WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 2, 2021 (The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Soul’s Day))

Whoever serves me, the Father will honour.

(John 12.23-26)


Official Opening of the Diocesan Synod

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

All the diocesan Churches of the world have now entered into a great process called “synod” since this past weekend. Pope Francis officially launched this synodal process of the Catholic Church on Saturday and Sunday, 9 and 10 October 2021 in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He invites all the faithful, men and women, religious men and women, and clergy to embark on this vast consultation movement which will reach its climax in two years. (Read more…)

Letter of Exemption Requests

Please read Bishop Guy Desrochers’ letter dated September 16, 2021 to priests and deacons of the Diocese of Pembroke here.

Statement Concerning Anti-COVID Vaccines and Vaccine Mandates

Please read Bishop Guy Desrochers’ statement here.


We’ve moved!

Please note that due to renovations, the Chancery and Bishop’s offices have temporarily relocated to 545 Pembroke St. W., Pembroke. All mail correspondence can still be sent to P.O. Box 7, Pembroke, ON, K8A 6X1.

New Diocesan Council

It is with great joy that the Diocese announces a new Diocesan Council for Development and Peace. “As the official development organization of the Canadian Catholic Church it is deeply rooted in the values of the Gospel especially for the poor.” Development and Peace’s annual People and Planet First campaign is inspired by the words of Pope Francis, who says that “a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” (Laudato Si’, 49) We are praying that more people will answer the call to help in the struggle of human dignity. Will you join us in being member of our council? More information will follow in our upcoming Weekly Bulletins, as well introduction of present members. For more information, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com or 613 732-7933 ext. 206, or contact Jean S. Tyler at jmstyler56@gmail.com.

Mass for Persecuted Christians – RED WEDNESDAY

Many Christians throughout the world suffer persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Atrocities against Christians cannot be forgotten. For example, since 2003, the number of Christians in Iraq has dropped from 1.3 million to less than 200,000. There were once 1.7 million Christians in Syria and now there are only about 450,000 remaining. The Aid to the Church in Need estimates that as great as 75% of all religious persecution is committed against Christians. Bishop Desrochers will celebrate Mass for Persecution Christians at St. Columbkille Cathedral on Wednesday November 17, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. All parishes are asked, if possible, to mark this occasion with Holy Mass. A tradition of lighting up the churches in red is one possibility to visibly mark this event. Such action shows our solidarity with the Church persecuted as well as educate ourselves better about those who suffer for the faith and are even martyred.


Symbols Help Us To Remember… And To Evangelize

By Patrick Sullivan

Just the other night, I had the pleasure of once again sitting down to one of life’s greatest pleasures, that, of course, being the reading of theology. And through the various musings put forward by the author, some of which were dry of course, one obvious and exciting truth in his writings struck me again as if hearing it for the first time. Essentially, the point was that though mathematical signs and language will never truly become human signs, as in, put to use by the common man in his daily communication, it is also true that we are losing the very signs that can be just that. (Read more…)

You are invited

The evangelization team is starting an online prayer group to intercede for the diocesan evangelization project, for the members of the team, and for all those who God wants us to reach. We hope you will be with us Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm. We will pray the rosary, sometimes a novena, or meditate on a Gospel passage. Please mark your calendar and join us by clicking the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84010154174.


Canadian Bishops to Welcome Pope Francis to Canada on Historic Pilgrimage of Healing and Reconciliation – Wednesday, October 27 2021

The Catholic Bishops of Canada are grateful that Pope Francis has accepted their invitation to visit Canada on a pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation. The Holy Father’s full statement on the matter can be found here.

In anticipation of this visit, the planned delegation of Indigenous survivors, Elders, knowledge keepers and youth will travel to the Holy See, where they will have the opportunity to speak to Pope Francis about the timing, focus, and themes in preparation for his future pilgrimage to Canada. (Read more…)


Important Gathering Call to Register

A Catechists’ formation day open to all will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Pembroke. Special guests include Bishop Guy Desrochers and Pierre-Alain Giffard, the director of pastoral work. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please inform us you have any food allergies. There is no registration fee, but registration is necessary. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Please inform us you have any food allergies. There is no registration fee, but registration is necessary. This day will be held in person, however, a Zoom link is available to those unable to attend at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87817290849. To register, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at 613 732-7933 ext. 206, or by email at dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com by Thursday, November 4, 2021.


Pope Francis’ Message for the XXXVI World Youth Day

Pope Francis’ Message for the XXXVI World Youth Day will be held on the Solemnity of Christ the King (21 November) with the theme: “Stand up. I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen” (cf. Acts 26:16). The Message is available in various languages at the following websites:



Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life:



Latin Mass

A Latin Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962 is offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral at 9 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month. This is basically the same form of the Liturgy which nourished the faith of many Catholics for centuries. English translations of the entire Mass are provided. Next Latin Mass – November 6th.


Holiness – Highway to Heaven

Join Fr. Ben St. Croix, CC for this inspiring 5 part Zoom Seminar on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m. beginning October 19th and ending November 16th! The call to holiness is central to the Scriptures and this call has been renewed in our times. The highway to Heaven is paved with holiness. In this series, we will explore the foundational call to holiness. Moreover, we will seek to cultivate the kind of response to this call that Christ is looking for from us. Click here to register.


Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College

Committed to an authentically Catholic education, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College offers a uniquely affordable Bachelor’s degree in just 3 years! With small class sizes, a vibrant student life, and an academically rigorous education, SWC is committed to the formation of the whole human person. Apply before the Early Action Deadline on January 4, 2022, and have your application fee waived and receive a $400 dollar tuition discount! Note our regular application deadline on March 18, 2022. We will be hosting a Come & See for interested High School students from November 11-14. For more information see our website: https://www.seatofwisdom.ca/future-students/. If you have any questions about our academics, student life, or application process, please contact admissions@seatofwisdom.ca.

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