Recommended Texts For Evangelization and Parish Revitalization
ARTICLE – Asking Each Day for the Grace to Help Someone
The love of neighbor lies at the heart of Christian life. In loving others, we respond to Jesus’ call: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). Yet love, above all, is a grace. For this reason, we should daily seek the grace to help someone. Acts of
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ARTICLE – The Parish as an Expression of God’s Love for the World
In the face of declining church attendance and a growing secularization, the Catholic Church is called to reimagine the role of the parish as a missionary outpost that expresses God’s boundless love for all people (Evangelii Gaudium, 28). The statistics are sobering with regular mass attendance plummeting, yet, this moment
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ARTICLE – If no one speaks, no one will know
It is often said that “modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, or if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are also witnesses” (Saint Paul VI). This poses a fundamental question for Christians: are good works alone sufficient to fully bear witness to the
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ARTICLE – Evangelizing Through Healing: Manifesting God’s Loving Presence
The mission of the Church has always been to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every corner of the earth. Central to this mission is the reality of God’s love, and his call to heal the sick. Healing—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual—has been a profound sign of God’s loving
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ARTICLE – The Parable of the Wise Landowner
Once upon a time, there was a wealthy landowner who possessed many horses. His lands were vast, and his well was deep, providing abundant water for his entire herd. Each day, the stable hands led the horses to the well to drink, and the horses were strong and healthy. But
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ARTICLE – Extraordinary Signs in Extraordinary Times
Throughout history, the Catholic Church has recognized supernatural phenomena as potential signs of God’s continued presence. The Church teaches that God continues to manifest His presence through extraordinary means, serving as profound reminders that the Church, despite human weakness, remains under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Consider the profound impact of
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ARTICLE – The Evangelizing Message of Medjugorje
Pope Francis, with the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, has granted approval for devotion linked to Medjugorje. This approval recognizes the spiritual benefits and positive outcomes associated with the Sanctuary of the Queen of Peace. In a note Cardinal Fernández and Monsignor Matteo, highlight the significant spiritual fruits,
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ARTICLE – Nine Q&As: Pope Francis’ Encyclical, “Dilexit Nos”
Pope Francis’s encyclical letter, “Dilexit Nos,” explores the significance of the human and divine love of the heart of Jesus Christ. It begins by discussing the concept of the “heart” as a core aspect of human experience, distinct from reason and will. The Pope then explores the actions and words
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ARTICLE – The Final Document From the Synod: Main Ideas and Proposals
The final document from the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dated October 26, 2024, outlines propositions aimed at fostering a more synodal Church. It emphasizes transparency, accountability, and the active participation of all Church members, seeking to harmonize decision-making and expand lay roles in ecclesiastical life.
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ARTICLE – The distinction between proselytism and authentic evangelization
The difference between proselytism and true evangelization is crucial for understanding how to effectively carry out the mission of spreading the Gospel. While proselytism can involve coercion or manipulation, true evangelization flows from genuine love and concern for others’ spiritual well-being. This understanding is deeply rooted in both Sacred Scripture
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