WEEKLY BULLETIN – September 19, 2023 (Ferial)

Young man, I say to you, rise!

(Luke 7.11-17)


Pastoral Appointment

The Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. announces the following pastoral appointment:

Reverend Stephen Helferty is assigned to spend a year of discernment for the possibility of religious life. Father Helferty does this as a priest in good standing with the Diocese of Pembroke and with the support and blessing of Bishop Desrochers, beginning in October 2023.

Mass of Thanksgiving for the Episcopal Ministry of the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. as the Ninth Bishop of Pembroke

Mass of Thanksgiving for the Episcopal Ministry of the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. as the Ninth Bishop of Pembroke will be held at the Cathedral of St. Columbkille, Pembroke, on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. A farewell reception will be held in the Cathedral Hall immediately after the Mass. All are welcome for this occasion to wish Archbishop-designate Desrochers well as departs to assume his ministry in the Archdiocese of Moncton.

Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration

At St. John Chrysostom Parish, 295 Albert Street, Arnprior on Wednesday, September 20th from 7-8:15 p.m. Guest speaker: Father Réal Ouellette. All are welcome!

Installation of Archbishop-Designate Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R, as Archbishop of Moncton, New Brunswick

The Most Rev. Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. will be installed as the Archbishop of Moncton on October 18, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.


Back to School Message

A “Back to School” video message has been published on the YouTube channel and Facebook page of the Diocese:




Death of the Most Reverend Adam Exner, O.M.I., Archbishop Emeritus of Vancouver – Wednesday, September 06 2023

The Most Reverend Adam Exner, O.M.I., Archbishop Emeritus of Vancouver, passed away on Tuesday, 5 September 2023, at his residence in Grayson, Saskatchewan, at the age of 94. (Read more…)

World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023 – Wednesday, September 6, 2023

“Free to choose whether to migrate or to stay” is the theme chosen by the Holy Father for the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), which this year is commemorated on 24 September 2023. In his message, Pope Francis proposes a renewed reflection on a right that has not yet been codified at the international level: the right not to have to migrate or, in other words, the right to be able to remain in one’s own land. (Read more…)

The Diocese of Amos united to the Diocese of Rouyn-Noranda “in persona episcope” – appointment of the Mot Rev. guy Boulanger as Bishop of Amos and Bishop of Rouyn-Noranda – Saturday, September 16 2023

His Holiness Pope Francis united the Diocese of Amos with the Diocese of Rouyn-Noranda “in persona episcopi” (i.e., that is in the person of the Bishop) and named the Most Reverend Guy Boulanger, Bishop of Rouyn-Noranda and Bishop of the Diocese of Amos.  From now on, he will be Bishop of both dioceses. (Read more…)

DPCC launches an appeal for the crisis in Morocco

The General Secretariat of the CCCB was recently informed that Development and Peace — Caritas Canada (DPCC) has launched an appeal in response to the earthquake that struck Morocco on 8 September 2023.

You are invited to consult the DPCC website for further information:



Rights of Indigenous Peoples

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right to their traditional medicines and to maintain their health practices, including the conservation of their vital medicinal plants, animals and minerals. Indigenous individuals also have the right to access, without any discrimination, to all social and health services.
  2. Indigenous individuals have an equal right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. States shall take the necessary steps with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of this right.

Article 24 – United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


The True Measure of Success

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

In Western culture, success is often described as becoming famous, rich or powerful. Surprisingly, dictionaries make no reference to the search for meaning, fulfillment, happiness or human relationships. Isn’t that odd? Doesn’t it seem counterintuitive? (Read more…)


Pope’s Prayer Intention for September 2023

For people living on the margins – We pray for those persons living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance.


1st Thursday Holy Hours to Pray for Vocations

On October 5th,  6:30-7:30 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Parish, Bryson – “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt. 9:37-38). The Holy Hour will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Music, a reflection by Fr. Murray, a Rosary for vocations, and time for silent prayer. These Holy Hours are open to everyone, not just those considering a priestly vocation. For more information and details please visit Pembroke Vocations.


Marriage Preparation Program

The Fall Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program is coming up on Saturday, October 14th and Saturday, October 28th, 2022 at St. James the Less Parish, Eganville. Deadline to register is October 5th. Registration available online at https://www.jotform.com/yvettebourque/marriageprep, or a form can be obtained from any parish and mailed in. registration fee is $100 per couple. Inquiries can be directed to Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.

YOU – Theology of the Body for Teens by Ascension Press

For all teens from age 14 – 19. Come learn what LOVE really is, why we were made male and female, how do we know what the truth is, what is our true value, what does God want to reveal to us about our bodies and so much more. Saturdays October 21st, November 18th, December 9th from 10 a.m. – 3:30 pm. $40 per participant includes student workbook and daily lunch. *Special parent session on October 21st, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Includes lunch. No cost*. Online registration and further details at www.pembrokediocese.com (front page) or register here https://pembrokediocese.com/tobforteens/.

Questions? Contact Yvette at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.

Theology on Tap – BARRY’S BAY

Join us on Friday, September 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at 35 Casey Street. Topic:Trans Athletes – A brave new world?” presented by Fred Duquette. This monthly event is geared for those age 19 – 49 (ish). Different guest speakers will be invited each month to give a talk on a variety of different topics relating to the Catholic Faith. There will be time for questions, discussion and socializing. For inquiries, please contact Kenton Biffert at kentonbiffert@gmail.com.

