Coffee, Conversation, and Synodality

Synod of Bishops Undersecretary Nathalie Becquart said, “Synodality begins with coffee.” Indeed, a conversation over coffee can be a humble way to listen to people’s experiences with the Church. And this is especially true for the disaffiliated, as they rarely attend church events and are unlikely to participate in a formal synodal listening session.

Many parishioners have friends and family who are unaffiliated, so why not invite the faithful, during Sunday announcements, to have a conversation over coffee with three people: someone who is already in the pews, someone who used to be in the pews but is no longer since the pandemic, and someone who has never been part of a faith community or who has stopped practicing. The discussions would revolve around two questions: What are your hopes and dreams for the Catholic Church in Pembroke? How might we continue this conversation in the future?  

The purpose of such conversations is primarily to listen, not to debate. Engaging in such an initiative will allow us to have faith-related discussions and hopefully, this can lead to further dialogues on faith…

Pierre-Alain Giffard

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