125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke

February 7, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,

With joy, 2023 marks the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke. This milestone provides an opportunity to give thanks for the work of the Holy Spirit and for us to recognize God’s grace continually at work in the life of our diocese.

In 1898 when the Holy See elevated the Vicariate of Pontiac to become the Diocese of Pembroke, Bishop Lorrain was already labouring tirelessly in this vast mission territory, often with limited resources and enormous challenges. Upon his episcopal ordination Bishop Lorrain took his motto after St. Martin of Tours “non recuso laborem” which translates “I do not refuse the task” as he cultivated the gifts of the faithful, religious and clergy to build up the mission of the Church. As we celebrate this significant anniversary the times and circumstances of our day may be very different, but the mission of the Church remains timeless.

To mark this milestone of 125 years, I invite all of the faithful, religious and clergy of the diocese to a Mass of Thanksgiving at the Cathedral of Saint Columbkille in Pembroke on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall. This will mark the exact date in 1898 that Pope Leo XIII created the Diocese of Pembroke.

In taking the time to give thanks and look ahead to the future, I invoke the intercession of our diocesan patron, Saint Columba, the great monk and missionary, to assist us in labouring in the work of evangelization. Like the example of Bishop Lorrain and the generations that followed, we must not run away from the missionary task of our present day. May the Holy Spirit use this anniversary to kindle our diocese, parishes, schools, homes and hearts as the new mission territory, fertile for the Good News of the risen Lord and his Church.

Sincerely yours in Christ the Redeemer,

† Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.
Bishop of Pembroke

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