholiconline.school/pages/confirmation or https://www.hopestone.ca/confirmation. For more information contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206.
Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (18 to 35 yrs.)
Join us on Wednesday, December 16th at St. Columbkille Cathedral parish hall from 7-8:30 p.m. for some Advent fun and the second half of Session #2 – No Greater Love, a Biblical walk through Christ’s Passion by Edward Sri from Ascension Press. Holy Hour and reconciliation is available from 6-7 p.m. as well. To join the e-mail group please contact Yvette Bourque at 613 732-7933 ext. 208.
Looking for ways for your child to get more out of Mass on Sundays?
For ages 5-12, here is a simple option that takes no prep time! Sign up for Holy Heroes Mass Prep and receive an e-mail right in your inbox! Preparation contains all readings for Sunday Mass, colouring page, short video explaining the gospel by other children and a Mass Prep Quiz (with answers) to challenge your child’s comprehension of the readings and liturgical colours worn by the priest each Sunday. Check it all out at https://www.holyheroes.com/MassPrep-s/57.htm . (Watch last week’s Mass Prep and then scroll down and input your e-mail address to start receiving it each week). Questions? Please contact Yvette Bourque at 613 732-7933 ext. 208.
Looking for ways to bring Advent alive for your children this year?
Go to https://www.holyheroes.com/Holy-Heroes-Advent-Adventure-s/48.htm and sign up for Holy Heroes ADVENT ADVENTURE. You will be glad you did! Questions? Please contact Yvette Bourque at 613 732-7933 ext. 208.
Holy Mass – Extraordinary Form
Holy Mass in the extraordinary form is offered at St Columbkille Cathedral on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. These Latin Masses are in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Mass are provided. Next Mass – December 5th.
Christmas Concert Invitation: COVID can’t stop Christmas.
This year, the Daughters of St Paul choir’s Christmas Concert is finally making it to Canada… virtually! The Daughters of St Paul are an international congregation of religious sisters who evangelize through the media. The sisters of the USA & Canada province have long wished to bring their Christmas Concert tour north, but international rights and customs made it impossible. But this year has offered the sisters the unique opportunity to launch their first ever virtual concert, “Home for Christmas,” with choir members joining in from their homes to sing to you in yours! So join us, the Daughters of St Paul Choir, for our first concert for Canada! “Home for Christmas” is a free YouTube live-streamed event where you can expect to meet our choir members, listen to some concert favourites, learn some dance moves, hear some inspirational stories, and have the opportunity to support our mission of evangelization. We hope to see you there, December 3rd at 8 p.m. EST! Check out the YouTube invitation here. For more information visit http://www.pauline.org/virtualconcert.
“Advent Promises: A Women’s Morning of Reflection”
Presented by the Women’s Fall Retreat Planning Team, “Advent Promises: A Women’s Morning of Reflection” will be held via Zoom on Saturday, December 5th, from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Laura O’Reilly, mother and faithful Catholic speaker, will give two inspirational talks reflecting on “Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her (Luke 1:45). “ All registrants will be invited to participate in a Liturgy of the Word, singing and small group discussions. Registration is $20. All women 16 years of age and over can register using this link. Registration deadline: Wednesday, December 2nd.
Project Manager – Diocese of Pembroke
The Diocese of Pembroke is currently advertising for a full time Project Manager. To view the ad please visit: ca.indeed.com.
Home Hosts – FCSRC
Family and Children’s Services of Renfrew County, with regard to the Renfrew County Safe Shelter for Youth program, is currently seeking possible Home Hosts to assist with providing accommodations, either short-term or long-term, to youth who are experiencing homelessness within our county. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Breanne Emon, Renfrew County Safe Shelter for Youth Coordinator, FCSRC, at 613 635-6180 or email: breanne.emon@fcsrenfrew.on.ca.