Our first priority is to help families and/or parishes find easy ways to form their families and youth in their faith. There are many simple options for both gathered and non-gathered youth ministry. For gathered ministry you will require a small team of committed adults/parents to make this happen. There are a number of resources that can be borrowed from the office as well. Please contact us to see how we can help.

What We Do


The YOU program, is a 10-session program, with dynamic, updated videos included, that teaches the real meaning of love and sexuality as taught by the Catholic Church.  It also covers hot topics that may not be covered anywhere else. It is a must for Catholic teens age 14 and up.

New Evangelization Team (NET)

NET is a team of young adults who travel across Canada or are assigned to a parish/diocese for one year to provide Catholic retreats to young people through parishes and schools. We support and organize the NET team’s visit in the diocese once a year. For more information about NET, visit www.netcanada.ca . Anyone interested in serving a year on NET should check out the site as well. To book a retreat in the Diocese of Pembroke, contact our office for dates and availability.

Northern Ontario Catholic Youth Conference

This is a one-day conference in North Bay, hosted by the Diocese of Sault Ste-Marie. The dates vary from year to year. It is a full day packed, with fun, faith and opportunities to meet other Catholic youth. The Diocese of Pembroke helps youth attend this conference from year to year.


Steubenville Toronto– this is a large annual Catholic summer youth conference that is over a weekend (Friday to Sunday). Internationally known speakers, liturgies, popular music ministries and lots of Catholic youth make this conference a must-attend at least once in your high school years.  For more information visit: https://www.steubenvilletoronto.com/. Steubenville Toronto Youth Conference is postponed until summer of 2024

Optional programs for your parish youth ministry: We can help you get started!

If your parish does not have a youth ministry program, here is one for at home!

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