ARTICLE – A Missional Church Is A Church That Prays

A missional Church is necessarily a praying Church. Why is this? It is because the Holy Spirit is the main agent of our salvation.  Prayer prepares the hearts of people to believe in Christ when they hear or read the word of God. Their conversion is the result of God’s sovereign work in response to God’s people interceding for them.

If our Church wants to bear fruit and make new disciples, it must necessarily pray for those it seeks to reach. The earlier prayer is introduced into an evangelization project, the greater the impact and the more numerous the fruits.  

It is equally essential that pastors be convinced of the effectiveness of prayer. If the faithful see their pastors praying for the lost sheep, they will be much more inclined to engage in intercessory activities themselves. 

The first step in becoming a missionary Church is therefore to set up prayer and intercession groups. Prayer alone does not accomplish all the work of evangelization, but it is an essential part of it.  Without it, our efforts will not produce the expected results, namely new people following Christ for their salvation and the salvation of the world.

Pierre-Alain Giffard

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