Guidelines for the Celebration of Funerals in the Diocese of Pembroke

As decreed by Bishop Richard W. Smith, effective June 11, 2006, Solemnity of the Holy Trinity.

I. Introduction

Death: Its Significance

The death of one who is close to us is a difficult moment in the life of a family and perhaps also the community. It involves a sense of loss as those with whom we have shared life are no longer with us. In the light of Christian faith, however, the true significance of death is revealed and gives hope. Death, for a Christian, is the gateway to eternal life in Christ. As St. Paul reminds us, even though we mourn, we are given hope and comfort in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (Cf. 1 Thessalonians 4: 13–17.)

The Church’s Role

The pastoral ministry of the Church and its funeral rites are directed to placing the event of death in the context of our Christian faith. In the Order of Christian Funerals (OCF), by which the Church sets down directives for the celebration of funerals, we read the following:

  • At the death of a Christian, whose life and faith was begun in the waters of baptism and strengthened at the eucharistic table, the Church intercedes on behalf of the deceased because of its confident belief that death is not the end nor does it break the bonds forged in life.
  • The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting word of God and the sacrament of the Eucharist.
  • Christians celebrate the funeral rites to offer worship, praise, and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life that has been returned to God, the author of life and the hope of the just.
  • The Church through its funeral rites commends the dead to God’s mercy and pleads for the forgiveness of their sins.
  • At the funeral rites, especially at the celebration of the eucharistic sacrifice, the Christian community expresses the union of the Church on earth with the Church in heaven in the one great communion of saints. Although separated from those who remain, nevertheless the dead are still at one with the community of believers on earth and benefit from their prayers and intercession. (OCF, #4–6)


II. The Funeral Rites of the Church

The Order of Christian Funerals provides three distinct rites, through which the Church intercedes, consoles, offers thanksgiving and expresses the Christian faith in eternal life and in the communion of saints.

Vigil for the Deceased

The Church provides rites for use during the period between the time of death and the funeral Mass. In this way, the Church prayerfully accompanies the family through the initial time of adjustment following the death of a loved one, helping them to draw comfort and hope from Christian faith. These prayers normally take place at the funeral home, in the presence of family, friends and members of the parish community.

Funeral Liturgy

When one of its own dies, the Church earnestly desires that the family and friends of the deceased gather with members of the parish community for the celebration of the funeral Mass. This takes place in the parish church. We are strengthened by the scriptural proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and by the eucharistic presence of our Lord, whose own passover from death to life gives hope to all who die believing in Him.

The Rite of Committal

The funeral rites conclude with the rite of committal, celebrated at the place of interment. The family and other members of the Church prayerfully offer their final act of respect toward the loved one’s body, which will be raised up on the last day in accordance with the promise of Christ.


III. Guidelines for the Celebration of the Funeral Liturgy

Over the years, especially as society has become more secularized, different practices have emerged which sometimes obscure or even take the place of the Christian perspective on death. For this reason it is necessary to have certain guidelines, which preserve and emphasize the Christian character of the funeral rites, and thus serve to give real consolation and hope to our people when a loved one dies.

It is very helpful for family members to meet with the parish priest as soon as possible after the death of a loved one in order to plan the funeral celebration in accordance with diocesan policy. The priest is ready to meet and support the family by offering the consolation that comes from faith and expressing the care and concern of the entire parish community.

The Place of the Funeral

The proper place for the funeral liturgy is in the church of the parish community to which the deceased belonged. Normally, this should be a funeral Mass. For pastoral reasons, the parish priest may determine that a funeral liturgy without the celebration of Mass is appropriate. This, too, is most properly celebrated in the parish church. In exceptional circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the parish priest, a funeral liturgy without Mass may be celebrated in the funeral home. Under no circumstances, however, may a funeral Mass be celebrated outside the church building. If the liturgy takes place in the funeral home, every effort is to be made to ensure that the official rites of the Church are celebrated.

Funeral Masses on Sunday

On the first day of the week, the day of the Lord Jesus, God our Father assembles His people to sing His praises. Sunday has a unique place in Christian worship. It is a day for the whole community to gather to celebrate the Eucharist in communion with the universal Church. Mass on this day is to be celebrated in accordance with the readings and prayers set forth by the Church in the liturgical calendar. For this reason, it is not a day for particular celebrations such as funeral Masses.

In Canada funeral Masses may be celebrated any day other than Sundays, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Holy Thursday, and during the Easter Triduum (from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper to Easter Sunday inclusively).

