WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 29, 2021 (Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles)

I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

(Matthew 16.13-19)


Catherine Doherty’s insight on evangelization: second of three parts

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Last week, I brought you part one of three of a reflection by Catherine Doherty on the topic of evangelization. If you didn’t get a chance to read the first part, go to the diocesan website and check out last week’s Weekly Bulletin. Here is the second part of an excerpt from Chapter 7, taken from the book entitled: “The Mystical Body of Christ.”

Sincerely yours in Christ our redeemer,

+Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.

Bishop of Pembroke


Evangelization—good news as gift

Chapter 7, The Mystical Body of Christ by Catherine Doherty,

© Madonna House Publications 2013

Evangelize by words and by your life

Evangelizing doesn’t mean, though, that you just preach the Gospel with your words; words are cheap, unless they are incarnated.  By ‘incarnated’ I mean that the words you say match the acts that you do, the life that you lead. To evangelize we do have to speak the word of God, for it comes by hearing. But if we ‘preach’ and in our own life you or I contradict that preaching, then people will leave the Church instead of coming into it. To evangelize another I must love him or her; without my love, no evangelization is possible. The Good News will fall flat on the hearts and ears of people if they are not presented with love.

Evangelizing is a very simple thing, but you have to pray in order to express the love that fills your heart, especially if you are shy and don’t want to talk. God wants to use us as he used the uncouth, unlearned disciples for whom he thanked God saying, “I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children.” (Mt 11:25) May we desire to be used by him, no matter the cost to us.

Love is transmitted by the fire in our hearts. It is transmitted by a glance, by shaking a hand or holding a hand, so that the power of your love passes to the other. It is found in an intense listening that makes the listener feel that you are completely interested in him or her, and nobody else. That kind of love comes directly from God. Does he ask that we should be highly educated, or have facility of tongue and speech? It doesn’t seem so. All of us who have been baptized must speak the Gospel by deed and then by word.

Start with friendship, person-to-person

One technique in loving others is what I call the “chitchat apostolate,” a homey person-to-person approach. It is a way of loving, of discovering the real needs of people. The chit-chat apostolate is but another way of speaking of friendships that are formed apparently casually, yet not so casually. When we are walking or traveling, we can be filled with our own thoughts and unconcerned about the people we meet—or we can love and be concerned about everyone, every step of the way. We are often afraid to meet the other person, the stranger. Well, the inner freedom to open a conversation is achieved by prayer. This personal approach is effective. We need to reach out to people, person to person.

The chitchat apostolate is essential to friendship, to brotherhood. Our cities are becoming more cosmopolitan and the differences in mores, language, attitudes spring unbidden before our eyes. It is imperative that we believe that we are all brothers and sisters under the skin, all parts of one humanity. Our love must have the quality of empathy, putting ourselves in the place of the other, feeling what they feel and thinking as they think.

We need to walk softly; the whole process is gentle, never violent, never coming from one who thinks himself better than the one he serves. Patience and time are required, to listen to those who are inarticulate, who take a long time to express themselves, but somehow the ingenuity of love can find the precious commodity—time—to listen. As you listen, evaluate how best to respond. We Christians must use all our might to do this, through prayer and more prayer, for people’s souls have been burdened with terrible hurts.

The chitchat apostolate is an exchange of hearts, an exchange of minds. Being an evangelizer is being a bridge between God and man, but I must be well-anchored in God to be able to give God to man. That is really what it amounts to.

To be continued…


Canada Day!

Please note that the Diocesan Offices will be closed Thursday, July 1st and Friday, July 2nd.

Summer Office Hours

The Diocesan Offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and will close at noon every Friday from July 5th to September 3rd inclusively.

Mass Schedules

As of June 30th, churches are allowed to accommodate up to 25% of their capacity. Contact your parish for more information.


