WEEKLY BULLETIN – July 27, 2021 (Ferial)

As the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.

(Matthew 13.36-43)


Civic Holiday!

Please note that the Chancery Office will be closed Monday, August 2nd for the Civic Holiday.

Summer Office Hours

The Diocesan Offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and will close at noon every Friday from July 5th to September 3rd inclusively.


An Example of Parish Evangelization 

By Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

In 1986, Don Pigi Perini was the pastor of Sant’Eustorgio, a parish near Milan. After spending his entire time and energies on the faithful, always more pampered and fewer in number, he found himself discouraged and faced an existential choice: either to renounce his vocation as a priest or to find new vitality in his ministry.

He then visited a parish in Florida where he found multiple small groups, a basic orientation for evangelization, warm hospitality, Eucharistic adoration from six in the morning until midnight, and a great deal of lay ministry. In this parish, the laity celebrated with vibrant praise, had a very good knowledge of the Scriptures and experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Ninety percent of them were tithing.

The basic orientations of the parish were as follows:

  • Make evangelization the primary goal.
  • Establish a small group structure.
  • Focus on a warm, homey atmosphere.
  • Develop a system that can handle the multiplication of small groups.

During his visit, Don Pigi realized that he needed to pay more attention to those who were strangers to, distant from, or indifferent to the Church. He also realized that his own strength would not be enough. He had to work with the laity and co-operate better with the Holy Spirit.

Back in his parish, he spoke about what he had seen in Florida and formed the first small groups, which he called Parish Evangelization Cells. He also formed his parishioners in prayer; fervent prayer, which comes alive with the Word of God, the liturgy and contemplation: “We exhort evangelizers, whoever they may be, to pray unceasingly to the Holy Spirit with faith and fervour and to let themselves be carefully guided by the Holy Spirit as the inspirer of their plans, their initiatives, their evangelizing activity.” The renewal of his parish was not long in coming, and the Lord blessed his missionary ardour with many fruits, including an increase in the number of people attending his parish.


Background for Catholics – Residential Schools

The document entitled “Background for Catholics – Residential Schools,” prepared by the Archdiocese of Toronto, can be read here.


Message from Deacon Adrien

I know this has been a difficult year with the COVID-19 Pandemic and with the lockdown restrictions. I know it made it difficult for Sacramental Preparation. I know I helped some of you get connected with on line Sacramental Preparation and at home preparation with parents. As we look ahead I want you to know that I am here to assist you with Sacramental Preparations. Please contact me at 613 732-7933 ext. 206, or at dcadrienchaput@pembrokediocese.com.


Diocesan Young Adult Ministry

Summer activities this year will include outdoor adventures to Oiseaux Rock on the Ottawa River and High Falls in Algonquin Park. For dates and details contact Yvette Bourque at yvettebourque@pembrokediocese.com or 613 585-6301.


The Big Give – Upcoming Event Hosted by Pine Ridge Church

The Big Give is now scheduled for August 14th from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. This event promotes First Step Options Pregnancy Resource Centre, and monies will go to support their clients. COVID protocols will be followed. For more information, please call 613 635-7440.

Campaign Life Coalition Presents – “Life Chain”

Life Chain is a peaceful pro-life witness that takes place annually across North America. This year’s local Life Chain will be held in Pembroke at the corner of Christie Street and Pembroke St. West on Sunday, October 3rd from 2-3 p.m. COVID-19 protocols will be followed. For a complete list of Life Chains across Canada, please visit the Campaign Life Coalition website at https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/life-chain.


Mass—Extraordinary Form

Low Masses in the extraordinary form will be offered at St. Columbkille Cathedral at 9 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month.These Latin Masses will be in the form of the Liturgy as it was celebrated at the time of the Second Vatican Council—the same form which nourished the faith of many of our ancestors. English translations of the entire Masses are provided. Next Latin Mass – August 7th


Catholics Come Home

This is an excellent website for Catholics who are struggling with their faith to help search out answers. Check it out at https://www.catholicscomehome.org/!

Defending the Faith Livestreamed Session

During these trying times, God wants to give us bold and confident hearts to share his truth and love with joy! Live Streamed session includes a thought-provoking keynote, Rite and Just: The Power of Worship, by presenter Dr. Scott Hahn, a meditative time of Eucharistic adoration, and special guests. July 31, 2021, 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. Put on by Steubenville Conferences. Info: https://steubenvilleconferences.com/events/dfc/#!/livestream.

2021 Wojtyla Summer Institute – August 5-8, 2021

Seat of Wisdom College announces our annual Wojtyla Summer Institute. This year’s theme, Only Connect: Alleviating Loneliness Through the Liberal Arts, addresses loneliness as a cultural, psychological, and even spiritual problem. Featuring lectures from Dr. David Beresford, John Paul Meenan, Dr. Ellen Roderick, Dr. Ian Gentles, and Frederick Duquette, as well as a keynote from Dr. Christine Schintgen, this year’s conference will focus on the ways in which the liberal arts serve as a bridge away from isolation by fostering communion with one another and with God. Each talk also includes opportunities for dialogue and networking with the lecturers and your fellow attendees. The event is planned as a hybrid event (both in-person and online). If an in-person option in Barry’s Bay is not possible, the Institute will be offered online only. Register now at: www.seatofwisdom.ca/news/summer-institutes/wojtyla-2021/.

The Ark and the Dove – “Power from on High Today”

On-line webinar Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m., August 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st. This 4-week webinar by Al and Patti Mansfield will equip you with teaching about POWER FROM ON-HIGH. There will be prayer at the end of each of the 4 sessions. Sessions include: 1. Fall in love with Jesus Christ and grow strong in faith – 2. Learn how the outpouring of the Holy Spirit can deepen your hope and love – 3. Be more than conquerors in spiritual warfare – 4. Discover how Mary can help YouTube a disciple and evangelize. Register today ($25USD) at: thearkandthedoveworldwide.org.

52nd International Eucharistic Congress – 5-12 Sept. 2021

You are invited to attend this very special event of the Catholic Church in Budapest, Hungary. The Congress will include a full program of events including daily Mass, testimonies, catechesis by various Cardinals, workshops, youth evening, Festival of Families, Eucharistic candlelight procession and closing Mass with Pope Francis. For complete program details and list of all speakers go to www.iec2020.hu/en/program.

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