ARTICLE – God’s Longing for Love and our Mission to Make it Known

God’s heart overflows with love and longing for all. His great compassion compelled Him to send Jesus, His Son, into the world to seek and save the lost. Even when mankind turned away, God’s heart kept burning with perfect love. “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” (John 3:16).

God desires deeply for relationships, not just obedience. His heart cries out, “How often I have longed to gather your children together!” (Matthew 23:37). The Father waits expectantly for the return of prodigal sons, ready to lavish forgiveness and celebrate extravagantly when they come home. Everything about God reveals His passionate heart for the lost.

The parable resonates within the human spirit, touching upon our shared experience of longing and reconciliation. We were made for a relationship with God, crafted in His image. Though we often wander lost in lesser loves, God still sees us, loves us, and tirelessly calls us to know Him. When we hear His voice and come home, He celebrates extravagantly!

The yearning of God’s heart extends to all people, reflecting His boundless love and unwavering desire for reconciliation. Despite any reluctance or resistance, God persistently calls all His children to return to Him.

As believers, we are called to make God’s love known to the world and share the Good News of His great mercy. God’s divine heart overflows with compassion for every soul He relentlessly pursues. Jesus expressed His thirst for souls on the cross, longing for each person to accept His love and grace. 

Striving to fulfill God’s longing for love, we act as ambassadors of Christ. Our commission remains bringing the Good News to those who have turned away from God or who have not yet come to know Him. Following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we seek out the lost sheep so that each one may receive God’s love and eternal Life.

Pierre-Alain Giffard

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