ARTICLE – Discussion And Self-Assessment Questions For Parish Evangelization

The following discussion and self-assessment questions come from the book, Signs of Life: Catholic, Mainline, and Conservative Protestant Congregations in Canada. (Authored by Bill McAlpine, Joel Thiessen, Keith Walker, and Arch Chee Keen Wong)

  • How central is evangelization in your congregation?
  • Do you teach and preach on this topic?
  • How is your church equipping and empowering its members to evangelize?
  • How might you resource your members so that they have adequate training, grow in confidence, and diminish in heir fear of rejection?
  • In what ways do you encourage members to intentionally build relationships with those outside the Christian community?
  • Do you provide opportunities for people to evangelize through a church-wide initiative, like Alpha or something akin to it?
  • In what ways do you publicly acknowledge and celebrate new people to the Christian faith?
  • Finally, do you monitor the addition of new Christians to your parish, and if so, do you compare your figures from one year to the next? Do you note if those numbers are flat or in decline?

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