I know who you are, the Holy One of God.
(Luke 4.31-37)
Labour Day
Please be advised that the Diocesan Offices will be closed Labour Day, Monday, September 7th
The deadline for submissions for the next issue of Ecclesia is September 8th. All submissions are welcome. Only those submissions that are approved will be published. Submissions can be forwarded to Heather Coughlin at heather@pappin.com.
Bishop Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. Installation Video
Bishop Desrochers’ installation video from July 3rd can now be found on our website here.
Ordination of Rev. Mr. Michael Coyne
With joy, the Diocese of Pembroke announces that Most Rev. Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., will ordain Rev. Mr. Michael Coyne to the priesthood at St. Francis Xavier Church, Renfrew, on Tuesday, September 8th, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 2:00 p.m. The First Mass of Thanksgiving will take place at St. Francis Xavier Church, Renfrew, on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:00 a.m. Please note that, on account of COVID-19, the ordination is by invitation only. Let us keep Michael Coyne in prayer as he prepares for ordination.
Pope’s Prayer Intention for September 2020
Respect for the Planet’s Resources. We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner.
2020 National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples
On 12 December, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Church in Canada celebrates the National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples. This project, with the approval of the Bishops of Canada, has been coordinated since 2002 by the Canadian Catholic Indigenous Council. This year, the reflection by the Council centres … Read more.
Marriage Preparation Program
The Fall Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program is coming up on Saturday, October 3 and Saturday, October 17, 2020 at St. James the Less Parish, Eganville. Deadline to register is September 28, 2020. Registration is available online at www.pembrokediocese.com, or a form can be obtained from any parish and mailed in. Inquiries can be directed to Yvette Bourque at 613 732-7933 ext. 208, or yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.
Parish Supper Cancellations
The following Parish Suppers are cancelled due to the current COVID-19 pandemic:
- St. Mary Parish Supper, Wilno, scheduled for Sunday, September 6th;
- St. Ignatius Martyr Parish Supper, Maynooth, scheduled for Sunday, September 6th;
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Supper, LaPasse, scheduled for Sunday, September 13th;
- Lady of Mercy Parish Supper, Bancroft, scheduled for Sunday, September 13th;
- Jean Baptiste Parish Supper, Pembroke, scheduled for Sunday, September 20th;
- Alphonsus Parish Supper, Chapeau, scheduled for Sunday, September 27th.
11th Annual Catholic Women’s Fall Retreat
Women of any age are invited to join us for our 11th annual Catholic Women’s Fall Retreat! Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are offering a more condensed and virtual version of our retreat this year, via Zoom. This one day event on September 19th will be sure to speak to your soul, as you reflect on our theme “Come, and rest a while.” There will be 3 short talks, singing and prayer throughout the day. For more information, and to sign up go to https://womensfallretreatvirtualedition.eventbrite.ca.
CNEWA CANADA – Emergency Relief – Lebanon in Crisis
CNEWA has launched an emergency relief fund to provide food, health care and shelter to thousands after the massive August 4th explosion at Beirut’s waterfront. Link for details on the emergency relief: https://cnewa.org/ca/campaigns/lebanoncrisis/.