WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 4, 2023 (Ferial)

We have found the Messiah.

(John 1.35-42)


Mass of the Dead for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Please read Bishop Desrochers’ message on the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI here.


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, 1927-2022

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died on New Year’s Eve.

Joseph Ratzinger was born on April 16, 1927, in Marktl am Inn, Germany. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 29, 1951 for the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. For many years, he served as a professor of theology at Tübingen and Regensburg, and distinguished himself as a scholarly author. He was a peritus (appointed expert) at the Second Vatican Council.

Ordained to the Episcopate on May 28, 1977, having been appointed archbishop of his home diocese, he was created Cardinal on June 27 of that same year.

From 1982 to 2005, he served alongside St. John Paul II as Prefect of the then-Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

He was elected Pope on April 19, 2005, and served for almost eight years, becoming the first pope in over 700 years to renounce the office, which he did on February 28, 2013.

May he rest in the peace of the Lord, awaiting a share in Christ’s Resurrection.


In the charity of your prayers, please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. John Gruszka, grandfather of Father Scott Murray. Mr. Gruszka passed away in Oshawa on December 27th. Please pray for Mr. Gruszka and the consolation of Father Scott and his family at this time.

Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23

Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 are presently available for purchase at the Chancery Office for only $20/copy on a first-come, first-served basis. If interested, please contact Donna Biggs at 613 732-7933 ext. 203 or donnabiggs@pembrokediocese.com


Statement by Bishop Raymond Poisson, Bishop of St-Jérôme-Mont-Laurier and President of the CCCB on the Passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI – Saturday, December 31, 2022

Read statement here.


Pope Francis

Pope Francis, while in Canada, called out encouragement to “all Catholics to support Indigenous Peoples.”

Did the Pope’s visit encourage you in that direction?

What steps might you take?


Pastoral Orientations for Parish Renewal and Growth (Part 4)

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

This is part four of the article Pastoral Orientations for Parish Renewal and Growth, which discusses principles that characterize missionary parishes. In this part we present principles ten to twelve. (Read more…)


Pope’s Prayer Intention for January 2023

For educators – We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest and most vulnerable above all.


1st Thursday Holy Hours to Pray for Vocations

Beginning January 5th, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes – “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt. 9:37-38). The vocations office is beginning a new prayer initiative in 2023. The First Thursday of each month there will be a Holy Hour to pray for priestly vocations. The Holy Hour will be in a different parish of the diocese each month. It will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Music, a reflection by a priest, a Rosary for vocations, and time for silent prayer. The first Holy Hour will be at St. Joseph Parish, QC (10 minutes from Pembroke) with the reflection given by Fr. Scott Murray. These Holy Hours are open to everyone, not just those considering a priestly vocation. The topic of the first reflection will be “St. Joseph’s Conspicuous Absence from the Story of the Epiphany.”


Image of God Monthly Men’s and Women’s Sessions for Men and Women

Next session – Wednesday, January 11th at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Renfrew. Join us for IMAGE OF GOD monthly evening sessions for Men and Women from 7-9 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier parish. (Men 7-8 pm, Women 8-9 pm). This is a new initiative from the Office of Family Life, Youth and Young Adult Ministry in the Renfrew deanery, but open to all, to reach adults who wish to grow in their faith. Hosted by Patrick Sullivan, Lay Evangelist and Yvette Bourque, each evening has a different topic and will include time for questions. Topic for January – Do you really know them? Here is what can dramatically improve the relationships in your life and family. Please enter through the small Parish Hall doors. For more information contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.


No Options No Choice

In March, the Canadian government will expand access to medical assistance in dying (MAiD). Offering MAiD to Canadians at their most vulnerable without improving access to services to help them live with dignity isn’t offering them a real choice. Canadians with long-term conditions, disabilities, and mental illness are at risk of being given no better option than death. Email your provincial representative today. Tell them Canadians deserve more compassion. Visit NoOptionsNoChoice.com to learn more.


Salt+Light Media has produced a 30-minute program on Madonna House

Here is the link: https://slmedia.org/w/xpaykXC1/xIqO8l44/madonna-house-a-song-of-love?fbclid=IwAR15mnQyitOxdDXDcMuoBp_VZm5ri2cGsymi8Iee92ycFf5v8U-mN8BqbXc 

Lift Jesus Higher Rally

The Lift Jesus Higher Rally (LJHR) is an annual event for Youth and Adults that focuses on evangelizing through uplifting music, testimonials, reflections, Divine Mercy celebration and Eucharistic Adoration. Tracks for adults ($25) and youth ($15) on Saturday March 24th, 2023, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto. For more information and registration go to: www.LJHR.ca.

2023 Bible in a Year Online Retreat

This three day online retreat with Jeff Cavins, Fr. Mike Schmitz, and Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio will help attendees embrace their rich inheritance as sons and daughters of God. From February 11-13, 2023. Early bird discount $68.95US until January 17th. Visit https://ascensionpress.com/products/bible-in-a-year-retreat for more information.


Ignite Ministries Network Workshop Series

On January 12th – Family Faith Formation: It Takes a Village. Alexandria Fung BA, MRE, from the Diocese of London will offer a workshop on Family Faith Formation as part of the NETWORK WORKSHOP SERIES. This workshop is available online and those working in family ministry, or would like to, are encouraged to attend. Registration information is available at https://ignite-canada.ca/network-workshop-011/. Please register by January 10th. Fr. Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R. is the Coordinator of Ignite Ministry.

National Association of Catholic Nurses-Canada (NACN-Canada)

Our goal is to align professional practice with faith through prayer, fellowship, mentoring, access to resources regarding ethical issues and participation in public discourse.  On First Fridays at 3:00 p.m., pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with us using the link on our website. Join us for announcements regarding other events, both virtual and in-person.

CONTACT: NACN-Canada PO Box 19525, Manulife PO, 55 Bloor St. W., Toronto ON M4W 3T9.

EMAIL: nacncanada.boardcontact@gmail.com WEB: https://catholicnurses.ca/.

Funny in a GOoD Way!

Funny in a GOoD Way presents an evening of laughter and praise to celebrate the week of Prayer for Christian Unity on January 21st at 7:00 p.m., Festival Hall. Event features, Praise Band – Gate47, a skit by local Clergy, and award winning Comedian Andy Beningo. Cost $20.00 in advance. To purchase tickets, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206 or at dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com. More details available at www.funnyinagoodway.ca. Net proceeds go to The Grind Pembroke.

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College Winter Courses

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is pleased to announce that registration is open for Winter Semester courses, including some that are accessible online. We are beyond excited to offer you this opportunity to join our professors in the classroom to learn about these subjects from a Catholic perspective. Courses include options in Canadian history, music, literature, and philosophy. See seatofwisdom.ca for a complete list. If you would be interested in auditing or taking these courses for credit, please email Mrs. Emma O’Brien at emmaobrien@seatofwisdom.ca.

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