Appeal Letter – Evangelization Collection

Office of the Bishop
188 Renfrew Street
Pembroke ON K8A 6X1

October 18, 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In early 2021, I urged Catholics across our diocese to publicly and prophetically refocus our attention, our efforts and even our resources on the great mission given to us by our Lord, namely, to evangelize.

Since then and in consultation with many of you, I established a special team composed of lay people, deacons, and priests who could help to guide this great project of evangelization set before us; and I have not been disappointed.

For a year and a half, our diocese has been steeped in prayer, listening and reflection, asking the Holy Spirit, “what would you have us do, Lord?” Through the newly established Office of Evangelization, we have also been studying, researching and exploring ways to reach the people of our time with the freshness of the Gospel.

Dear friends, it is with great joy that I can now announce our next steps.

Together, we are embarking on a journey that will see the renewal of our parishes, the creation of resources for families, programs to better reach our youth, formation programs to help us grow in faith, and of course an increased ability to reach and serve the broken world around us.

As you know, back in March of 2021, I wrote to you asking for your financial support as we launched into our first phase. It is to your great credit that many of you responded with generous hearts and I am most grateful because without your help we would not have come very far.

Today, I ask you once again to consider all that we can do together in this second phase if we truly make this mission our own. On Sunday November 20th and 27th , we will have a special collection for this great project. Starting in 2023, the annual collection for the Evangelization project will be held in June.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support which allows us to carry out the magnificent mission that Jesus entrusts to each one of you who are part of this beautiful diocese.

Sincerely yours in Christ our Redeemer,

+Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.,
Bishop of Pembroke

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