ARTICLE – Pope Francis on Evangelization

Pope Francis has often emphasized the importance of evangelization and the role of every member of the Church in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. In his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, he states that “All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization” (1). He further emphasizes that evangelization is not limited to professionals, but requires personal involvement from each baptized individual. Pope Francis calls all Christians to become “missionary disciples” and states that anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love can go out and proclaim that love without much time or lengthy training. 

In his Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et exsultate, Pope Francis speaks about the need for fervor in evangelization. He refers to Blessed Paul VI, who spoke of a lack of fervor as an obstacle to evangelization (2). Pope Francis encourages Christians to put out into the deep and let down their nets, spending their lives in the service of the Lord (2). He emphasizes the importance of being compelled by the love of Christ and the responsibility to preach the Gospel (2).

Pope Francis also highlights the ecclesial aspect of evangelization. In a General Audience, he states that the proclamation of the Gospel is not the task of isolated individuals, but a communal service to the Church’s apostolic faith 3. He emphasizes the need for evangelization to be rooted in the immense love of God and the mission of the Church to proclaim this saving love to all the ends of the earth (3). Pope Francis calls all the baptized to imitate the self-sacrificing love of Christ and bear witness to the truth of His word (3).

In summary, Pope Francis emphasizes that evangelization is the task of every baptized individual, not just a few specialists. He calls all Christians to become missionary disciples and share the love of God with others. Pope Francis also highlights the need for fervor and self-sacrificing love in evangelization, as well as the ecclesial dimension of this mission. These teachings can be found in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, Gaudete et Exsultate, and in various General Audiences.


  1. Evangelii Gaudium, 120.
  2. Gaudete et Exsultate, 130.
  3. General Audience of 8 March 2023 – Catechesis. The passion for evangelization: the apostolic zeal of the believer. 6. The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. 1. Evangelization as ecclesial service.

Text generated with – Edited by Pierre-Alain Giffard

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