WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 28, 2023 (Ferial)

Pray in this way.

(Matthew 6.7-15)


125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,

With joy, 2023 marks the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke. This milestone provides an opportunity to give thanks for the work of the Holy Spirit and for us to recognize God’s grace continually at work in the life of our diocese. (Read more…)


Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

People are wondering how they can help victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Here are links to two Catholic aid organizations: 

Development and Peace – Caritas Canada: https://www.devp.org/en/ 

The Catholic Near East Welfare Association: https://cnewa.org/ca/ 

We’re moving!

Please note the Diocesan Offices new mailing address effective March 22, 2023 will be: 284 Trafalgar Rd., Pembroke, ON K8A 5A8.


CCCB-USCCB Continental Writing Team Elaborates Final Document for “Synod on Sodality” at Orlando Retreat – Tuesday, February 21, 2023

In Orlando, Florida, as part of the Synodal journey in North America, a joint writing team comprised of individuals who were appointed by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) worked together on the Continental Phase’s Final Document for North America. (Read more…)

Bishops Conclude the North American Continental Writing Retreat with Prayers for Strengthened Communion – Wednesday, February 22 2023

WASHINGTON – On Friday, February 17, the North American Synod Team led by bishops from Canada and the United States concluded a week-long retreat to pray, discern, and synthesize the insights and contributions heard during the North American Continental Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality. Members of the North American Synod Team made up of eight bishops, three laywomen, two priests, two laymen, and two women religious, gathered in Orlando, Florida, to synthesize the People of God in the United States and Canada’s response to the Document for the Continental Stage (DCS) issued by the Holy See’s General Secretariat of the Synod in October 2022. (Read more…)

Episcopal Resignation and Appointment for the Diocese of Gaspé – Thursday, February 23, 2023

His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the Reverend Claude Lamoureux as the tenth Bishop of Gaspé. At the time of his appointment, Bishop-elect Lamoureux was the Vicar General and Moderator of the Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe. He succeeds Bishop Gaétan Proulx, O.S.M., whose resignation was accepted by Pope Francis. Bishop Proulx exercised pastoral responsibility for the Diocese of Gaspé since 2016. (Read more…)


RCCDSB and RCDSB present “The 2023 Indigenous Speaker Series – Speaker Cathy Phannenhour

Feature Speaker: Cathy Phannenhour on Tuesday, February 28th from 7-8:30 p.m. Cathy Phannenhour is a member of Big Grassy River First Nation Treaty 3 in Northwestern Ontario, Lake of the Woods. Through her unique perspective as a Sixties

Scoop Survivor, she will challenge hidden bias, and systemic beliefs, while hopefully opening the door to new ways of thinking. Cathy is also a contributing author in Silence to Strength: Writing and Reflections on the Sixties Scoop. To sign up for Cathy’s presentation, please click here. View poster here.

Algonquin Prayers

Kije Manido Weyosimindj

The Our Father

Wenidjànisimiyang, wàkwing ebìyen, kegona kichitwàwìdjigàdek kid-ijinikàzowin,

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name

Kegona pìdj-ijàmagak kì-tibeningewin, kegona iji-pabamitàgon aking ingì wàkwing.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Ni-pakwejiganiminàn neningokìjik

Our bread each day

Eji-manesìyang mìjishinàm nongom ongàjigak.

That we lack give us this day.

Kaye iji-wanisitamawishinàm inigik eji-wanisitamwangidj

And take away from us as much as we have held back

Awìya kà-nishkìyamindjin.

From someone who has angered us.

Kaye kàwin pagidenimishkangen kegon wà-pajiwinigoyangin;

And lead us not into temptation

Tayagodj adjich-inimanawishinàm mayànàdak. Kegona kì-ingì.

But deliver us from evil. Amen.


In The Shadows Of Darkness, A Powerful Force Is At Work

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Lent is a period of 40 days traditionally marked by fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and to prepare ourselves spiritually for the celebration of His resurrection. (Read more…)

Blessed Catherine Starflowers Prayer Initiative Update

As has been said, “No work of evangelization will succeed without a strong base of prayer.” That is true, and it has been taken very seriously by many throughout the diocese. In fact, nearly 300 Blessed Catherine’s Starflowers members are now registered on the Diocesan website. Most of these members pray privately, while others also pray regularly as a group. Some groups meet after Sunday Mass. Others meet once a month and include time to socialize. This adds up to a lot of prayer being said. 

