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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 1, 2022 (Ferial)

    You will receive a hundredfold now in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.

    (Mark 10.28-31)


    Diocesan Letter to Parishioners for Share Lent

    Please read Bishop Guy Desrochers’ letter here.

    Becoming saints in 40 days!

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Here we are already in the season of Lent, when God calls us to renew the covenant that he once offered to our ancestors in faith. The word “covenant” immediately brings to mind a commitment of fidelity in mutual love that newlyweds propose to live for the rest of their lives. The word seems to disappear completely from the lips of the bride and groom after the official wedding ceremony, and becomes an outdated expression that is rarely used. This is a pity in a sense, because the same thing is likely to happen when we hear this word ringing in our ears during the Lenten season. God’s repeated invitation to re-enter his covenant each time we celebrate Lent becomes a bit like a song that everyone knows and that has become part of the furniture. We get so used to the word “covenant” by repeatedly saying it, that the word becomes a hollow phrase or a routine that naturally becomes part of the Christian’s social environment. (Read more…)


    Coffee, Conversation, and Synodality

    Synod of Bishops Undersecretary Nathalie Becquart said, “Synodality begins with coffee.” Indeed, a conversation over coffee can be a humble way to listen to people’s experiences with the Church. And this is especially true for the disaffiliated, as they rarely attend church events and are unlikely to participate in a formal synodal listening session. (Read more…)

    Pastoral Appointment 

    The Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., announces the following pastoral appointment:

    • Reverend Jerry Gauvreau, a priest of the Companions of the Cross, has been assigned to give pastoral assistance on a part-time basis at St Hedwig Parish in Barry’s Bay. Father Gauvreau will reside at Assumption Farm in Combermere, which is a house of formation for the Companions of the Cross. This assignment will commence on March 1, 2022.

    The Synod’s Questions

    The Synod’s questions can now be answered on our website at https://pembrokediocese.com/article/you-can-now-answer-the-synods-questions-online/.


    Then next issue of Ecclesia is due to come out in early May. The deadline for the submission of articles is March 25th. Please send all submissions to heather@pappin.com.


    Ontario to End COVID Proof of Vaccination March 1st

    Please see the following link regarding the recent news on Ontario COVID restrictions: Ontario to end COVID proof of vaccination March 1, mask mandate to remain in place | Globalnews.ca.


    The Evangelization Project Has an Online Prayer Group

    A primary and essential task of the Church is to draw people to Christ through prayer. As baptized and confirmed members of the Church, we are all commissioned to pray for the lost and to proclaim the Good News with our whole lives. With this conviction in mind, the evangelization hosts an online prayer group every Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. We intercede for the diocesan evangelization project, for the intentions of the participants, and for all those who God wants us to reach. We hope you will join us. The Zoom link to connect on Wednesday nights is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81378641646.

    Welcoming Them Home: 7 Tips for Churches to Reengage Parishioners

    Here is a link that is submitted by Fr. Joe O’Malley: Welcoming Them Home: 7 Tips For Churches To Reengage Parishioners – Catholic-Link.


    25 Simple Things You Can Do This Lent To Grow Closer To Christ

    As Lent is fast approaching, please check out this article suggested by Fr. Joseph O’Malley  – “25 Simple Things You Can Do This Lent To Grow Closer To Christ.”


    Statement of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Thursday, February 24, 2022

    The Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) condemns the escalation of tensions and violence in Ukraine marked by Russia’s invasion, which was seen today, Thursday, 24 February 2022, in the form of militarization and bombing in various Ukrainian cities.

    In solidarity with the Head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, in unison with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, with the people of Ukraine as well as with Canadians of Ukrainian origin and descent, we encourage the faithful and all people of good will to pray for the imminent restoration of peace, dialogue, and human fraternity.

    Conscious of the regrettable lessons about violence which we have all learned throughout human history, we implore all involved to pursue non-violent means to resolve disputes and disagreements. The use of military force does not favour dialogue and peace; rather, it endangers innocent human life, the dignity of the human person and the security and safety of all the people caught up in this conflict.

    Jesus came to bring the gift of peace, and it is through Him that new pathways of dialogue can be opened, even when all other avenues appear closed. With Pope Francis, who has entrusted this situation to the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, we ask Our Lady, through her powerful intercession, to open hearts so that anger, resentment, and division may start to be healed and that any further escalation of unnecessary violence may be avoided.

    Statement of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (PDF)


    Faith Lenten Retreat

    The Diocesan Office of Faith Formation and Leadership Development is sponsoring an Adult Faith Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 26, 2022 at St. James the Less Parish, Eganville Ontario from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. with registration at 9:30 a.m. Cost is $15.00 per person (lunch and refreshments provided). This retreat is open to all the faithful. The theme of the retreat is the “A Walk through the Mass.” Our guest speaker will be Fr. Michael Smith, Vicar General of the Diocese of Pembroke. Please join us for this very special day. To register or for more information, please contact Deacon Adrien Chaput at (613) 732-7933 ext. 206 or dcadriendchaput@pembrokediocese.com. Registration deadline is Thursday, March 24, 2022.


    Marriage Preparation Program

    The Spring Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program is coming up on Saturday, March 26th and Saturday, April 9th via Zoom. Deadline to register is March 11th. Registration is available online at Marriage & Family – Diocese of Pembroke (pembrokediocese.com), or a form can be obtained from any parish and mailed in. Inquiries can be directed to Ellen Hrkach at 613 297-1496 or  ellengablehrkach@gmail.com.

