Missionary evangelization, wrote Pope John Paul II, is “the primary service which the Church can render to every individual and to all humanity” (Redemptoris Missio, §2). 

From the very start, the diocesan evangelization team recognized prayer as the core foundation for evangelization and missionary transformation of the diocese. As a result, they initiated the Blessed Catherine’s Star Flowers initiative, which now has over 300 participants dedicated to interceding for the missionary efforts within the diocese. This initiative provides parishioners with valuable resources such as booklets and litanies of the patron saints of parishes, fostering unity and devotion among the participants. For more information on the Blessed Catherine’s Star Flowers, please contact Greg and Mary Doyle.

The team has also established both in-person and online gatherings, each with its own specific objectives, creating diverse opportunities for evangelization and spiritual growth.

Divine Encounters is a weekly online evangelization group that introduces Jesus to participants and explores the Catholic faith. It actively encourages participants to invite friends and acquaintances who may yearn for the love and transformative power of God. Whether participants are curious seekers or steadfast believers, the group provides a great space to hear the Good News and deepen one’s faith. For more information or to get involved contact Pierre-Alain Giffard.

The Alpha Course is an evangelization program that introduces the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. Alpha offers a safe and welcoming space to explore life’s big questions. It is a great opportunity to invite friends or acquaintances who may be in need of God’s love and transformation. Alpha will soon be offered to parents who send their children to Catholic schools, and the team also assists parishes in implementing the program. For more information or to get involved contact Pierre-Alain Giffard.

Image of God is a monthly gathering that brings together men and women from various parts of the diocese, fostering growth in areas of vital significance. Throughout the evening, participants are presented with thought-provoking challenges that empower them to overcome personal obstacles and emerge stronger in their faith. This transformative experience equips individuals to make a positive impact in their families and extend their efforts to uplift others in their community. For more information or to get involved contact Patrick Sullivan.

Life in the Spirit seminars are purposeful gatherings tailored for individuals seeking to enhance their prayer life and cultivate a closer relationship with Jesus. These transformative sessions are specifically designed to empower participants through the Holy Spirit, enabling them to embrace a deeper experience of God’s boundless love in their everyday existence. By attending these seminars, individuals are given the opportunity to grow spiritually, foster a greater understanding of their faith, and open doors to a more profound connection with the divine. For more information or to get involved contact Greg and Mary Doyle.

Diocesan Bible studies provide an ideal setting for fostering a deeper understanding of Scripture within a supportive and engaging environment. These enriching gatherings aim to create a conducive space where participants can delve into the teachings of the Bible with greater depth and clarity. Through thoughtful discussions, attendees are empowered to uncover profound insights and meaning from the sacred texts. For more information or to get involved contact Patrick Sullivan.

Theology on Tap is a discussion series for young adults and their friends, both single and married, ranging from their 20s to 40s. It provides a laid-back and relaxed atmosphere where participants can come together to explore a wide range of compelling topics related to faith, life, current issues, and morality. In this casual setting, attendees are encouraged to actively participate in thought-provoking conversations that promote a deeper understanding of their beliefs and their application in the modern world. For more information or to get involved contact Yvette Bourque.

All these initiatives assist individuals in deepening their relationship with God, as well as understanding the fundamental principles of faith. 

The evangelization team recognizes the pivotal role of healing and deliverance in the Church’s evangelization efforts. As a result, they organize monthly healing services accompanied by Eucharistic adoration and promote the Unbound deliverance ministry, providing support to individuals seeking spiritual liberation. For more information on the healing services contact Dcn. Adrien Chaput and for Unbound contact Rev. Réal Ouellette.

To disseminate knowledge about evangelization and promote missionary efforts in the diocese and beyond, weekly articles on evangelization and parish revitalization are published on the diocesan website. These articles serve as valuable resources for parishes and groups that want to evangelize and make disciples.

Another exciting initiative on the horizon is the establishment of in-person Divine Encounters groups. As other dioceses and parishes worldwide embrace the new evangelization, the importance of small evangelizing groups cannot be overstated. These groups serve as catalysts in guiding individuals towards Christ and revitalizing our faith communities. To support this effort, the evangelization team will provide assistance and a comprehensive guidebook to start and lead these parish based evangelization groups. For more information or to get involved contact Pierre-Alain Giffard.

It is the Diocese of Pembroke’s goal to inspire faith and genuinely invite people to experience God’s love and mercy through all of these various evangelization initiatives, as well as those undertaken by parishes, movements, and other Catholic groups. Innovative and creative ways of reaching out will continue to be sought to establish connections with individuals from all walks of life. The diverse range of initiatives ensures that no one feels excluded or left out, as they cater to unique needs, interests, and circumstances.

Pierre-Alain Giffard,
Director of Pastoral Work

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