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  • ARTICLE – The Parish as an Expression of God’s Love for the World

    In the face of declining church attendance and a growing secularization, the Catholic Church is called to reimagine the role of the parish as a missionary outpost that expresses God’s boundless love for all people (Evangelii Gaudium, 28). The statistics are sobering with regular mass attendance plummeting, yet, this moment of crisis also presents an opportunity for the Church to return to its evangelistic roots and become a vibrant community that draws all people to the transformative love of Jesus Christ.

    At the heart of this renewal must be the recognition that the parish is not merely a place for serving the needs of a dwindling number of regular churchgoers, but a community called to be a beacon of hope and a conduit of God’s love for the entire surrounding neighbourhood. As Pope Francis has emphasized, parishes must shift from a maintenance mentality to a missionary one, casting aside the “we’ve always done it this way” approach in favor of actively reaching out to those who do not yet know the joy of the Gospel.

    At the foundation of this missionary effort must be a dynamic life of prayer. The parish cannot hope to be effective in its evangelistic efforts without being steeped in constant, fervent prayer – both personal and communal. From Eucharistic adoration to prayer groups to intercessory prayer for the needs of the community, the parish must cultivate an atmosphere of dependence on the Holy Spirit, trusting that it is God who ultimately draws people to himself through the witness of his people.

    Empowered by prayer, the parish should then become a place where relationships are vehicles of evangelization. The focus shifts to individual parishioners embracing a posture of openness, hospitality, and relational intentionality. Parishioners are challenged to become missionary disciples, fostering authentic bonds with neighbours, colleagues, and acquaintances. Through these meaningful connections, they can both exemplify God’s love and gently guide others toward a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    This relational approach to evangelization also necessitates a rethinking of the parish’s Sunday experience. Rather than catering primarily to the needs of the faithful few, the parish must strive to make the Sunday liturgy and community life accessible, inviting, and engaging for those who are unfamiliar with or distant from the church. This may involve everything from a welcoming greeter ministry towards visitors and newcomers, to easy-to-understand kerygmatic homilies, to music and hymns that elevates the mind and heart, drawing individuals into a deep spiritual experience. The aim is to create an environment where the unchurched feel welcomed, valued, and called into encountering the loving, transformative presence of Christ.

    Hand-in-hand with this renewed Sunday experience must be a process for gradually integrating new believers into the life of the parish community. Small groups – whether for prayer, Bible study, support, or service – become crucial incubators of faith, places where relationships deepen, spiritual formation occurs, and future leaders are identified and equipped. These small communities can then serve as springboards, sending members out to invite others and draw them into the larger parish family.

    Caring for the less fortunate, both within the church community and beyond its walls, is also a vital expression of God’s love for the world. A truly missionary parish must prioritize outreach to those who are marginalized, suffering, or in need, embodying Christ’s call to serve “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40).  By establishing ministries of mercy and justice, the parish becomes a living sign of hope, fostering relationships that transcend socioeconomic boundaries. Whether through organized initiatives like food banks or informal acts of kindness by individual parishioners, caring for the less fortunate demonstrates the transformative power of the Gospel in action. 

    Undergirding this entire vision for a missionary parish is the crucial role of the pastor. As the chief shepherd, the priest must cast and regularly communicate the parish’s evangelistic purpose, modeling a spirit of prayer and leading the community in its outreach efforts. He must also empower and equip the laity, identifying and developing leaders who will share in the work of making disciples. Rather than clinging to a maintenance-oriented model of pastoral ministry, the priest must willingly let go of control, distributing responsibility and celebrating the ministry of all the baptized.

    Ultimately, the revitalized parish becomes a manifestation of God’s extravagant love – a community that mirrors the Father’s relentless pursuit of the lost, the compassionate embrace of the prodigal, and the life-transforming power of the risen Christ. In such a parish, the barriers that often keep people distant from the church – whether intellectual, emotional, or cultural – are gradually broken down as the love of God is made tangible through the witness of his people. 

    This vision for the parish as an expression of God’s love is not an easy one, nor can it be quickly or painlessly realized. It requires a willingness to abandon our practices of “doing church as usual” and to embrace the sacrificial, Spirit-empowered work of evangelization. It necessitates a renewed commitment to prayer, a relentless focus on relationships, and a leadership model rooted in empowerment and collaboration. For those parishes who take up this challenge, the rewards will not only be in terms of numerical growth, but more importantly in the deeper, abiding fruit of lives transformed by the Gospel and a community that radiates the beauty of holiness to a world in desperate need of encountering the love of God.

     Pierre-Alain Giffard, Director of Pastoral Work

    Email: pierre.alain.giffard@gmail.com

    Articles on evangelization and parish revitalization:


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