ARTICLE – Unleashing The Evangelization Potential of Your Parish

To unleash a parish’s missionary potential, it’s important to discern the evangelization styles of its parishioners. Each parishioner has a personal way of understanding and approaching evangelization, and by identifying these styles, we can help them get more involved in the Church’s mission.

Here is a questionnaire to help parishioners discern their style of evangelization:

Download the questionnaire here – (black and white)

Download the questionnaire here – (colour)

Once the evangelization styles of parishioners have been identified, it is important to encourage them to use them. It is possible to achieve this by creating evangelization teams or groups so parishioners can evangelize together according to the same style. It can also be useful to offer training to help them better understand how to use their evangelization style. Finally, celebrate the success of parishioners in their missionary work. This can be done by sharing inspiring testimonies and stories during Mass or parish events. 

In summary, to unleash the missionary potential of a parish, it is important to discern the evangelization styles of parishioners and encourage them to use them. By working together and celebrating successes, we can create a dynamic missionary community that testifies to the love of God and the Gospel in the world.

Pierre-Alain Giffard

Other articles on evangelization and parish revitalization:


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