WEEKLY BULLETIN – August 2, 2022 (Ferial)

Command me to come to you on the water.

(Matthew 14.22-36)


Pastoral Appointments:

The Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., announces the following pastoral appointments to take effect September 1, 2022, unless otherwise noted: (Read here).

Summer Office Hours

The Diocesan Offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and will close at noon every Friday from July 4th to September 2nd inclusively.



The Diocesan Action Circle committee would like to familiarize everyone with certain terminologies:

Land claim agreement: A term used by the federal government to refer to a negotiated settlement with a First Nation on lands, land usage, and other rights.


The Relational Evangelizer

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Evangelizing has a lot to do with being relational. Indeed, the Christian life is essentially about relationships: relationships with God and relationships with others. (Read more…)


Speeches delivered by Pope Francis during visit to Canada – Friday, July 29, 2022

His Holiness, Pope Francis, completed his apostolic journey to Canada from July 23rd – July 29th, 2022. On this “pilgrimage of penance”, he made a series of public statements regarding Indigenous reconciliation and healing. You will find electronic copies of these statements here.

Canada’s Catholic Bishops Welcome Historic Visit from Pope Francis – Friday, July 29 2022

The Bishops of Canada are thankful for Pope Francis’ historic visit to our country. He came in fulfillment of his promise to manifest by his very presence his closeness to the Indigenous Peoples of this land. This visit represents a significant milestone on the path of healing and reconciliation. (Read more…)


Time Sensitive Action (First Step Options)

The Liberal government continues to communicate that the government is “fully committed” to remove the charitable status of “anti-abortion organizations that provide dishonest counseling to women.” The media has expanded the interpretation of this with mischaracterizations of the work of pregnancy care centres. A recent Globe and Mail article highlights this concern.

We have a window of opportunity to influence the outcome of this sweeping threat to our work. Our head office Pregnancy Care Canada spoke with several advocacy specialists, and they advised the following practical steps that you can do now!

  1. Drop by Cheryl Gallant’s office or mail in a letter. Indicate that you would like the opportunity to speak about your concerns regarding the government’s threat to revoke charitable status and that you support the valuable work done at your local pregnancy centre. If you have a story to share of how you’ve been helped or about a client who benefited from the care provided you could share it. Ask for a follow-up with you about what her position is.
  2. Phone Cheryl Gallant’s office and share a similar message as above. Something like: “My name is _____, and I’m calling to ask that you pass on my concerns to MP______ about the government’s threat to revoke the charity status of pregnancy care centres. I have been involved with or supported First Step Options, our local pregnancy care centre for ‘x’ years, or I have been helped by the centre in the past when (tell your story of involvement).” Add more context to why you care about the centre and why you believe the work of the centre is important. Ask for the MP or staff to follow up with you about what the MP’s position is.
  3. Correct misinformation and errors in the comments section of articles or send a letter to the editor.

A former lobbyist/advocate shared that the executive assistants in Minister, Deputy Minister, and MP offices review the comments section of news articles and editorials to get an idea of the “public mood” and pass that information to their bosses. It’s important to correct misinformation but don’t engage in a debate.

We have a brief window of time to educate and advocate – to tell the other side of the story which is missing.


Wojtyla Summer Institute

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is hosting its annual Wojtyla Summer Institute in-person in Barry’s Bay from August 4-7. This year’s theme, “Know Thyself”: Catholic Perspectives on the Human Person,” addresses ways in which the integrity of the human person is being challenged, and seeks to find connections among the various Catholic perspectives to form a unified view of who we are and how we should live. The conference features a keynote address by Fr. Mark Goring, CC, in St. Hedwig’s Parish, which will be free and open to the public, as well as livestreamed. Some accommodations are available. Space is limited for the in-person conference. Find more information, and register at seatofwisdom.ca/wojtyla-2022.

Madonna House is celebrating 75 Years in Combermere

Join us for an open house & picnic on Sunday, September 4th from 1-9 p.m.

1-3:00 p.m.        Main House/Training Centre tours: Take time to pray at Our Lady of Combermere and The Island Chapel & Catherine’s cabin. MH Gift Shop, Book Shop & Pioneer Museum will be open. See St. Raphael’s Handicraft Center and Outdoor Kiln.

3-9:00 p.m.        St. Mary’s (2768 Dafoe Road): Tea Time/Activities for families, adoration & benediction

6:00 p.m.            Picnic Supper: Every family should bring a picnic supper (no grilling). Madonna House is providing dessert.

6-9:00 p.m.        Bonfire/Music/Visiting.

Another way you can join in our celebration is to watch for photos and videos posted at: www.madonnahouse.org/75th.

Divine Renovation + Alpha Connect Canada

Join us in-person on Friday, September 23, 2022 from 5:45-7:15 p.m. EST at St. Luke’s Parish, 39 Green Lane, Thornhill, Ontario. Doors open at 5 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Go to https://divinerenovation.tfaforms.net/f/DR-Alpha-Connect-Sep23 for more information.


Rethinking Aging

Change the way you think about aging: change the way you age! Funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program, the Rethinking Aging Workshop Series is being made available to all Ontarians 55+ living independently in their communities. Seniors’ associations, community centres, libraries and faith-based organizations across Ontario will be able to offer the 6-part online workshop series for FREE as part of their older adult programming. Fall 2022 registration opened August 1st for all six start dates. To register, or for more information, please email RethinkingAgingNow@gmail.com.

Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies

Assumption University in Windsor, Ontario is launching a new online Graduate Diploma in Catholic Studies. This diploma is considered a hiring asset by seven Catholic boards in Ontario. It would also be of interest to those working in pastoral ministry, and supported by Bishop Fabbro. Deadline for Fall 2022 admission is August 15, 2022. Application forms are available at https://assumptionu.ca/diploma-in-catholic-studies/. For more information, please contact Dr. John Cappucci, Principal and Graduate Chair at jcappucci@assumptionu.ca.

A Message from CNEWA (Catholic Near East Welfare Association

The situation on the ground in conflict-torn Ethiopia continues to be complex and fragile. It is nothing short of a story that is heartbreaking and life-threatening. (Read full message here)

The Discalced Carmelite Secular Order

Would you be interested in discerning a secular (lay) vocation? Are you spiritually attracted to St. Therese of Lisieux or St. Teresa of Avila? Our group (not a prayer group) meets monthly at St. Andrews Parish, Killaloe, ON. For more information, please call Mila at 613 754-5275.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for First Reconciliation

Another great article suggested by Fr. Joseph O’Malley can be found here.


Diocese of Timmins – Bishop’s Secretary

The Diocese of Timmins currently seeking a bilingual (French-English) secretary to the Bishop. Start date: November 2022. Any interested person with the required qualifications is invited to submit their curriculum vitae before October 1, 2022. Please call 705 267-6224 or email econome@dioctims.ca for more information.

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