Yvette Bourque, Director of the Family Life and Youth Ministry Office will be reducing her hours of work from 30 hrs./week to 10 hrs./week and primarily working from home starting July 19st, 2021. Her responsibilities will be reduced to include coordination of the Diocesan Young Adult Ministry, overseeing upkeep of the Diocesan website and assisting in the discussion/initiation of evangelization efforts/initiatives with the Catholic School Board members and staff. She can be reached at 613 585-6301 or yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.

James and Ellie Hrkach of Braeside will be overseeing the English Diocesan marriage preparation programs that normally take place. Their contact information is 613 279-1496 or ellengablehrkach@gmail.com. Couples will register the same way as usual, either by mailing in a registration form or via the website.

If you have further questions, please contact Yvette Bourque.


Missional Choices for Church Renewal

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Donald McGavran was a missionary to India in the last century. He is considered by many to be the father of the Church Growth Movement. This movement is composed of practitioners and theologians from different Christian denominations who look into what makes Christian communities grow or decline. In his book “Understanding Church Growth”, McGavran presents a synthesis of the choices and missionary activities he observed over the years that precede Church renewal and growth (Acts 19:20):

1.     Clerics or lay people began consecrating their lives to planting Christian communities. 

2.     Church leaders did not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by administrative tasks or by work that was not directly related to the plantation of these Christian communities. They were able to give priority to evangelization and engage in making new disciples.

3.     Missionary activity was preceded by months of intercessory prayer for Christian communities to multiply and for men and women to be “won” to Christ.

4.     A structure of small groups (or house churches) was established. This helped the community to grow and avoided the construction of expensive buildings.

5.     All the faithful were invited to pass on their faith by witnessing to their loved ones, especially their friends and family members.

6.     Each member of the Christian community chose individuals who seemed receptive, “winnable” to Christ. They prayed for them in a special way while sharing the Gospel with them. 

7.     Efforts were also made by the faithful to build bridges and connect with people they did not previously know in order not to limit themselves to their existing social network.

8.     The newly created Christian communities were adapted to the population, i.e. culturally close to the people by language, race, life habits, etc.

9.     It was the new converts, from the local culture and social background, who were chosen as leaders in the Church.

This list tells us a lot about missional Christian communities. It allows us to reflect on what we do, and don’t do, in our own parishes: Have we made evangelization the priority? Is prayer an integral part of our evangelization efforts? Do we have an evangelizing small group structure? There are other questions that flow from the above points. Reflecting on them can help find pastoral orientations for the renewal and growth of the Kingdom of God on earth.


2021 World Day of the Poor – Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Fifth World Day of the Poor will be observed on 14 November 2021. In the message, entitled “The poor you will always have with you” (Mk 14:7), Pope Francis states: “The poor, always and everywhere, evangelize us, because they enable us to discover in new ways the true face of the Father. ‘They have much to teach us. Besides participating in the sensus fidei, they know the suffering Christ through their own sufferings. It is necessary that we all let ourselves be evangelized by them. The new evangelization is an invitation to recognize the salvific power of their lives and to place them at the centre of the Church’s journey. We are called to discover Christ in them, to lend them our voice in their causes, but also to be their friends, to listen to them, to understand them and to welcome the mysterious wisdom that God wants to communicate to us through them. Our commitment does not consist exclusively of activities or programmes of promotion and assistance; what the Holy Spirit mobilizes is not an unruly activism, but above all an attentiveness that considers the other in a certain sense as one with ourselves. This loving attentiveness is the beginning of a true concern for their person which inspires me effectively to seek their good’ (Evangelii Gaudium, 198-199).”

Pope Francis established the World Day of Poor following the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in November 2016.

Message for the 2021 World Day of the Poor


Pope’s Prayer Intention for July

Universal intention ‐ Social friendship. We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship.