    Catholic 101

    Are you a Catholic woman looking to deepen your Lenten experience this year? Magis Women is offering a spiritually transformative “Lent at Home” mini-retreat, and it’s all online! “Lost and Found in the Desert: A Spiritual Survival Course” is a seven-lesson / seven-week spiritual journey that will introduce you to essential survival elements to help you hone the skills necessary to survive and thrive in the harsh reality of our current culture. This free emailed mini-retreat will begin Ash Wednesday.  SIGN UP.

    Separated and Divorced Catholics

    By My Side Ministry for separated and divorced Catholics will be held virtually via zoom this spring. This is a program offering spiritual friendship and healing for separated and divorced Catholics. The program is designed to help individuals navigate through the stress of separation and divorce from a Catholic faith exploration perspective. Classes begin March 26, 2022, 2 hours/ week for both ladies and men separately and runs for 6 weeks. The cost is $40. All class details, dates, times and registration form can be found at www.bymyside.ca or by emailing Mary Jane Manley mj@bymyside.ca or by calling 613 294-1308. This ministry has been running every spring for the past 7 years and have had over 120 amazing women and men participate. Participants often mention how they gain a greater perspective on how the treasures and wisdom of our Catholic faith can give them a sense of renewed hope for their future.


    March Lecture Series – Palliative Care and MAiD

    The deVeber Institute will be hosting a three-night lecture series entitled “Palliative Care and MAiD” on March 1st, 10th and 16th at 8 p.m. (ET) via Zoom. The lectures will address palliative care in the face of MAiD and feature doctors, lawyers, and psychiatrists at the forefront of the conversation. The topics to be discussed include: dignity conserving care, MAiD and individuals with disabilities, a doctors’ roundtable, and MAiD and mental health. Registration at www.deveber.org. For additional information, please contact The deVeber Institute at bioethics@deveber.org or (415) 256-0555.


    Latin Mass

    A Latin Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962 is offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral at 9 a.m. on March 5th. This is basically the same form of the Liturgy which nourished the faith of many Catholics for centuries. English translations of the entire Mass are provided.


    Might you be called to become a Catholic school trustee?

    The Catholic School Trustees Workshop is a one-day program specifically designed for parishioners to discern through presentations from leading experts, current and former trustees, and others, as well as participate in small-group discussions and prayerful reflection. The program content will include:

    • Presentations on the corporate role of the trustee, their role as a community partner and advocate, and the importance of publicly funded Catholic education;
    • Testimonials about the experience and opportunities of serving as a trustee;
    • Workshops on the vocation of a politician in Catholic social teaching, a Catholic vision for student well-being, and communicating with charity and truth; and,
    • Training in campaigning skills for the election.

    The presenters and trainers are an extraordinary group of Catholic leaders, including:

    • His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, the Archbishop of Toronto;
    • Pat Daly, the President of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees Association;
    • A total of six current and former trustees, including five current and former Board Chairs; and,
    • Matthew Marquardt, Director of the St. Monica Institute, as well as Founder and President of Catholic Conscience.

    This is designed to be a helpful program for those who have never considered becoming a trustee, but are curious and want to learn more, and for those who are actively discerning whether to run as well as those who are committed to running. Potential participants can visit www.CatholicConscience.org/Trustees for more details, including how to apply. 

    Join the Alpha for Seniors Sessions with Catholics from the Ottawa Archdiocese

    Spirits Down? Feeling Forlorn? Need a little spiritual and Catholic Faith refreshment? Think about joining in with your like-minded friends by signing up for an Alpha for Seniors. (Register) or (Read more)

    2022 Lift Jesus Higher Rally

    This is an annual event for Youth and Adults that focuses on evangelizing through uplifting music, testimonials, reflections, Divine Mercy celebration and Eucharistic Adoration. Whether you are coming for the first time or the twenty-ninth time, the Lift Jesus Higher Rally will open the door for God’s graces and blessings to flow into your life. It will be a day of compelling talks, spirit-filled praise and worship, and much more. 2022 Lift Jesus Higher Rally will be streamed live on YouTube from Michigan, March 5th. No Registration Required.  https://www.ljhr.ca/.

    Galilee Centre – “What do You Seek in the Desert?”

    “What do You Seek in the Desert?” retreat introducing contemplative prayer, Ignatius practices, and creating a heightened awareness of God moving in our lives from Saturday, March 19th – Monday, March 21st. Recommended for those who are new to silent retreats, or anyone seeking a Lenten time of quiet and contemplation. In person $295 (including accommodations and meals), Commuter $150 (including meals) https://www.galileecentre.com/workshops-events/.

    Galilee Centre Retreat – “Women of Faith: I Have Called You by Your Name”

    “Women of Faith: I Have Called You by Your Name,” with a focus on the importance of names, this day of worship and fellowship features presentations on The Names We Are Given, Drawing Prayers by Name, and The Names of Mary on Saturday, March 19th from 8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. In person $55 (includes breakfast and lunch), Virtual $25. https://www.galileecentre.com/workshops-events/.


    Board of Directors – Galilee Centre

    Galilee Centre of Arnprior is seeking interested candidates for a volunteer position on the Board of Directors. Galilee Centre is a retreat centre that provides spiritual programming for those seeking spiritual well-being. It also hosts groups who seek a beautiful setting on the banks of the Ottawa River as a get-away for the purpose of spiritual wholeness. A Director is expected to attend one Board meeting per month and to attend one of our committees once per month. These committees include Program, Finance, Strategic Planning, Human Resources, Fundraising, etc. The time commitment is about 7-10 hrs per month. This position would begin with our August Board meeting for a three year term. If interested, please contact the Executive Director of Galilee, Megan Postin at director@galileecentre.com. Further information and an application form will be sent to you. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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