WEEKLY BULLETIN – March 7, 2023 (Ferial)
The scribes and the Pharisees do not practice what they teach. (Matthew 23.1-12) FROM THE DIOCESE We’re moving! Please note the Diocesan Offices new mailing address effective March 22, 2023 will be: 284 Trafalgar Rd., Pembroke, ON K8A 5A8. FROM THE CCCB Bishops Conclude the North American Continental Writing Retreat
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ARTICLE – Living a Life of Love: Mother Teresa’s Legacy
Saint Mother Teresa dedicated her life to helping the poor and the needy. She believed that serving the poorest of the poor was one of the greatest expressions of love and encouraged everyone to find ways to do the same in their communities by being compassionate to those around them.
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 28, 2023 (Ferial)
Pray in this way. (Matthew 6.7-15) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, With joy, 2023 marks the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke. This milestone provides an opportunity to give thanks for the work
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ARTICLE – In The Shadows Of Darkness, A Powerful Force Is At Work
Lent is a period of 40 days traditionally marked by fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and to prepare ourselves spiritually for the celebration of His resurrection. However, Lent is also a time of spiritual battle. During Lent, Christians are called
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ARTICLE – Living a Life of Love: Lessons from the New Testament
The New Testament is God’s word and a treasury of wisdom and guidance. It teaches us that love is a choice to treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect. Love means we recognize the inherent worth and dignity of all people, regardless of their background or beliefs, and treat them
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 21, 2023 (Ferial)
The Son of Man is betrayed. Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all. (Mark 9.30-37) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, With joy, 2023 marks the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary
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RCCDSB and RCDSB presents: The 2023 Indigenous Speaker Series
Feature Speaker: Cathy Phannenhour on Tuesday, February 28th from 7-8:30 p.m. Cathy Phannenhour is a member of Big Grassy River First Nation Treaty 3 in Northwestern Ontario, Lake of the Woods. Through her unique perspective as a Sixties Scoop Survivor, she will challenge hidden bias, and systemic beliefs, while hopefully
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 14, 2023 (St. Cyril, Monk, and St. Methodius, Bishop)
Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. (Mark 8.14-21) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP 125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, With joy, 2023 marks the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke. This milestone provides an opportunity to give
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Earthquake in Turkey and Syria
People are wondering how they can help victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Here are links to two Catholic aid organizations: Development and Peace – Caritas Canada:https://www.devp.org/en/ The Catholic Near East Welfare Association: https://cnewa.org/ca/
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125th Anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke
February 7, 2023 Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, With joy, 2023 marks the momentous occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Diocese of Pembroke. This milestone provides an opportunity to give thanks for the work of the Holy Spirit and for us to recognize God’s grace continually at work in
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – February 7, 2023 (Ferial)
You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition. (Mark 7.1-13) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP You are the salt of the earth (…) the light of the world! Dear friends, this past weekend, our Lord Jesus used the symbolism of salt and light to help us understand the
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You are the salt of the earth (…) the light of the world!
February 7, 2023 You are the salt of the earth (…) the light of the world! Dear friends, this past weekend, our Lord Jesus used the symbolism of salt and light to help us understand the divine nature of the mission that he confides to those who decide to follow
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ARTICLE – What is a Missionary Parish?
In simple terms, a missionary parish is a Christian community dedicated to the mission of the Church to reach out to those who do not know Christ or do not follow Him and lead them to become disciples of Jesus Christ and responsible members of his Church. 1. The Church’s
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RCCDSB and RCDSB presents: The 2023 Indigenous Speaker SeriesIndigenous Speaker Series
Next February Feature Speaker: Cody Coyote on Thursday, February 16th from 7-8 p.m. on Healing Through Art. ‘With this presentation, Cody Coyote speaks about how he found healing through art while overcoming bullying, racism, and certain life experiences. He also shares about his experiences as an intergenerational survivor of Canada’s 60’s Scoop. This presentation is an
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 31, 2023 (St. John Bosco, Priest)
Young woman, I say to you, get up. (Mark 5.21-43) FROM THE DIOCESE Ordo Liturgical Calendars 2022-23 (Booklets) Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 are presently available forpurchase at the Chancery Office for only $20/copy on a first-come, first-served basis. If interested, please contact Donna Biggs at 613 732-7933 ext. 203
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ARTICLE – 19 Pastoral Orientations for Parish Renewal and Growth
In the parables about the sower and the seed, the wheat and the weeds, and the mustard seed which is sown and then becomes a large plant, Jesus spoke to us about the growth of his kingdom. On earth, God’s kingdom is his Church and its mission is to make
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 24, 2023 (St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor)
Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother. (Mark 3.31-35) FROM THE DIOCESE Prayers For the repose of the soul of Mrs. Betty Margaret Barrett, mother of Deacon Christopher Barrett, who passed away on Monday, January 16th in her 94th year. FROM THE CCCB 2023
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 17, 2023 (St. Anthony, Abbot)
The sabbath was made for people, and not people for the sabbath. (Mark 2.23-28) FROM THE DIOCESE Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 are presently available for purchase at the Chancery Office for only $20/copy on a first-come, first-served basis. If interested, please contact Donna Biggs
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 10, 2023 (Ferial)
His was a new teaching with authority. (Mark 1.21-28) FROM THE DIOCESE Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 Ordo Liturgical Calendars for 2022-23 are presently available for purchase at the Chancery Office for only $20/copy on a first-come, first-served basis. If interested, please contact Donna Biggs at 613 732-7933 ext. 203
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ARTICLE – The Missionary Renewal of Catechesis
In September 2022, the Pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization came to Ottawa and met the Commission for Evangelization and Catechesis and catechetical leaders in Canada. The purpose of the meeting was to look at the renewal of catechesis from a missionary perspective in the Catholic Church in Canada. The
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WEEKLY BULLETIN – January 4, 2023 (Ferial)
We have found the Messiah. (John 1.35-42) MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Mass of the Dead for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Please read Bishop Desrochers’ message on the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI here. FROM THE DIOCESE Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, 1927-2022 Please pray for the repose of the soul
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Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI – 1927-2022
Dear faithful of the Diocese of Pembroke, it is with both sadness and gratitude that we join all Christians and non-Christians around the world in marking the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI this Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 09:34 a.m. (Rome local time) in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery at
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