Screening in Faith For Responsible Ministry

Reviewed, updated, and as decreed by Bishop Michael Mulhall D.D., effective June 22, 2009.

Bishop’s Address

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Enclosed you will find the revised Screening in Faith directory that has been updated since the previous edition mandated under Bishop Richard Smith. This important project is on-going, as the screening process must be kept current in order for it to continue to be an effective means of protecting all of the People of God.

I am aware that the continued implementation of this project requires an investment of time and resources from our priests, deacons and lay faithful, and I wish to thank you for your continued commitment for making our parishes a safe environment for all.

With prayers for continued blessings on our diocese, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ

† Michael Mulhall
Bishop of Pembroke



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