WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 16, 2021 (Ferial)

Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod.

(Mark 8. 14-21)


Pastoral Appointments

Bishop Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., announces the following pastoral appointments:

  • John Burchat is appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Anglophones of the diocese.
  • Réal Ouellette is appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Francophones of the diocese.

These appointments took effect on February 11, 2021.


For the repose of the soul of Jérôme Sallafranque, Chairperson for the Building and Property Committee, Diocese of Pembroke, who passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family on February 7th in his 87th year.


Lent: a time to fall back in love with God!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It’s resolution time! At least, that’s what most people think of doing when Lent begins. There are signs that remind us of the importance of making new resolutions and keeping them: our pants have become too small; our waist is too round; the mirror seems to be distorting us a bit. It’s time to eat healthy, we say… which also allows us to eat a little more, perhaps!

But for Christ, there is nothing truly “holy” about this kind of resolution. Lent is a time to renew our loving relationship with Christ and with our brothers and sisters around the world. Through the beautiful texts that will be offered to us throughout Lent, God will invite us to renew our Christian commitment by nourishing our faith in his Word and reminding us that “we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. “(Mt 4:4) Attentive listening to the Word of God, lived each day in the silence of our hearts, is the primary attitude that will enable us to undertake a true spiritual turning point or change in our lives, which can so easily become anemic or lukewarm as we follow the currents of the world.

You might say, “I don’t really need to change anything in my life. I have been a good Christian for a long time. I don’t commit any serious sins. ” But consider the great apostle Paul: he wasn’t a great sinner either. On the contrary, according to Jewish law, he claimed to be a man without fault. But when Jesus challenged him one day, this personal encounter with Jesus completely overwhelmed Paul and he became a man whose heart burned with love for God and for his neighbor.

Prayer, fasting and sharing. These are the three magic words that define the time of Lent. To live a “holy” forty days that will surely lead us to participate in the glorious resurrection of Jesus at Easter, I propose to you a different kind of fasting. A fast that will give a true place to God in your heart and that will consume you with love for your neighbor:

– Fasting from food a few times a week, or reducing its quantity, will lead me to stand in solidarity with the 3 million people who die of hunger every year all over the world.

– Fasting from electronic games, television, or worldly readings or activities that do not elevate the soul in any way. This fasting will allow me to devote more time to intimate prayer, a heart-to-heart conversation with God.

– Fasting from unnecessary shopping or extravagant spending.

– Fasting that pushes me to share certain goods or talents with the most needy.

– Fasting from certain leisure activities, allowing me to do some volunteer work that will bring me in solidarity with those who suffer from chronic or terminal illnesses, or who are desperately waiting for the presence of someone who will know how to chase away their morbid loneliness.

– Fasting that takes the form of a thousand and one small renunciations of my own will, renunciations offered to God to relieve or save souls, especially those who are still waiting for their deliverance from purgatory.

I wish each and every one of you a “holy” Lent. Let us take advantage of this sacred time that God gives us to fall in love with God again; to become more supportive and compassionate towards our brothers and sisters who unfortunately stopped “bothering” us a long time ago. Imagine, for a moment, how transfigured and radiant the Earth would be if we all decided to live this Lent by making more effort to love one another sincerely, as Christ has shown and taught us by his example and words? We would already be in paradise, I am sure! As Lent begins, let us choose to embellish and transfigure our world by devoting more of our time to God and to our neighbor.

Sincerely yours in Christ our Redeemer,

+ Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.

Bishop of Pembroke


Revision of Roman Missal for Use in Canada: CCCB Issues Decree of Implementation – Tuesday, February 9, 2021

In a Decree of Implementation issued on 8 December 2020, and following a request from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments sent to the Episcopal Conferences of all English-speaking countries, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) agreed to adjust the English-language wording to the conclusion of the Collect (the opening prayer) in the Roman Missal as approved for use in Canada. As of Ash Wednesday, 17 February 2021, the word “one” is to be omitted from the conclusion of the Collect, and likewise of similar prayers in the liturgy (for example, the Blessing of Water at the Easter Vigil). Instead of ending “one God, for ever and ever”, the Collect will now end “God, for ever and ever”.

