WEEKLY BULLETIN – December 1, 2020 (Ferial)

[save_as_pdf_pdfcrowd page_size=’letter’ button_background_color=’red’] Jesus exults in the Holy Spirit. (Luke 10.21-24) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear clergy and faithful, The time of Advent (from the Latin “adventus” meaning “coming, dawn“) has just begun. For the next four weeks, we have a golden opportunity to prepare ourselves inwardly for the Saviour’s

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Beatification of Carlo Acutis

Nowadays, is it possible to be declared a saint? On October 10, a 15-year-old Italian boy, Carlo Acutis, was declared Blessed. It was the Archdiocese of Milan that had made the request to Pope Francis. He died of a devastating leukemia and was declared Blessed for the acts of Christian

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