• ARTICLE – The Church’s Social Doctrine and Evangelization

    The Church’s social teaching is a crucial aspect of spreading the positive message of the Gospel. It’s not just about proclaiming the Good News about Christ, but also improving society as a whole by applying Christian values.  The teaching is not just theory – it calls Christians to action. It

  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 18, 2024 (Ferial)

    Love your enemies (Matthew 5.43-48) FROM THE DIOCESE  Reverend Michael Brehl, C.S.s.R. named the 10th Bishop of Pembroke With great cause for rejoicing, I announce that today that our Holy Father, Pope Francis has named Reverend Michael Brehl, C.S.s.R. as the 10th Bishop of Pembroke. Father Brehl was born in

  • ARTICLE – Kindness: A Christian Perspective

    In a world that often seems dominated by cynicism, division and self-interest, the simple act of being kind can have a profound and uplifting effect on others. From the teachings of the Bible to the guidance of the Magisterium and the lives of saints, we find a consistent and powerful

  • ARTICLE – How to Bring Someone to Christ

    In today’s increasingly secular world, the call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who have not yet encountered Him has never been more urgent. The “new evangelization” refers to the Church’s efforts to re-propose the Gospel to those who have drifted away from the faith or

  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 11, 2024 (St. Barnabas, Apostle)

    If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. (Matthew 10.7-13) FROM THE DIOCESE  Reverend Michael Brehl, C.S.s.R. named the 10th Bishop of Pembroke With great cause for rejoicing, I announce that today that our Holy

  • New Bishop

    Reverend Michael Brehl, C.S.s.R. named the 10th Bishop of Pembroke With great cause for rejoicing, I announce that today that our Holy Father, Pope Francis has named Reverend Michael Brehl, C.S.s.R. as the 10th Bishop of Pembroke. Father Brehl was born in Toronto in 1955 and entered the Congregation of

  • ARTICLE – The Ultimate Purpose of Human Life – Glorifying God

    The purpose of our existence as human beings is one of the most profound questions of our lives. From the beginning of time, people have pondered the deeper meaning and ultimate end towards which our lives are oriented. The Christian faith offers a unique and sublime perspective that speaks to

  • Pastoral Appointments – June 2024

    Reverend George Ryan Holly, diocesan administrator, announces the following appointments: Retirement Reverend Timothy MOYLE retires from parish ministry on 30 June 2024. The Diocese extends gratitude and appreciation to Father Moyle and wishes him good health in this new  chapter of his priestly ministry. Newly Ordained Rev Mr. Lukas ČASTA,

  • ARTICLE – From Near-Death to New Life: A Rural Church’s Revitalization Journey

    In the small rural town a little church called Life Point was circling the drain. Once vibrant and counting around 200 members, it had plummeted to only about 25 people, most of them elderly. The facilities were dilapidated, the finances struggling, and the church seemed to have one foot in

  • WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 4, 2024 (Ferial)

    Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s. (Mark 12.13-17) FROM THE DIOCESE  Ecclesia The Spring 2024 Ecclesia edition is now available in parishes, or can be viewed on the Diocese of Pembroke website here. Healing Service with Eucharistic Adoration