The Policy and Procedures for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Abuse of Minors and Adults who in Law are the Equivalent of Minors
As decreed by Bishop Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., effective May 6, 2021 Preamble The Policy and Procedures for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Abuse of Minors and Adults who in Law are the Equivalent of Minors (the “Policy”) seeks to reconcile the obligations of the Diocese and its pastoral and
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – May 4, 2021 (Ferial)
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. (John 14.27-31a) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Thirty days of prayers to Mary… with our Holy Father! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Pope Francis has surprised us again this year with a new initiative that will, I hope, stimulate
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Notice of the Proposed Sale of Property
Diocesan Centre, Pembroke April 29, 2021 The Diocese of Pembroke hereby gives notice of the proposed sale of property: 307 Maple Avenue Pembroke, Ontario Licensed realtors who reside within the Pembroke Deanery of the diocese (Deep River, Chalk River, Petawawa, Pembroke, Westmeath and Lapasse) are invited to submit their interest
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – April 27, 2021 (Ferial)
The Father and I are one. (John 10.22-30) MESSAGES FROM THE BISHOP Feast of St. Joseph the Worker – May 1st I would like to remind the clergy and faithful of our Diocese that this coming Saturday, May 1, on the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, all Diocesan Masses
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – April 20, 2021 (Ferial)
It was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. (John 6.30-35) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Finding peace in the midst of new COVID restrictions and confinement Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Since the beginning
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – April 13, 2021 (Ferial)
No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. (John 3.7b-15) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Love, Mercy and Justice are one! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We had the privilege of celebrating the Feast of the Divine Mercy at the Cathedral
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – April 6, 2021 (Easter Octave)
Mary Magdalene announced to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord”; she told them that Jesus had said these things to her. (John 20.11-18) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP A passage that leads to a new life. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We have had many passages in our lives:
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 30, 2021 (Tuesday of Holy Week)
One of you will betray me; another will deny me three times. (John 13.21-33, 36-38) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Let us enter the great mystery of Holy Week Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, How quickly time passes! Here we are already immersed once again in the great mystery of
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Anxiety is not a Choice. How You Live Your Life Is.
Psychological and Spiritual Reflections on Coping with the Pandemic and Other Big Stressors Dr. Len Gignac, Psychologist (St. Mary’s Parish, Wilno) March 19,2021 The idea that anxiety and even fear is not a choice may be, at first, startling. The fear of contracting COVID-19 certainly triggered a lot of this
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 23, 2021 (Ferial)
When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will realize that I am he. (John 8.21-30) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Bishop’s Appeal for Evangelization Project Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The great project of evangelization that we have undertaken for some time for our diocese and
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 16, 2021 (Ferial)
At once the man was made well, and he took up his mat and began to walk. (John 5.1-16) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Share Love, Share Lent Campaign under way! Dear Lay Faithful, Inspired by Pope Francis’s newest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, this year Development and Peace’s Lenten campaign, Share Love,
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CCCB Note on Ethical Concerns Related to Currently Approved COVID-19 Vaccines
The decision to receive any COVID-19 vaccine is one of individual conscience in consultation with one’s physician or healthcare provider. Choosing to be vaccinated, particularly amid the current pandemic, can be an act of charity which recognizes the need to care for others. The CCCB echoes the call of the
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 9, 2021 (Ferial)
So my heavenly Father will not forgive you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart. (Matthew 23.1-12) LETTER FROM THE BISHOP Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Healthcare professionals need our prayers and support. The federal government is about to expand assisted suicide across Canada.
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Year of St. Joseph Novenas
In connection with the Year of St. Joseph, please find attached two suggested novenas to St. Joseph, one in English and the other in French. These can be used March 10-18 (before the Solemnity of St. Joseph), or April 22-30 (before the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker), or at
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 2, 2021 (Ferial)
The scribes and Pharisees do not practice what they teach. (Matthew 23.1-12) FROM THE DIOCESE Share Love, Share Lent & Relaunch of the Development and Peace Diocesan Council Join us and Bishop Guy Desrochers to explore the Share Love, Share Lent Campaign and relaunch the Development & Peace Pembroke Diocesan
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 23, 2021 (Ferial)
Pray in this way. (Matthew 6. 7-15) FROM THE DIOCESE Share Love, Share Lent & Relaunch of the Development and Peace Diocesan Council Join us and Bishop Guy Desrochers to explore the Share Love, Share Lent Campaign and relaunch the Development & Peace Pembroke Diocesan Council on Saturday, February 27th,
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 16, 2021 (Ferial)
Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. (Mark 8. 14-21) FROM THE DIOCESE Pastoral Appointments Bishop Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R., announces the following pastoral appointments: John Burchat is appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Anglophones of the diocese. Réal Ouellette is appointed Episcopal Vicar for the Francophones of the diocese. These
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 9, 2021 (Ferial)
You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition. (Luke 2. 22-40) FROM THE DIOCESE Chronicle from Bishop Guy Desrochers Click here to read Bishop Guy’s chronicles. His latest chronicle: Pope Francis creates a new ecclesial entity called CHARIS. MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP XXIX World Day of the
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 2, 2021 (The Presentation of the Lord)
My eyes have seen your salvation. (Luke 2. 22-40) FROM THE DIOCESE Diocesan Offices Closed In keeping with the stay-at-home order issued by Premier Doug Ford, the chancery office is closed until further notice. The chancery staff will work from home, and can generally be reached by email. NEW! Chronicle
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 26, 2021 (St. Timothy and St. Titus, Bishops)
Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. (Mark 3. 31.35) FROM THE DIOCESE Diocesan Offices Closed In keeping with the stay-at-home order issued by Premier Doug Ford, the chancery offices have been officially closed since Thursday, January 14th. The chancery staff will work from
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