WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 19, 2021 (Ferial)

The sabbath was made for people, and not people for the sabbath.

(Mark 2. 23-28)


Diocesan Offices Closed

In keeping with the stay-at-home order issued by Premier Doug Ford, the chancery offices have been officially closed since Thursday, January 14th. The chancery staff will work from home, and can generally be reached by email.


Resources for 2021 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated 18 to 25 January 2021 on the theme “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15:5-9). The resources in English and in French can be freely downloaded from the Canadian website for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme and biblical texts for this annual Week of Prayer are jointly prepared by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. The thematic introduction to the 2021 materials comes from the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland, a group of religious sisters from different church traditions brought together by a common vocation of prayer, community life and hospitality and by their commitment to Christian unity. National and regional Councils of Churches adapt the resources for their local context. The resources for Canada are produced by an ecumenical writing team coordinated by the Commission on Faith and Witness of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC). The CCCB is a member of the CCC and is also represented on its Canadian writing team for the Week of Prayer.

Link to Canadian resources

Link to international version of the resources


2021 World Day of the Sick – Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The 29th World Day of the Sick will be celebrated, as it is every year, on 11 February, the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Holy See has released the Holy Father’s Message which is entitled “You have but one teacher and you are all brothers” (Mt 23:8), which encourages a trust-based relationship with the sick and the nurturing of integral human healing. In his Message, Pope Francis writes: “…the commandment of love that Jesus left to his disciples is also kept in our relationship with the sick. A society is all the more human to the degree that it cares effectively for its most frail and suffering members, in a spirit of fraternal love. Let us strive to achieve this goal, so that no one will feel alone, excluded or abandoned.”

Message of the Holy Father


Pope’s Prayer Intention for January 2021: Intention for evangelization – Human fraternity

May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one another, open to all.


Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (18-35 yrs.)

The Jan. 20th gathering is postponed until Jan. 27th. This will depend on the government restrictions at that time.

Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program (Feb. 27th and March 6th)

This course will be online only. New deadline date to register is Feb. 15th as materials need to be mailed out to participants.

Teens– be prepared for Lent

Order the Teen Lent Companion by LIFETEEN and use it to develop a daily prayer life that will last you a lifetime. See other great resources for teens at www.lifeteen.com.



Father Réal Ouellette is planning the recording/editing of the Rosary to be broadcast on various social media. To participate and contribute, please see details here.

Special Livestream

The Sunday of the Word of God is this Sunday, January 24. That day, at 1 p.m., Fr. Réal Ouellette will broadcast a special activity inspired by Lectio Divina mixed with Eucharistic Adoration. You can access it through the link dedicated to the live streaming of his masses on his parishes’ website: https://www.ourabcparishes.com/live-streaming-of-mass.


Campaign Life Coalition – Documentary Obsessed: Canada’s Coercive Diplomacy”

David Mulroney, former Canadian Ambassador to China and one of Canada’s leading experts on Foreign affairs, and Obianuju Ekeocha, author, filmmaker and pro-life activist, who has been monitoring the global abortion agenda in Africa for almost a decade, have put together a documentary called “Obsessed: Canada’s Coercive Diplomacy. This is an eye-opening dialogue on Canada’s ideologically driven foreign affairs, its effects on the developing world, why Canadians should be upset and what this has to do with the Chinese Communist Party. Here what they have to say about Canada’s current foreign aid program, which commits almost $700 million annually towards expanding abortion overseas with your tax dollars. Watch the video here.


Night of Worship and Ministry

At St. Mary’s Parish Ottawa YouTube Channel. An evening of praise, prophecy, teaching and healing on Friday, January 22nd from 7-9 p.m. Theme: Catch the Fire. Speaker: Fr. Francis Donnelly, CC, Encounter School of Ministry – Ottawa Satellite Campus. For more information please contact Natalia Lacar at 613 728-9811 ext. 720 or check out the website here.

Virtual Heart of Worship at Holy Redeemer Parish, Kanata

Everyone is invited to adore Jesus virtually though praise and worship music and silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Guest speaker, Chris Zettel, will be presenting 7 Hebrew Words of Praise on Tuesday, January 26th from 7-8:30 p.m. Join the Facebook page! For more information contact reception@holyredeemer.ca.

eAlpha on Wednesdays via Zoom

The Alpha Experience helps prepare us for Eternal Life by using dynamic films and interactive discussions which explore the basics, and help deepen the Christian Faith. Simple guidance to use Zoom is provided. Visit www.stmarysottawa.ca/alpha. Easy access from your own home starts on January 27th from 7-9 p.m. No cost. Hosted by St. Mary’s Parish, Ottawa. Go to https://tinyrul.com/StMarysAlpha or call 613 728-9811 ext. 701.

Glengarry Alpha at St. Finnan’s

Try Alpha on-line. Explore the basics of Christian faith in a relaxed, friendly, and non-judgmental way. Alpha is open for everyone and anyone from all walks of life! Meet and greet on-line, enjoy a short video, then participate in small group discussions. Starting Thursday, January 28th from 6:30-8 p.m. No cost. Register at www.stfinnan.ca. For more information please contact Elizabeth at 613 527-3209 or mcdonellbe@gmail.com.

2021 Diocese of St. Augustine Virtual Catholic Holy Spirit Healing Conference “Who Do You Say I Am?” (Matthew 16:15)

On January 30th. Key note speaker: Dr. Ralph Martin, President Renewal Ministries. No Cost, however donations are greatly appreciated. Click here to register or for more information.

The Word 2021 – The International Catholic Bible Summit

From February 11th-13th, 70 of the most trusted and inspirational Catholic Bible experts in the Church today will be showing you how to confidently and quickly approach the Bible for answers, hope, and peace in your day-to-day challenges and struggles. For more information and to register at no cost, visit https://www.cardinalstudios.org/catholic-bible-summit-home.

2021 National Theology on Tap

Intentional Disciples presents “Virtual National Theology on Tap” on Friday, February 12th at 9 p.m. E.T. with guest speakers Ralph Martin and Archbishop Chaput. Visit the Intentional Disciples website for more information.

Lift Jesus Higher Rally

Livestream on February 27th. Lift Jesus Higher Rally (LJHR) is an annual event for Youth and Adults that focuses on evangelizing through uplifting music, testimonials, confessions, reflections, Divine Mercy celebration and Eucharistic Adoration. For information, updates, and registration, please visit the LJHR website.


Marianhill Lottery 2021 supports the “Building Care” Redevelopment Project

Marianhill 2021 Lottery tickets are now available through to January 31, 2021. Lottery funds go towards the purchase of furniture and equipment for the new building. Each $25 ticket provides you with 69 chances to win. Call Marianhill to order 613 735-6838 ext. 4306 OR download ticket order form at https://marianhill.ca/news/. Tickets will be mailed via Canada Post. Thank you for supporting the Marianhill Foundation!

Calling All Moms

Check out the options for Moms to stay connected at www.CatholicMomsgroup.com and sign up to Midday Moms, a regular virtual Mother’s group meet up with host Mary Wagner and her MOM Jane Wagner on Zoom.

Print your tickets