WEEKLY BULLETIN – October 29, 2024 (Ferial)
The mustard seed grew and became a tree. (Luke 13.18-21) FROM THE DIOCESE Interview with Bishop Michael Brehl Watch the YouTube video of the interview with Bishop Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R., 10th Bishop of Pembroke, interviewed by Patrick Sullivan. Ecclesia The Ecclesia Fall 2024 edition is now available in parishes. It
ARTICLE – The Final Document From the Synod: Main Ideas and Proposals
The final document from the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dated October 26, 2024, outlines propositions aimed at fostering a more synodal Church. It emphasizes transparency, accountability, and the active participation of all Church members, seeking to harmonize decision-making and expand lay roles in ecclesiastical life.
ARTICLE – The distinction between proselytism and authentic evangelization
The difference between proselytism and true evangelization is crucial for understanding how to effectively carry out the mission of spreading the Gospel. While proselytism can involve coercion or manipulation, true evangelization flows from genuine love and concern for others’ spiritual well-being. This understanding is deeply rooted in both Sacred Scripture
WEEKLY BULLETIN – October 22, 2024 (Ferial)
Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds alert when he comes. (Luke 12.35-38) FROM THE DIOCESE Interview with Bishop Michael Brehl Watch the YouTube video of the interview with Bishop Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R., 10th Bishop of Pembroke, interviewed by Patrick Sullivan. Ecclesia The Ecclesia Fall 2024 edition is now
WEEKLY BULLETIN – October 15, 2024 (St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin, Doctor)
So give alms those things that are within; and see, everything will be clean for you. (Luke 11.37-41) FROM THE DIOCESE Ecclesia The Ecclesia Fall 2024 edition will be available in parishes this coming weekend. It can also be read on our website here. Get yours soon! Mass of Thanksgiving
Pastoral Letter: Called to Witness and Proclaim
“Called to Witness and Proclaim: A Pastoral Letter on Evangelization and Catechesis in the Family,” is a resource created by the Episcopal Commission for Evangelization and Catechesis of the English Sector. (Click on the link to read it) This pastoral letter emerged from a priority given to the Commission by
WEEKLY BULLETIN – October 8, 2024 (Ferial)
A woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Mary has chosen the better part. (Luke 10.38-42) FROM THE DIOCESE Thanksgiving Weekend The Diocesan Offices will be closed on Monday, October 14th, and will reopen on Tuesday, October 15th at 8:30 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving A Mass of Thanksgiving in
ARTICLE – What God Needs from Us Is Love, Reconciliation, and a Spirit of Forgiveness
The statement “What God needs from us is love, reconciliation, and a spirit of forgiveness” might seem puzzling at first. After all, God is perfect and all-powerful. How can He possibly need anything from us? The following offers valuable insights into this concept, revealing that God’s “need” stems from His
ARTICLE – Evangelization: A Collaborative Mission of Love
The Church carries a rich lineage of mystics, including figures like Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque and Josefa Menendez, who were granted visions of Jesus and received the deep desires of His heart. The messages they received indicate that Jesus wants his followers to actively assist him in bringing souls to
AUDIO- Fr. James Mallon’s Compelling Approach for Evolving Parishes from a Maintenance Mindset to a Thriving Missionary Community
An engaging recording that examines Fr. James Mallon’s compelling approach for evolving parishes from a maintenance mindset to a thriving missionary community.me. This informative audio covers an extensive range of topics, including effective team dynamics, vision development, and strategic planning. Mallon insists that parishes must confront the theological