ARTICLE – Five Pillars of the Christian Life

Christ calls believers to a universal mission: to spread God’s love in the world and the good news of salvation to the ends of the earth. Five life disciplines allow Christians to live in God and transmit the message of the Good News.

  1. Listen to the Word of God. This means being attentive to what God tells us through the Bible and in prayer. Listening to the Word of God means allowing His message to transform our hearts and lives.
  2. Repent. This means acknowledging that we are sinners and that we need the salvation that God offers us through His love. To repent is to change one’s mindset and behavior by renouncing evil and choosing good.
  3. Obey Christ’s commandments. This means following God’s will rather than our own. Obeying Christ’s commandments means loving God with all our being and loving our neighbor as ourselves, by imitating the example of Jesus, who made himself the servant of all and gave his life for our salvation.
  4. Participate in the life of the Church. This means joining the community of believers, which is the Body of Christ, the family of God, and the people of God. Participating in the life of the Church means praising God in the liturgy and receiving the grace of the sacraments; sharing faith, hope and charity with our brothers and sisters in Christ, living in unity, sharing, diversity and communion.
  5. Testify to Christ in the world. This means proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to those around us, in word and deed, striving to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Testifying to Christ in the world also means seeking to make disciples of all nations, proposing baptism to them and teaching them to observe what Jesus commanded.

Pierre-Alain Giffard

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