Let us all go forward with great hope and expectation that many will be brought into a closer relationships with Christ and His Church.

For many, “The Litany of the Patrons of the Parishes in the Diocese”, found in the prayer booklet, is a favourite. They will be pleased to know that this Litany is being printed in a bi-fold format and will soon be distributed to parishes throughout the diocese for everyone’s use. 

If you have not yet become a member of Starflowers and would like to do so, or if you have questions regarding the prayer initiative, please contact your parish office, or Mary Doyle (English) at 613 756-6643 gmdoyle@gmail.com, or Lucile Tourigny (French and English) at 613 735-0506 toulux@aol.com.


CCCB Presents “Journey through Lent 2023

On this Ash Wednesday, Most Rev. Brian Joseph Dunn provides a reflection on the fragility of human life.

On this First Sunday, Most Rev. Brian Joseph Dunn provides a reflection on God’s breath of life in us.

Videos can be viewed here.

Mary’s Way of the Cross for Lent – A Lenten Journey through Mary’s Eyes

This Way of the Cross takes us every Friday through Lent to Easter. It begins in ashes and enters the desert of our emptiness. But our journey goes on to New Life and all the emptiness Spirit-filled. Next date: Friday, March 3rd at 6:45 p.m.

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86321925761?pwd=aVlOdzFoZzJHWjZoaFlTODRVTEwxdz09.For more information, please contact Mike Budge at mike.budge@bell.net.


1st Thursday Holy Hours to Pray for Vocations

On March 2nd, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Francis de Sales Mission, Latchford Bridge – “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Mt. 9:37-38). The Holy Hour will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Music, a reflection by Fr. Murray, a Rosary for vocations, and time for silent prayer. March’s Holy Hour will be at St. Francis de Sales in Latchford Bridge. These Holy Hours are open to everyone, not just those considering a priestly vocation. The topic of the reflection this month will be “Poustinia – Entering the Lenten Desert.”


Image of God Monthly Women’s Sessions

Next session – Wednesday, March 15th from 7-8 p.m. at St. Francis Xavier Parish, Renfrew. Topic: A Powerful Culture – Your family is unique – it is time to own that. Join us for IMAGE OF GOD monthly evening sessions for women. This event is being hosted by the Family Life and Youth Ministry Office, with guest speaker Patrick Sullivan, Lay Evangelist, and is open to all. Each evening has a different topic and will include time for discussion. The purpose is to grow in your spiritual health, your spousal relationship and parenting skills. No matter what age you are, you will surely find this very helpful. Please enter through the small Parish Hall doors. For more information contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com. Please note that there will be NO men’s group for now.

Caribou Boys Camp– Aug. 20 – 25,2023. Wilno/Barry’s Bay Area

Caribou Boys Camp is a leadership camp for boys aged 9-13. The style of Caribou is that of a traditional outdoors boy’s camp. At Caribou, participants learn the fundamentals of character, leadership, and teamwork, all in a context of fun and friendship. The activities at Caribou include sports, swimming, hiking, canoeing, and campfires. In the past, we have also had a skit competition, and gone horseback-riding. Each day, there is also a talk on a Christian virtue. At Caribou, we encourage the campers to grow in their life of faith, as part of maturing into responsible men. To this end, each morning Catholic Mass is celebrated by the camp chaplain, who is also available throughout the week for the Sacrament of Confession. Caribou is open to boys of all faiths. Spiritual activities at the camp are entrusted to the Prelature of Opus Dei, an organization in the Catholic Church that helps men and women seek holiness in their ordinary lives. The cost of the camp is: $400 for the first camper, with an early bird rate of $350. $300 for the second camper (i.e. a sibling), with an early bird rate of $250. Early bird rates apply to those who register no later than June 15th! Full payment is due by August 1, 2023. You can now apply online at https://www.caribouboyscamp.ca/.

*If there are other great Catholic camps happening in the area, please let us know by contacting Donna Biggs at donnabiggs@pembrokediocese.com with all the details in ad format so that we can advertise them as well.


