ARTICLE – Revitalization of Rural Churches

Danny Davis is an author who has written several books on the revitalization of rural churches. He has over 40 years of experience as a pastor and has worked with numerous rural churches. Danny Davis is also the founder of “The Rural Church Network”, an organization aimed at providing resources and support to rural churches and their leaders.

In his book “The Rural Church Turnaround: Real Life Experiences of Rural Pastors and Lay-Leaders”, the author offers practical, experience-based advice to help rural churches revitalize themselves. Here are some of these recommendations:

  1. Establish a clear vision: Rural churches need a clear, achievable vision for the future. Pastors and lay leaders must work together to determine the church’s goals and the steps to achieve them. The church’s vision and objectives should be based on a deep understanding of the surrounding rural community. Church leaders must be aware of the community’s needs, challenges, and opportunities, and work to address them meaningfully.
  2. Involve church members: Rural churches often have a loyal membership base, but attracting new members can be difficult. Identify each member’s strengths and talents, create meaningful service opportunities, encourage participation in decision-making, foster intergenerational relationships, and celebrate successes and progress to help members become more engaged.
  3. Get creative with outreach: Rural churches must be willing to think outside the box when it comes to outreach. This could include organizing community events, participating in service projects, and using social media to reach people.
  4. Address financial challenges: Rural churches may face significant financial challenges, especially if the surrounding community is in decline. Pastors and lay leaders must work together to develop a realistic budget and explore new revenue sources, such as grants and donations.
  5. Celebrate small wins: The revitalization and growth of a rural church can take time, so it’s important to celebrate small wins along the way. This can help maintain momentum and encourage church members to continue working together toward their goals.

Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

Articles on evangelization and parish revitalization:


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