Pope establishes World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

“I am with you always” (cf. Mt 28:20).  Pope Francis has decided to institute a Church-wide celebration of a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. The theme’s purpose is to convey the closeness of God and the Church to the elderly and also to emphasize the intergenerational closeness between the young and the elderly. Starting this year, the day will be held on the fourth Sunday of July (July 25, 2021), close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Pastoral Resources: First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly (laityfamilylife.va). Info: http://www.laityfamilylife.va/content/laityfamilylife/en/amoris-laetitia/iniziative-e-risorse/giornata-mondiale-e-anziani.html.


Message from Deacon Adrien

I know this has been a difficult year with the COVID-19 Pandemic and with the lockdown restrictions. I know it made it difficult for Sacramental Preparation. I know I helped some of you get connected with on line Sacramental Preparation and at home preparation with parents. As we look ahead I want you to know that I am here to assist you with Sacramental Preparations. Please contact me at 613 732-7933 ext. 206, or at dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com.

St. John Bosco Conference Livestreamed Session

Calling all catechists, Catholic school teachers, youth ministers, evangelizers, RCIA coordinators, and anyone who hands on the faith to others! This is your time, your place to come be renewed in mind, heart, and skills. Experience many engaging speakers, moving worship, and outstanding fellowship that will rejuvenate you for life and mission. July 14, 6:45-9:00 p.m. Offered by Steubenville Conferences. Cost: free. https://steubenvilleconferences.com/.


Diocesan Young Adult Ministry

Summer activities this year will include outdoor adventures to Oiseaux Rock on the Ottawa River and High Falls in Algonquin Park. For dates and details contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com or 613 585-6301.

Steubenville Toronto Summer Youth Conference

The Office of Catholic Youth in the Archdiocese of Toronto has made the difficult decision to cancel the Steubenville Toronto conference that was scheduled to take place July 9-11, 2021 as well as the LEAD retreat scheduled to take place July 5-9, 2021. However, they ARE looking forward to gathering again next summer and hope that you will consider joining them at Ontario Tech University on July 15-17, 2022! This year, Franciscan University IN Ohio is holding a virtual “retreat” type of day that parishes or groups can host virtually either at a parish or individuals can register. The link to register is: https://share.steubenvilleconferences.com/toronto.


Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Mass Times

Sunday Mass during the summer months will be at 7:30 a.m. in addition to the 9 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 280 Lourdesview Drive, Pembroke. Visit the website at www.lourdesparish.ca.

Mass—Extraordinary Form

Low Masses in the extraordinary form will be offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral at 9 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month beginning July 3rd.These Latin Masses will be in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Masses are provided.


First Step Options “Baby Bump” Party!

What is a baby bump party, you may ask? Well, for the month of June, it is a COVID-friendly opportunity to gift the First Step Options Centre with items that are currently needed by our clients, minus the cheesy games and delicious treats! You can choose an item to purchase from a list and drop it off at First Step Options, or, if you can’t get out to shop, or don’t like to order online, no problem! You can still simply choose an item(s) from the list and mail in a cheque or send an e-transfer with the amount and the choice of the item(s) you wish to donate. For a complete list of items, or to donate, please call FSO at 613 635-7440, or email firststepoptions@gmail.com. You do not want to miss out on the amazing feeling of knowing that you have supported and helped to educate a family right here in your community!


“Mary’s Way of the Cross”

Sponsored by the Committee of the Annual Pilgrimage to Ste-Anne-de Beaupré and Cap-de-la Madeleine from pilgrims of the Dioceses of Ottawa-Cornwall, Gatineau, Pembroke, Mont-Laurier and Kingston. First Friday of the month on July 2, 2021 starting at 6:45 p.m. Special guest Bishop Guy Desrochers along with animator Sylvie Rollin. Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87971621691?pwd=aDhOVVp0WjZVL3VMR2FYQTN3SzFoUT09. Contact Mike Budge at mike.budge@bell.net for more information.