Symbols of our Faith

During the funeral liturgy one sees simple yet powerful symbols that reflect our hope in the resurrection. The paschal candle is lit to show that Christ is the light that dispels the darkness of sin and death; holy water is sprinkled to recall the new life of baptism; and the casket is covered with a white pall, which symbolizes the Christian dignity of all the baptized. When the body is brought to the Church, any symbols that may have adorned the coffin, such as national flags or insignia of associations to which the deceased belonged, are removed in favour of the pall. In this way the unsurpassable dignity given in baptism and the fundamental equality of all before God is symbolized. Insignia and other items, such as pictures, are most appropriately displayed at the funeral home during the visitation or in the parish centre during the reception following the Mass. With the permission of the parish priest, they may also be displayed in a suitable place in the Church, but never in such a way as to take away from the primary symbolism of pall and paschal candle, used to highlight the baptismal dignity of the deceased, a status that surpasses all earthly achievement or association.

PowerPoint presentations, slide shows, videos and the like are not to take place in the church.

Scripture Readings

The readings for the Mass are always taken from the sacred Scriptures. The Word of God announces Christian faith in the risen life: that we must face death, that Christ has conquered death, and that his victory can become ours. Only passages from the sacred Scriptures can be read during the funeral liturgy. If they are desired, all poetry, devotional or philosophical readings can be read either at the funeral home vigil service, following the committal service at the cemetery or during the reception following the Mass.

Eulogies at Funerals

Catholics may be surprised to learn, as they prepare for the funeral liturgy, that a eulogy is not permitted and there is no provision for a eulogy by a family member or friend in the ritual. The General Introduction to the Order of Christian Funerals quite clearly states that the homily after the gospel reading is never to be a eulogy. Eulogies are often a significant feature in non-Catholic funerals, but Catholics should understand that this is not an element of Catholic tradition or liturgy.

The word “eulogy” refers to speech or writing that offers high praise, particularly for one who has died. When Christians gather for the funeral Mass, we do so to praise God the Father, who has given us eternal life in His Son, and who is merciful to those who die believing in Jesus. In the Christian funeral, we gather not to praise the deceased but to pray for them. For this reason, eulogies are not given.

The fact that a eulogy is not permitted does not mean that there can be no reference to the deceased person during the homily. Those who preach are directed to dwell on God’s compassionate love and the paschal mystery as proclaimed in the Scripture readings. As well, they are directed to be attentive to the grief of those present and to help them understand the mystery of God’s love and the paschal mystery in the life of the deceased person and in their own lives. References to the person’s life of faith and love are obviously appropriate. It is the “high praise” of a eulogy in the strict sense of the word, praise that has no reference to Christian life and is sometimes exaggerated, that is out of place in an act of worship.

It is natural that members of the family of the deceased may wish to speak publicly in remembrance of their loved one. A very effective way of doing so is at the celebration of the vigil prayers during the period of visitation at the funeral home, at the cemetery or during the reception following the liturgy. Indeed, these are moments when a number of persons may speak and share their memories. Families may wish to publicize this as part of the obituary notice.


Music has a powerful and healing effect on us during the liturgy. If the funeral is taking place within a specific liturgical season (Advent, Lent, Christmas, Easter) it will be most appropriate to have hymns that reflect this, in order to connect the death of the deceased with the rhythm of the Church’s liturgical year. All music in the church must be liturgical in nature. Secular or recorded music is not appropriate in church. The choice of hymns is to be made in dialogue with the presiding priest and the music ministers of the parish.


Even though the Church retains its preference for the burial of the body, after the example of Christ’s own burial, permission has been granted for Catholics to be cremated. If the choice for cremation is made, the Church strongly encourages Catholics to have it take place after the Mass of Christian Burial has been celebrated. This allows the full liturgical funeral rites to be celebrated in the presence of the body, which is accorded great honour in the Christian tradition as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, when cremation takes place immediately after death, the family is deprived of the psychologically important opportunity to take leave of their loved one.

In keeping with a spirit of reverence and in Christian anticipation of the resurrection of the body, the Church asks that all cremated remains be buried in a grave. A specific place for a person’s remains helps focus the remembering and prayer for the deceased person by the family and friends, and by the Church in general. Also, such a place will make it easier to memorialize the deceased, for example, with plaques which record names and dates. Scattering cremated remains over water, in the air, on the ground, separating them for placement in different locations, or keeping them in homes does not display appropriate Christian reverence and hope and should, therefore, not be done.

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