Until now, the word “one” has been used in the conclusion to the Collect in both the earlier and the current English-language translations of the Roman Missal. However, in consultation with the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), the Bishops of English-speaking countries have or are in the process of deciding when and how each country will implement this change. The reason for the change, as requested by the Holy See, it is to avoid possible misunderstandings about the identity of the Son within the Blessed Trinity, or even the misconception that Our Lord Jesus Christ is “one God” among others.

With this change, the English version will now also be consistent with the Latin text, as well as conform to translations into other languages including French. The new wording, which amends the English-language translations of n. 54 of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, will be incorporated into all future editions of liturgical books approved for use in Canada.

Decree of Implementation of the Revised Translation of the Trinitarian Ending of the Collect

Nurturing Friendship – The Directory for Catechesis in Dialogue with the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti

The CCCB Office for Evangelization and Catechesis will offer a four-part webinar series, “Nurturing Friendship, the Directory for Catechesis in Dialogue with the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti.” Beginning 2 March 2021, the series will explore how the themes of these two documents call catechists to be people of hope who promote human dignity and communion with God by building bridges and asking ‘Who is my neighbour?’

The series is designed for those who have responsibility for evangelization and catechesis including, clergy, consecrated persons, laity involved in ministry, directors and coordinators of evangelization and catechesis, and Catholic educators.

The webinar series is offered at no cost to participants. Please click here to access the online registration form. The deadline to register is Monday, 22 February 2021. Please note that the webinar recordings will be available on the CCCB website and YouTube channel following the last session on 23 March 2021. For more information, contact Mrs. Marg Shea-Lawrence at m.shea-lawrence@cccb.ca.

New Video Series for Lent 2021

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17, Journey through Lent offers an introduction to the Season and reflections on Gospel readings of each Sunday in Lent. It is the result of a joint project between the CCCB’s Office for Evangelization and Catechesis, the National Liturgy Office and the Office national de liturgie.  The French series were filmed here in Notre Dame Cathedral of Ottawa.  To access the video series on the CCCB website: in English and in French.  Each Monday, the link for the upcoming Sunday celebration will be released. The CCCB are very grateful to Bishop Gerard Bergie and Archbishop Marcel Damphousse for their generosity in preparing and recording these spiritual and pastoral reflections. For further info, please contact Mrs. Margaret Shea-Lawrence, at m.shea-lawrence@cccb.ca.

CCCB Set to Open New Office for Family and Life and Welcome New Director – Thursday, February 11, 2021

One of the national priorities for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is to accompany families in light of the changing realities of Canadian society by working with diocesan/eparchial life and family networks. During the 2020 Plenary Assembly, and following an extensive period of discussion, consultation and discernment by the CCCB in collaboration with other relevant organizations, Bishops approved the creation of a new Office for Family and Life within the CCCB’s current structure to better respond to the needs of families at the national and local levels. (Read more…)


The Grind Pembroke – Silent Auction

The Grind Pembroke is holding a Silent Auction to raise money for their transition to the new Community Kitchen and Client Services location. Items include an autographed Sidney Crosby Winter Classic jersey, Jack Quinn’s Buffalo Sabers NHL jersey, and more! Go to the direct link to the silent auction at www.32auctions.com/TheGrind. To bid, participants will have to create an account with 32 auctions and display their name so we know who is bidding. All items will be available for pickup from the Grind after the auction closes. Payments can be made payable to the Grind.


Teens – be prepared for Lent

Order the Teen Lent Companion by LIFETEEN and use it to develop a daily prayer life that will last you a lifetime. See other great resources for teens at www.lifeteen.com.

Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO)

Are you in University and interested in learning about the Catholic faith and meeting others like you? CCO (Catholic Christian Outreach) is a University Campus ministry that does just that AND is now online! Contact a CCO representative at your University by clicking here: https://cco.ca/get-connected.


Catholic young adults Grade 12 and up to age 30 are invited to one of the upcoming “Do Something Amazing” Retreats! These are virtual retreats where you will learn what it means to become a NET missionary! Saturday, February 27th 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, and Saturday, March 20th 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.

To attend, simply fill out a NET Application! netcanada.ca/apply. Once you send it in, you will be registered and receive further details! Share this link with Catholic young adults in Grade 12 up to age 30 who you think would benefit from discerning if God is calling them to serve with NET next year! For more information call or text: 613 292-9991.