Dialogue with God – An 8 week prayer journey

July 7th to September 1st (Notice sent through CCRSO). Whether you are new to prayer or are experienced in “mental” or meditative prayer already, the “Dialogue with God” course has the potential to lead you into deeper intimacy with God. $58 registration includes: Unlimited access to the “Dialogue with God” online course and bi-weekly Zoom meetings to share experiences and ask questions. Register early to receive access to the course by July 1st. Space is limited. First Zoom meeting: Wednesday, July 7th (7-8 p.m.). For more information and registration: https://ourladyofdivinefire.regfox.com/dialogue-with-god-group-journey (Kingston).

Encounter School of Ministry – Ottawa Campus

Summer Intensive from July 26-29, 2021 – 6:30-9:30 p.m. On-site and on-line! The Summer Intensive Conference is an evening school that provides a survey of the content offered in the first four quarters of the Encounter School of Ministry over a fast four day period. The content covered includes Identity & Transformation, Power & Healing, Hearing God & The Prophetic Gifts, Inner Healing & Freedom. Visit here.

Defending the Faith Livestreamed Session

During these trying times, God wants to give us bold and confident hearts to share his truth and love with joy! Live Streamed session includes a thought-provoking keynote, Rite and Just: The Power of Worship, by presenter Dr. Scott Hahn, a meditative time of Eucharistic adoration, and special guests. July 31, 2021, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. Put on by Steubenville Conferences. Info: https://steubenvilleconferences.com/events/dfc/#!/livestream.

2021 Wojtyla Summer Institute – August 5-8, 2021

Seat of Wisdom College announces our annual Wojtyla Summer Institute. This year’s theme, Only Connect: Alleviating Loneliness Through the Liberal Arts, addresses loneliness as a cultural, psychological, and even spiritual problem. Featuring lectures from Dr. David Beresford, John Paul Meenan, Dr. Ellen Roderick, Dr. Ian Gentles, and Frederick Duquette, as well as a keynote from Dr. Christine Schintgen, this year’s conference will focus on the ways in which the liberal arts serve as a bridge away from isolation by fostering communion with one another and with God. Each talk also includes opportunities for dialogue and networking with the lecturers and your fellow attendees. The event is planned as a hybrid event (both in-person and online). If an in-person option in Barry’s Bay is not possible, the Institute will be offered online only. Register now at: www.seatofwisdom.ca/news/summer-institutes/wojtyla-2021/.

52nd International Eucharistic Congress – 5-12 Sept. 2021

You are invited to attend this very special event of the Catholic Church in Budapest, Hungary. The Congress will include a full program of events including daily Mass, testimonies, catechesis by various Cardinals, workshops, youth evening, Festival of Families, Eucharistic candlelight procession and closing Mass with Pope Francis. For complete program details and list of all speakers go to www.iec2020.hu/en/program.


Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall – Financial Controller

The Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall is looking for a Financial Controller to help lead the finance team. The Financial Controller, under the direction of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), will primarily be responsible to assess both accounting and administrative controls and prepare reports for the management team regarding corporate compliance and internal policies and procedures. This position will facilitate any auditing conducted by third parties to ensure effective resolution and swift closure of auditing activities. This role will also ensure organization utilizes ethical accounting practices and standards. Full description: https://en.archoc.ca/financial-controller.  Application deadline: July 23rd.


The Writings of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes

As a Secular Discalced Carmelite since the year 2000, and an educator since 1998, I, Barbara Haight Garcia, OCDS, edited a book entitled: The Writings of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes. St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes wrote a diary and letters, during her teenage years, about her love for Jesus Christ, her vocation discernment, her work as a catechist, and her work among the poor in Santiago, Chile during the early 1900’s. She was also a scholar, an athlete, and a musician – and excellent role model. I believe that this eBook would be a great addition to the curriculum for the Pembroke Diocese. This eBook can be read on a personal computer, Kindle, and other electronic devices. Cost is: $5.00 CDN. Please check out the Amazon link.

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