• ARTICLE – The Ultimate Goal of Evangelization

    Evangelization is the act of bringing people to place Jesus at the center of their lives. It goes beyond mere dissemination of religious knowledge; it is a call to facilitate a personal and transformative encounter with Jesus Christ. When we evangelize, we seek to present Jesus as the way, the

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 3, 2024 (Ferial)

    Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1.29-34) FROM THE DIOCESE  Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration A healing service will be offered at Our Lady of Fatima Parish on Wednesday, January 17 at 7:00 p.m.  Guest speaker will be Father Real Ouellette.

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  • ARTICLE – God’s Longing for Love and our Mission to Make it Known

    God’s heart overflows with love and longing for all. His great compassion compelled Him to send Jesus, His Son, into the world to seek and save the lost. Even when mankind turned away, God’s heart kept burning with perfect love. “God so loved the world that he gave his one

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 19, 2023 (Ferial)

    Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John. (Luke 1.5-25) FROM THE DIOCESE  Christmas Holiday Schedule The Chancery Office will be closed from Friday, December 22nd at noon to Monday, January 1st, inclusively. It will re-open on Tuesday, January 2nd. The staff at the

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  • ARTICLE: Memorable Sundays

    The Sunday Mass holds immense importance in the life of the Church. It is on this day that the paschal mystery, which encompasses the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, is celebrated. We gather on Sunday to listen to the word of God and participate in the Eucharist,

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 12, 2023 (Our Lady of Guadalupe)

    Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. (Luke 1.39-47) FROM THE DIOCESE  Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration At Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, 33110 Hwy 17 E., Deep River on Friday, December 15th from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Guest speaker: Patrick Sullivan. All are welcome!

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  • Article: Fr. Bedard’s Three-Step Blueprint for Evangelization

    In his book Evangelization, a challenge for the Catholic Church, Fr. Bod Bedard, the founder of the Companions of the Cross, delineates a comprehensive three-step process for effective evangelization: a clear presentation of the Gospel, a personal and conscious decision to embrace it, and subsequent surrender to the Lord, leading

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 5, 2023 (Ferial)

    Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit. (Luke 10.21-24) FROM THE DIOCESE  Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration At Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, 33110 Hwy 17 E., Deep River on Friday, December 15th from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Guest speaker: Patrick Sullivan. All are welcome! Prayer for the Future Bishop of our

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  • Guide for The Missionary Transformation of Parishes 

    Guide for The Missionary Transformation of Parishes (PDF)  The goal of this guide is to assist parishes in transforming into missionary communities. It is possible for every Christian community, regardless of size or age, to find a way towards mission. HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT WITH YOUR PARISH 1. Make the

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 28, 2023 (Ferial)

    The days will come when not one stone will be left upon another. (Luke 21.5-11) FROM THE DIOCESE  Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration At Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, 33110 Hwy 17 E., Deep River on Friday, December 15th from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Guest speaker: Patrick Sullivan. All are welcome!

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  • Divine Encounters: A Practical Guide for Small Evangelization Groups

      Divine Encounters: A Practical Guide for Small Evangelization Groups (PDF)  This booklet serves as a guide for people who desire launching a small evangelization group. It offers practical steps and insights, enabling them to evangelize effectively and bring about life-changing transformations in the lives of those they welcome in

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 21, 2023 (The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

    The Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost. (Luke 19.1-10) FROM THE DIOCESE  Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration At Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, 33110 Hwy 17 E., Deep River on Friday, December 15th from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Guest speaker: Patrick Sullivan. All are welcome!

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  • Diocesan Action Circle – Survey 2023

    In order to better help us serve the needs of parishioners, the Diocesan Action Circle has prepared a short anonymous survey. The answers to the survey questions will direct the work around Reconciliation with Indigenous People in the Diocese. To access the survey, please click the following link: https://forms.gle/LRfMwNTBEmgKQV7w5. You

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  • Article: The Missionary Transformation of Sant’Eustorgio Parish

    When Don Pigi was first appointed as pastor of Sant’Eustorgio parish (Italy), only 12% of parishioners attended Sunday mass. Don Pigi felt discouraged and trapped in routine, unable to connect meaningfully with his parish community.  This changed when he learned about the parish renewal happening at St. Boniface in Florida

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 14, 2023 (Ferial)

    “We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done!” (Luke 17.7-10) FROM THE DIOCESE  Archbishop Guy Desrochers Installation Installation Mass on October 18, 2023 for Mgr Guy Desrochers, Archbishop of Moncton, (Abbreviated Version) can now be viewed on YouTube: Installation 18 Octobre 2023 – YouTube

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – November 7, 2023 (Ferial)

    Go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled. (Luke 14.15-24) FROM THE DIOCESE  Archbishop Guy Desrochers Installation Installation Mass on October 18, 2023 for Mgr Guy Desrochers, Archbishop of Moncton, (Abbreviated Version) can now be viewed on YouTube:

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  • Pastoral Nomination – November 3, 2023

    Chancery Office, Pembroke November 3, 2023 Prior to his installation in Moncton, Archbishop Desrochers granted permission for Deacon Christopher Barrett to exercise diaconal ministry in the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall. Deacon Chris has been assigned by Archbishop Marcel Damphousse to assist at Holy Cross Parish in Ottawa effective November 2, 2023.

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  • Article: Creating Vibrant Faith Communities: Insights from ‘Excellent Catholic Parishes’

    The book Excellent Catholic Parishes: The Guide to Best Places and Practices by Paul Wilkes, identifies several key factors that can assist a Catholic parish in becoming a vibrant and dynamic community. These factors are the result of extensive research conducted by the author, Paul Wilkes, and his team of

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – October 31, 2023 (Ferial)

    The seed grew and became a tree. (Luke 13.18-21) FROM THE DIOCESE  Prayers For the repose of the soul of Mr. Gerard Bennedict Burchat, father of Reverend Anthony Burchat and brother of Reverend John Burchat, who passed away peacefully on Friday, October 27th at the age of 64. Let us

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  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – October 24, 2023 (Ferial)

    Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds alert when he comes. (Luke 12.35-38) FROM THE DIOCESE  Diocesan Administrator Subsequent to the installation of the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. as Archbishop of Moncton this past October 18, 2023, the College of Consultors of the Diocese of Pembroke on October

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  • Article: Sharing The Gospel According to People’s Needs And Receptivity

    In the diverse landscape of people we meet in our lives, we find a wide range of dispositions towards Christ and the Church. People’s stances on faith can be classified into categories based on their dispositions.  Understanding these categories is helpful as we engage in sharing the Gospel. By tailoring

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  • Diocesan Administrator

    Diocesan Administrator Subsequent to the installation of the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. as Archbishop of Moncton this past October 18, 2023, the College of Consultors of the Diocese of Pembroke on October 19, 2023 elected Reverend George Ryan Holly as Diocesan Administrator of Pembroke, as required by Canon Law

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