By my Side Ottawa – A Program of Spiritual Friendship and Healing for Separated and Divorced Catholics

This 6 week online women-only and 6 week online men’s-only program starts on March 27, 2021. By My Side is a non-profit structured support group for separated and divorced Catholics. All classes are hosted virtually. Christ holds those who suffer close to his heart and desires to bring about healing. This program helps participants find their way to reconciliation, peace and hope through Christ and the Church. We ask participants for a $40 payment to help cover resources and promotion. Any leftover funds are donated directly to charity. Our program (previously known has Journey of Hope Ottawa) began 6 years ago and has had over 100 class participants. Included are resources, 2 follow-up classes, and monthly Facebook posts offering Spiritual Food for Thought. To find out more and to register go to www.bymyside.ca.


Our Lady of Good Counsel – CWL Auctions

The CWL at Our Lady of Good Counsel in Deep River is holding online auctions using Facebook to fundraise. We support local charitable organizations in the Deep River, Pembroke and Petawawa areas. Our next auction is a beautiful original painting by Bev Levasseur titled “Fox Looking for Lunch”. Go to Facebook and search for @CWLAuctionDeepRiver or use the link below. Details regarding bidding and delivery or pickup can be found on the CWL auction Facebook page. We can also be reached at cwlauctiondeepRiver@gmail.com. Keep checking back for future auctions. https://www.facebook.com/CWLAuctionDeepRiver.

 Holy Mass – Extraordinary Form

Holy Masses in the extraordinary form are offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral on the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. beginning in March. An additional Latin Mass will be held on Saturday, February 27th since Masses were cancelled in January and February. These Latin Masses are in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Mass are provided.

Alpha Course Online from St. Isidore, Kanata

Experience Alpha online for men, women and youth on weekday’s & weekends starting February 19th. To join us please register online at www.StIsidoreKanata.com.


Campaign Life Coalition (CLC)

CLC has Virtual Pro-Life Clubs that are thriving! They have been a fantastic means of keeping pro-life youth from coast-to-coast connected and informed. They just started an in-depth breakdown of pro-life apologetics, starting with the science of our position before moving to philosophical discussions of personhood and bodily autonomy. It’s never too late to join: www.campaignlifecoalition.com/virtual-prolife-club.

First Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre presents BrightCourse

BrightCourse – free livestream video lessons and support! Practical, real, and applicable topics and lessons you can use today. Supporting both men and women from pregnancy to parenting and beyond! For more information call 613 635-7440 or email bevwfso@gmail.com.


Lift Jesus Higher Rally

Livestream on February 27th. Lift Jesus Higher Rally (LJHR) is an annual event for Youth and Adults that focuses on evangelizing through uplifting music, testimonials, confessions, reflections, Divine Mercy celebration and Eucharistic Adoration. For information, updates, and registration, please visit the LJHR website.

Bootcamp for the Laity – ” The Role of Laity in the Church”

Bootcamp for the Laity – ” The Role of Laity in the Church” virtual conference presented by Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services of Ontario (C.C.R.S.O.) with Bishop Scott McCaig and Fr. Ben St. Croix on Friday, May 21st and Saturday, May 22nd. To register or for more information go to https://www.ccrso.net/copy-of-conference-rsvp.


Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall – Human Resources Manager

The Human Resources Manager, under the supervision of the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, is primarily responsible for planning, developing, implementing and evaluating human resources and labour relations strategies, including policies, programs and procedures to meet the organization’s human resource needs. The full description can be found on the diocesan website at https://en.archoc.ca/employment-opportunities.

Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall – Diocesan Finance

Please see the following link for details on the two available positions (Accountant – Internal Auditor & Payroll Clerk) in diocesan finance: https://en.archoc.ca/employment-opportunities.


Coldest Night of the Year

Coldest Night of the Year is a virtual walk raising money to help The Grind Pembroke Community Kitchen. Your help is needed to reach out to help others. You can help by fundraising and walking on Saturday, February 20th.  Click here for details and to register! Coldest Night of the Year – join others in sharing the warmth, because . . . it’s cold out there!

Galilee Centre Presents – Ron Rolheiser Retreat

Featuring Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, April 16-18, 2021. For details, please follow this link: Ron Rolheiser Retreat – Galilee Centre.

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