ARTICLE – The Ultimate Purpose of Human Life – Glorifying God

The purpose of our existence as human beings is one of the most profound questions of our lives. From the beginning of time, people have pondered the deeper meaning and ultimate end towards which our lives are oriented. The Christian faith offers a unique and sublime perspective that speaks to the deepest longing of the human soul. 

At the heart of Christianity lies the reality of the Triune God – a communion of eternal love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is into this very love and life of the Trinity that we are invited to participate through the gift of divine grace. 

The Church proposes several ways by which we can respond to this calling and glorify God, leading to the fulfillment of our existence. Let us now explore these paths to glorifying the Lord and attaining our destiny of everlasting communion with Him.

Worship and Veneration: We are called to devote our minds, souls, and lips to the honor and worship of God, celebrating His greatness, glory, and holiness both interiorly and exteriorly. As the Catechism of the Council of Trent states, we should “glorify Him with all veneration both interior and exterior.” (Catechism of the Council of Trent, The Lord’s prayer)

Living for God’s Glory: In our daily work and affairs, we should recognize that we are serving humanity and doing God’s will, giving glory to Him. As Pope John XXIII wrote, we should conduct our temporal affairs “in intimate union with God through Christ, and to God’s greater glory.” (Mater et Magistra 256)

Attaining Perfection: By developing our God-given capacities to their fullest, we can manifest the glory of God and attain the perfection He has prescribed for us. The Vatican II Council states that “All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity.” (LG 40)

Loving others: Just as the three divine Persons mutually love one another, we are called to live in communion and relationship with others. By loving and serving others, especially the poor and suffering, we recognize Christ’s presence in them and bring glory to God. Loving others is not merely a moral duty, but a joyful response to the love God has first shown us.

Proclaiming the Good News : Bringing people to Jesus the ultimate act of giving glory to God, as it fulfills the divine command to make God’s love known to all people and leads them to salvation. This is the Church’s “deepest identity” and “grace and vocation”, as it participates in the eternal love of God who desires all people to be saved.

Eternal Life: Ultimately, the fullest glorification of God will be achieved in eternal life, where we will have a direct, intuitive perception of the Divine nature and be transformed into the image of the Son. 

Glorifying God and attaining communion with Him is our highest calling. It is an exquisite invitation to participate in the very life and love of the Trinity through worship, loving others, and ultimately experiencing the beatific vision in eternal life. 

Though difficult amid the cares of this world, this is the path to true fulfillment and everlasting joy. Let us then respond wholeheartedly to this calling, keeping our eyes fixed on the glory that will be revealed. As Saint Paul exhorts “let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrew 12:1-2).

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

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