Recommended Texts For Evangelization and Parish Revitalization
ARTICLE – Prayer to Receive the Spiritual Gifts of The Holy Spirit
Prayer to Receive the Spiritual Gifts of The Holy Spirit Heavenly Father, I come before You, recognizing Your infinite love and grace. You are the source of all goodness and the giver of every perfect gift. I beseech You today to activate within me the gifts of the Holy Spirit
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ARTICLE – The Language of Evangelization
In the New Testament, St. Paul explains that Christ commissioned him to proclaim the Gospel using the language of the cross, stating that this language is the very power of God (1 Corinthians 1:17-18). The language of the cross refers to the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, centered
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ARTICLE – Key Factors for Parish Growth According to Rich Birch
Rich Birch is a church consultant, speaker, and author who specializes in church leadership, growth, and processes. He has worked with numerous churches and provides insights and practical advice to help churches drive growth and increase their impact. In his book “Church Growth Flywheel: 5 Practical Systems to Drive Growth
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ARTICLE – How to defeat Satan?
Satan is the adversary of God and a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven for his rebellion. Satan is a tempter and deceiver who seeks to lead us away from God and toward sin. What does the Word of God tell us about what we can do to
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ARTICLE – Bringing Love, Hope and Healing Through the Gospel
Bringing the Gospel to those around us is a powerful demonstration of love, as it provides the opportunity for them to receive the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and experience the hope, healing, and transformation that comes with it. When we spread the Good News, we extend the possibility
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ARTICLE – Love: Our Fundamental Vocation
What is love? Is it a simple concept or feeling? Love, for Catholics, is primarily a person who desires to be our constant and holy companion. This person is none other than Jesus, who sacrificed himself on the cross to demonstrate God’s boundless love for us. He assures us of
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ARTICLE – Touched by the Master
The old violin sat battered and worn, a relic of a forgotten time. Its strings were loose, and the wood was scarred, and the auctioneer’s voice was filled with apathy as he tried to sell it to the highest bidder. But no one wanted it; it was barely worth a
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ARTICLE – A Man, a Dog, and the Ultimate Love
Once upon a time, there was a man who adopted a loyal dog. The man loved the dog dearly, but as the dog aged, he made a tragic decision. He took the dog to a nearby lake, intending to drown him. In the middle of the lake, he tied a
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ARTICLE – The essence of evangelization
Loving God and our neighbours is at the heart of evangelization and of what it means to follow Jesus. But how can we make this love tangible in our daily lives? Here are some simple yet effective ways to live in God’s love and communicate it to those around us.
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ARTICLE – Loving Our Enemies and Reconciling with Others
Jesus goes as far as to ask us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. This is a radical and transformative teaching, one that invites us to transcend anger and bitterness and to respond to hurtful acts with kindness and forgiveness. The same forgiveness that
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