WEEKLY BULLETIN – July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020 – Ferial The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. (Matthew 9.32-38) FROM THE DIOCESE Masks mandatory in Renfrew County beginning the week of July 13: Non-surgical masks become mandatory in certain enclosed spaces (including churches) in Renfrew County the week of July 13. Exceptions include
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Your sins, your many sins are forgiven…
A few months after being ordained a priest, I began my ministry of confession in the great basilica of Sainte‐Anne‐de‐Beaupré during the summer season. It was and always will be one of the privileged places where priests can discover the inestimable value of this magnificent ministry and gift entrusted to
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 30, 2020
June 30, 2020 – Ferial Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a calm. (Matthew 8.23-27) FROM THE DIOCESE Installation as Bishop of Pembroke Bishop Guy Desrochers will be installed as Bishop of Pembroke on July 3rd. On account of the restrictions necessitated by COVID-19, this will
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Baptism by immersion or by sprinkling?
The day I started my second year at St-Raymond Elementary School in 1963, our lovely teacher, Mrs. Bérubé, walked through the rows and placed on the corner of our desks a strange little grey book with a rigid cover. When she had finished distributing it, she spoke and reminded us
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020 – Ferial Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7.6, 12-14) FROM THE DIOCESE Installation as Bishop of Pembroke: Bishop Guy Desrochers will be installed as Bishop of Pembroke on July 3rd. On account of the restrictions necessitated by COVID-19, this will
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The light at the end of the tunnel
Now and then, we all have moments of gloom or darkness that prevent us from seeing clearly and appreciating the blessings or the people around us. Years ago, I used to visit a priest friend from time to time when I was on a preaching tour in the United States
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 16, 2020
June 16, 2020 – Ferial Love your enemies. (Matthew 5.43-48) FROM THE DIOCESE Father’s Day – June21st Let us pray for those men who, in general, were the first male role models in our lives. Installation as Bishop of Pembroke: Bishop Guy Desrochers will be installed as Bishop of Pembroke
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The Legend of the Cracked Pot
I would like to share with you a beautiful story I once heard from an American preacher who had been invited to preach the English novena at the shrine of Ste‐Anne‐de‐Beaupré several years ago. This story still resonates with me today because it gives us an enlightening teaching on the
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020 – St. Columbkille, Abbot, titular of the Cathedral and principal patron of the Diocese You are the light of the world. (Matthew 5.13-16) FROM THE DIOCESE Announcement from Archbishop Mulhall – June 8, 2020 Safe Opening of Parishes, click here. Installation as Bishop of Pembroke: Bishop Guy
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Safe Opening of Parishes
In the past weeks, the Bishops of Ontario have been working together to formulate comprehensive guidelines for the safe opening of our parishes. These guidelines are being used at the diocesan level to create a user-friendly version for our local parishes.
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Statement of the CCCB following the tragic event in Minneapolis
God Created Humankind in his Image and Likeness. Respect for the other is a must. Statement of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops It has been with great distress and sorrow that the world witnessed the tragic events that took place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on 25 May 2020. The death
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Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation
Prayer nurtures and increases faith because praying is loving. In a previous chronicle, we have already had the opportunity to demonstrate how the prayer of intimacy with God enriches and increases our faith. Today, I present to you the rather unusual account of a providential encounter with an 18‐year‐ old
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020 – Ferial Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s. (Mark 12.13-17) FROM THE DIOCESE Installation as Bishop of Pembroke Bishop Guy Desrochers will be installed as Bishop of Pembroke on July 3rd. On account of the
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Up to seventy times seven?
Allow me to go back in time by giving you a short episode in my life that has been one of the most significant in my spiritual journey. If you have already had the opportunity to read some of my previous chronicles, you will probably remember that at the very
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – May 26, 2020
May 26, 2020 – Memorial – St. Philip Neri, Priest Father, glorify your Son so that the Son may glorify you. (John 17.1-11a) FROM THE DIOCESE Bishop Appointed for the Diocese of Pembroke – Wednesday, May 6, 2020 His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Bishop
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Evangelizing the Distant and Parish Renewal: a Winning Recipe!
In 1989, I presented to the superiors of my community a missionary project for the evangelization of those who were distant from the Church. The next day, to my great surprise, my superiors accepted the project and asked me to propose the choice of the three other members who would
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020 – Ferial If I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you. (John 16.5-11) FROM THE DIOCESE Bishop Appointed for the Diocese of Pembroke – Wednesday, May 6, 2020 His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Bishop of the Diocese
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The Parable of the Cats
It is interesting to note how Jesus, the most intelligent of the intelligent, the wisest of the wise, chose to instruct us using simple parables through which he always succeeds in conveying an important spiritual message. These allegorical stories or comparisons of astonishing simplicity are always intended to make us
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Day of Prayer, Fasting and Works of Charity for Humanity – 14 May 2020
Dear fellow believers and brothers and sisters in humanity, Our world is facing at the moment a great danger that threatens the lives of millions of people around the world due to the growing spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While we reaffirm the role of medicine and scientific research
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020 – Ferial Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. (John 14.27-31a) FROM THE DIOCESE Bishop Appointed for the Diocese of Pembroke – Wednesday, May 6, 2020 His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., Bishop of the Diocese of Pembroke.
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You shall love the Lord your God…and your neighbour as yourself!
Since my ordination to the priesthood in 1989, I have had the opportunity to meet and help many people in spiritual accompaniment or during confessions. In this ministry, I sometimes felt powerless in front of that person, because the sufferings or traumas that had scarred his life and broken his
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Message to the Catholic faithful of Pembroke from Bishop-designate Desrochers
May 6, 2020 On the feast day of Saint François de Laval, patron saint of the Bishops of Canada, Pope François made public his decision to appoint me Bishop of Pembroke. I gave my “yes” without hesitation and wholeheartedly when the Apostolic Nuncio informed me of the decision taken by
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New Bishop Appointed for the Diocese of Pembroke
Chancery Office, Pembroke May 6, 2020 My dear faithful of the Diocese of Pembroke, It is a great joy for me to extend a warm welcome to His Excellency the Most Reverend Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., as the newly appointed Bishop of Pembroke. Bishop Desrochers, a priest of the Redemptorist Province
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May 6, 2020 – Ferial The good shepherd is ready to give up life itself for the flock. (John 10.11-16) FROM THE DIOCESE Newly Appointed Bishop for the Diocese of Pembroke! Please read a letter from Archbishop Mulhall, by clicking here. Diocesan Offices Remain Closed The Diocesan and Bishop’s Offices
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