Theology on Tap – PEMBROKE

Join us for Theology on Tap Tuesday, September 26th, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at Nelson St. Pub, 207 Nelson Street, Pembroke. Guest speaker: Fr. Ryan Holly. Topic: “From Here to Eternity: End of Life and Praying for the Dead.” (Talk will begin at approx. 7:10 p.m.). Consider inviting someone who doesn’t attend or rarely attends church. Questions? Contact Yvette at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.

Image of God Monthly Men & Women Sessions – Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Petawawa

Sessions will begin on Wednesday, October 11th from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Centre and run monthly until June. October topic: “Made in the Image of God- it’s time to look at your spiritual life and your own family in a radically new way.” This event is being hosted by the Family Life and Youth Ministry Office, with guest speaker Patrick Sullivan, Lay Evangelist, and is open to all. Each evening has a different topic and will include time for separate discussion for men and women. The purpose is to grow in your own spiritual life, your spousal relationship and your relationship with your children. Upcoming dates are November 8th & December 13th.

Questions? Contact Yvette at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com.


Recollection for Women

Recollection for Women at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Pembroke on Thursday, September 21st from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Take a break from your busy schedule to think about your life, your relationship with God and gain a fresh outlook. Includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, guided prayer, examination of conscience, confession, benediction and a talk. Bring your lunch for a get together afterward. This spiritual activity, inspired by the writings of St. Josemaria Escriva, is entrusted to Opus Dei, a Personal Prelature of the Roman Catholic Church. For more information, please contact Nadia at nadia.bagshaw@sympatico.ca or 613 584-9388.

St. Patrick Annual Supper and Bazaar

St. Patrick Annual Supper and Bazaar will take place on Sunday, September 24th from 1-6 p.m. at the DACA Center. Visitor’s Mass at 12 noon at St. Patrick Church.

Parish Harvest Festival and Hot Roast Beef Supper

Parish Harvest Festival and Hot Roast Beef Supper on Sunday, October 15th at St. John Chrysostom Parish Hall in Arnprior from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. Cost: Adults – $20.00, Age 12 and under $10.00, Age 6 and under Free.

Fr. Dan & Parishioners extend a warm welcome to all.


First Step Options 3rd Annual Baby Bump Party

Everyone will have the opportunity to gift items to FSO throughout the month of September, much like a virtual baby shower! For a list of items or more information, please contact Frist Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre at 613 635-7440 or email fsocentre@gmail.com.

Renfrew County Right to Life – Life Chain

Life Chain is a powerful, peaceful street witness and prayer vigil held every year across North America. We stand silently and prayerfully on the sidewalk. Signs provided proclaim, “Adoption the Loving Option,” “Jesus Forgives & Heals,” “Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation,” “Abortion Hurts Women,” and “Life – the First Inalienable Right.”

Bring your whole family! Life Chain goes rain or shine. Lawn chairs, umbrellas and strollers are welcome. Meet at the Festival Hall parking lot at 1:45 p.m. on Sunday October 1st to collect your sign and greet fellow pro-lifers. Please join us in standing for life!

Sponsored by Renfrew County Right to Life: www.facebook.com/RCRTL

Ottawa Pro-Life Crash Course

Do you want to learn how to defend innocent pre-born children, and have fruitful conversations about abortion? Join CCBR and Ottawa Against Abortion on October 13-14 for training and hands-on experience doing pro-life outreach in Ottawa. You will learn pro-life strategy and apologetics that will equip you to reach our culture to change minds and save lives. For more information or to apply go to endthekilling.ca/crash-course/


Pembroke Diocesan CWL Day of Reflection

Saturday, September 23, 2023 at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall and Church, Renfrew; 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Morning agenda includes: Experiential Drumming by Women from Bonnechere Inodewizin Abinodjinish Kikinamagan (BIAK), as well as a PowerPoint Presentation “Comparing Ojibway and Catholic Spiritualities” by Dr. Emilie Pigeon, Assistant Professor of History at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College. Afternoon includes an opportunity for Sacrament of Reconciliation and Service for Deceased Members. No Cost, and open to all women in the diocese. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunch. Morning refreshments and soup at lunch will be provided by Our Lady of Fatima CWL. To register, call Margaret Maloney at 613 432-6276 or email at maloneym1961@gmail.com

13th Autumn Annual Pilgrimage to St-Joseph’s Oratory

13th Autumn Annual Pilgrimage to St-Joseph’s Oratory and 13th Anniversary of the canonization of St-Brother André from the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall taking place on Sunday, October 15, 2023. For costs and departure times, please contact Mike Budge at 613 224-8110 or email mike.budge@bell.net. Limited space.

Marian Pilgrimage

Father Réal Ouellette has the great pleasure and honour of accompanying a Marian Pilgrimage to Lourdes (France), Compostela (Spain), and Fatima and Lisbon (Portugal) from October 25th to November 6th 2023. For more info: https://spiritours.com/en/product/france-spain-portugal-acn/.

Women’s Fall Retreat 2023

14th Annual Women’s Fall Retreat, Saturday, October 21st, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Holy Cross Church, 503 Clothier St., Kemptville, ON. Miriam Wright, a well-known speaker, will encourage us to respond wholeheartedly to the call of Jesus, the Bridegroom: “Arise, My Beloved, Come!” (Song of “Songs 2:10), so that we may come to love as we are loved. Cost ($70) includes three keynote addresses and follow up discussions, plus lunch and snacks. Register at www.womensfallretreat.com.


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