St. Francis Xavier Parish Mission

The Mission will be held at St. Francis Xavier Church in Renfrew, Ontario and led by Mr. Patrick Sullivan. It will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Next dates: Wednesday, March 1st, and Thursday, March 2nd.

  • Wednesday, March 1st. Confessions will be heard from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the church. Topic: Your Life is Worth Living: Far too many of us are confused about spiritual growth and what it could mean for our lives. This evening, we discuss some virtues and how we work at attaining them so that we can become the very people that we hope to be.
  • Thursday, March 2nd. Topic: Your Life is Worth Sharing: The world needs you, and it cannot wait for you to become perfect before that happens. In this final talk, we discuss some practical ways that you can live so that your light gives light to many others. Each evening there will be time for questions. All are welcome to this special time of reflection and prayer.

For more information, please call the parish office at 613 432-5825.

“Your Life is Worth Saving” – 2 Day Parish Mission

Join this Lent parish mission at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Petawawa, with Catholic Evangelist Patrick Sullivan on Thursday, March 9th and Friday March 10th from 7-8 p.m.

For more information, please call the parish office at 613 687-4764.


Stand for the Land this Lent!

Development and Peace — Caritas Canada is beginning a new campaign cycle this year. Encouraged by our Orientation Assembly in June 2022 and inspired by the October 2021 address of Pope Francis to the world meeting of popular movements, we have chosen the theme Create Hope to guide our actions over the next five years. For the first year, we have chosen to create hope by working to Stand for the Land in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Global South who are defending their homelands by protecting their land and water, the environment and human life. All are welcome to join us at the upcoming Share Lent Workshop, Thursday, March 2nd at 7 p.m. This is an online event (Click HERE to register). If you are running the campaign in your community or parish, please remember to order campaign materials! Questions? Contact your local D&P Animator, Kiegan Irish kirish@devp.org. Zoom link registration.


Lift Jesus Higher Rally

The Lift Jesus Higher Rally (LJHR) is an annual event for Youth and Adults that focuses on evangelizing through uplifting music, testimonials, reflections, Divine Mercy celebration and Eucharistic Adoration. Tracks for adults ($25) and youth ($15) on Saturday March 4th, 2023, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto. For more information and registration go to: www.LJHR.ca.

Annual Women’s Retreat

The Women’s Retreat at Graphite Bible Camp is full and there is a waiting list. If there is enough interest, we will offer a second retreat, also led by Fr. Zachary Romanowsky and Cheryl Ann Smith from Madonna House, at Elim Lodge near Peterborough on March 17-19. The cost is $250.00. For more information contact us at womensretreatcombermere@gmail.com or call/text Caitlin 613 316-0992 or Kristan 613 585-0579.

Adult Steubenville Summer Conferences

Registration is now open for Adult Steubenville Summer Conferences (2 in June, 3 in July). Go to: https://steubenvilleconferences.com/adult/ for more information.


Gather to Pray for Unity among Christians

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).” Please join us as we gather to pray for unity among Christians at the First Evangelical Missionary Church, 39 Shalom Street, Pembroke, on Tuesday, March 7th at 7 p.m. everyone is welcome! For more information, please contact Pastor Jim Goos at treasurer@pembrokeclergy.ca.

One year after the Russian invasion, Canadians have donated over $5.8 million to CNEWA Canada

A year ago, the Russian invasion of Ukraine transformed the country, deeply impacting the people living in it. Thanks to the generosity of Canadians, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA Canada) and its partners on the ground in Ukraine contributed to protecting and helping Ukrainian families.

CNEWA’s partners on the ground have been able to provide emergency services and humanitarian and pastoral support to Ukrainians by offering care, medical supplies, food, clothing and shelter to displaced persons, the elderly and the sick, as well as educational programs and support to local priests.

Please read the press release here.

The full campaign report can be found here: https://bit.ly/3KvjeeC.


Diocese of Whitehorse – Catholic Secondary School Principal

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Secondary School in Yukon, within the Diocese of Whitehorse, is now looking to fill a principal position (full time, permanent). Deadline to apply is March 19, 2023. Visit applytoeducation.com (use Yukon filter) to view and apply on job postings. Information on how to apply is on the Yukon Government website: Apply for a teaching or school administrator job | Government of Yukon.

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